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Is it too late?

Perhaps the newly risen "New Antartica" will've proven comfortably inhabitable. That'll've saved the expense of colonizing the Moon, Mars or Europa... :(

It'll be sometime in the next century before humans could live there on a permanent basis.
Will Antarctica ever be habitable?

I guess we'll have to get ready for a changing coastline and London will probably be caught out
by slow action on protecting London from rising sea levels. I guess people might have already read this.
It'll be sometime in the next century before humans could live there on a permanent basis.
Will Antarctica ever be habitable?

I guess we'll have to get ready for a changing coastline and London will probably be caught out
by slow action on protecting London from rising sea levels. I guess people might have already read this.
Excellent article. Wouldn’t it be wonderful is Antarctica could be preserved in its icy beauty and Mars transformed into a habitable place for humans?
Excellent article. Wouldn’t it be wonderful is Antarctica could be preserved in its icy beauty and Mars transformed into a habitable place for humans?

Antartica goes through cycles of being covered in Ice and then that ice melting. We are in an interglacial period, what would take hundreds of
thousands of years to achieve in terms of melting the ice sheets in places like Antartica, humans are managing in a few hundred years through the burning of fossil fuels.

As for Mars? We don't have the technology to terraform a planet science fiction style. At best we could set up
colonies on Mars. I think the aim for humanity should be to escape the solar system to see what's out there.
Antartica goes through cycles of being covered in Ice and then that ice melting. We are in an interglacial period, what would take hundreds of
thousands of years to achieve in terms of melting the ice sheets in places like Antartica, humans are managing in a few hundred years through the burning of fossil fuels.

As for Mars? We don't have the technology to terraform a planet science fiction style. At best we could set up
colonies on Mars. I think the aim for humanity should be to escape the solar system to see what's out there.
Escaping the solar system would cause certain ethical problems if we constructed a "generation ship".

My two last trips were to places where glaciers were disappearing. I was in Glacier National Park in mid-November a couple of years ago and it was obvious that the snowfall was less (e.g. non-existent), and that the glaciers were receding at a rapid pace. They looked nothing like photographs from the 1970s.
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Escaping the solar system would cause certain ethical problems if we constructed a "generation ship".

Not that different to the ethical problems they'd face on Mars, if say the ability to leave
and return to earth becomes impossible.

I think humanity will survive climate change, not sure our current civilisation will survive it.
Not that different to the ethical problems they'd face on Mars, if say the ability to leave
and return to earth becomes impossible.

I think humanity will survive climate change, not sure our current civilisation will survive it.
Oh, yes, it would be unethical to produce children on Mars.
A friend was talking about how her household is planning to relocate to Spain which just made me reflect that I don't think now I would relocate to anywhere south of the UK. 40C summers just seem to be becoming standard in southern Europe and I don't think I could live with that. Just shows how fucked things are really.
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