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Is it too late?

We've not been doom-laden enough

We need stronger words than “apocalyptic” and “catastrophic”. I’ve developed a bit of a tolerance and they’re just not really doing it for me any more.
We're fucked.

Please stop doing the fossil fuel companies' propaganda work for them:

Article said:
The book details the way these fossil fuel interests are working to dampen the public’s enthusiasm for taking action on climate. How are they doing that?

I use whole bunch of “D” words to describe this: deflection, delay, division, despair mongering, doomism. To start with, there is an effort to deflect attention away from systemic solutions. They are trying to convince people that climate change is not the result of their corporate policies but of our own individual actions. I mean BP [a multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London] was instrumental in the whole idea of a carbon footprint. They introduced the carbon footprint calculator to help get people to think of this as an individual-responsibility issue.

People saying shit like "we're fucked" feeds into the despair mongering and doom campaign that the fossil fuels industry has taken to promulgating, now that the evidence of climate change is undeniable to all except the most delusional.
Please stop doing the fossil fuel companies' propaganda work for them:

People saying shit like "we're fucked" feeds into the despair mongering and doom campaign that the fossil fuels industry has taken to promulgating, now that the evidence of climate change is undeniable to all except the most delusional.

I've posted once on this thread

And yes...unless we move to Nuclear power very soon and away from fossil fuels then we are fucked.

What do you want to hear? That its all roses and bumble bees and we will all be grand??
I've posted once on this thread

And yes...unless we move to Nuclear power very soon and away from fossil fuels then we are fucked.

What do you want to hear? That its all roses and bumble bees and we will all be grand??

Nobody who says this kind of thing ever quantifies what they mean by "fucked". Collapse of civilisation? Human extinction? Both are possibilities, but they are far from certainties.

The alternative to fetishising the apocalypse isn't to do nothing and pretend everything is fine. It's to take action. But people generally aren't going to take any action if they think it's pointless to do so.

I'm concerned that there may be an element of self-fulling prophecy at work, especially given that fossil fuel companies have very deep pockets with which to finance the spread of paralysing despair.

Please stop doing the fossil fuel companies' propaganda work for them:
People saying shit like "we're fucked" feeds into the despair mongering and doom campaign that the fossil fuels industry has taken to promulgating.

This is why we're fucked though.
People don't think for themselves.
Less so today than ever before.
Religion use to be used manipulate the masses.
Now we have the media and social media.
Twitter bots and spin doctors. The money pays the Piper. The masses dance to the tune.

And so we're fucked.
This summer feels hostile. Relentless. Maybe I'm jsut gettin' old. But I can't cope with the heat, not anymore. Maybe it's the heightened awareness of climate change and the cost of living pressures, but these are extraordinary times. We have another week of heatwave, though not as severe. It just feels intense: the very air is a struggle to breath. This isn't even really the start of the kind of conditions scientists have been doing their best to warn people about. But nothing will be done in the immediate future. Yet we know that resolving this crisis becomes more difficult the longer you leave it. That is the sad irony.
Nobody who says this kind of thing ever quantifies what they mean by "fucked". Collapse of civilisation? Human extinction? Both are possibilities, but they are far from certainties.

The alternative to fetishising the apocalypse isn't to do nothing and pretend everything is fine. It's to take action. But people generally aren't going to take any action if they think it's pointless to do so.

I'm concerned that there may be an element of self-fulling prophecy at work, especially given that fossil fuel companies have very deep pockets with which to finance the spread of paralysing despair.

You are the only one talking about paralysis.

We are fucked.
But that doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing or make things worse.
All we CAN do is move as fast as possible to the best alternatives and a move away from fossil fuels and towards nuclear and alternative energy is necessary for whatever future possible generational version of humanity persists after this mess.
Somehow I find it hard to accept the nuclear option. When all the establishment are in favour you have to question. We have 24 hour tides all around our shores. Harness that energy and you won't need a nuclear industry which can't deal with its hazardous waste and which is linked with nuclear arms. It's also a technology which we specifically don't want used in certain parts of the world.
I guess we bought ourselves a bit of time due to the manufacturers of CFC’s not wielding major geopolitical clout, but it’s not looking so good this time. :(
This is why we're fucked though.
People don't think for themselves.
Less so today than ever before.
Religion use to be used manipulate the masses.
Now we have the media and social media.
Twitter bots and spin doctors. The money pays the Piper. The masses dance to the tune.

And so we're fucked.
Even the vogons would recoil from that poem
Somehow I find it hard to accept the nuclear option. When all the establishment are in favour you have to question. We have 24 hour tides all around our shores. Harness that energy and you won't need a nuclear industry which can't deal with its hazardous waste and which is linked with nuclear arms. It's also a technology which we specifically don't want used in certain parts of the world.
I don’t think it’s that simple
Somehow I find it hard to accept the nuclear option. When all the establishment are in favour you have to question. We have 24 hour tides all around our shores. Harness that energy and you won't need a nuclear industry which can't deal with its hazardous waste and which is linked with nuclear arms. It's also a technology which we specifically don't want used in certain parts of the world.
One of the problems with nuclear had been highlighted the last few days in France where nuclear power stations had trouble with river water being too warm
I don’t think it’s that simple
Nothing is simple. But politicians saying that we need a mixture of power generation, including nuclear, is simple. And generally sound bite simple. Switch off brain. Spout cliché. That doesn't mean nuclear power couldn't be discussed sensibly. It just rarely is.
One of the problems with nuclear had been highlighted the last few days in France where nuclear power stations had trouble with river water being too warm
Another potential problem is clear in Ukraine. War. It happens. Most places, given enough time. Nuclear power stations are risky at the best of times, and go on being dangerous for a very long time.
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