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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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"Joris Bonson " new Prime Minister :facepalm: love the way he leans back to emphasize "to sort this brexit out":D
saw this bit on bbcnews live a lot of Brexit confusion among some :D
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Depends what you mean... you could codify the whole lot, all the conventions etc, but still leave Parliamentary sovereignty intact. I.e you’d have a written constitution, but it could be altered at any point... frankly it would clarify a lot of stuff.

Or you could try and change the nature of the constitution and have a body of constitutional law that can’t be changed on a simple majority. Though tbh I don’t see how you could do that. The next majority parliament could just come along and say your constitution was unconstitutional and ignore it.

Nah. Parliamentary sovereignty. Just need Parliament to bring it in.
"In today’s modern Galaxy there is, of course, very little still held to be unspeakable.

Many words and expressions which only a matter of decades ago were considered so distastefully explicit that were they merely to be breathed in public, the perpetrator would be shunned, barred from polite society, and, in extreme cases, shot through the lungs, are now thought to be very healthy and proper, and their use in everyday speech is seen as evidence of a well-adjusted, relaxed, and totally unf**ked-up personality.

So, for instance, when in a recent national speech, the prime minister of the United Kingdom actually dared to say that due to one thing and another, and the fact that no one had made any food for awhile and parliament seemed to have died, and that most of the population had been on holiday now for over three years, the economy had now arrived at what he called, “One whole juju-flop situation,” everyone was so pleased he felt able to come out and say it, that they quite failed to notice that their two-thousand-year-old civilisation had just collapsed overnight.

But though even words like “juju-flop,” “swut,” and “turlingdrome” are now perfectly acceptable in common usage, there is one word that is still beyond the pale. The concept it embodies is so revolting that the publication or broadcast of the word is utterly forbidden in all parts of the galaxy except one - where they don’t know what it means.

That word is “Brexit”..."

With thanks to the late Douglas Adams.
Its been another day which seems like a pretty big thing has happened but its hard to work out the implications and if indeed much will change. Johnson is still in charge and the Brexit date still exists. Load of opposition people saying he should resign but very few calling for a vonc.

Parliament will be sitting again but what real difference will it make? Will it just be a load of self-important waffle or is anything concrete going to come out of it?
Its been another day which seems like a pretty big thing has happened but its hard to work out the implications and if indeed much will change. Johnson is still in charge and the Brexit date still exists. Load of opposition people saying he should resign but very few calling for a vonc.

Parliament will be sitting again but what real difference will it make? Will it just be a load of self-important waffle or is anything concrete going to come out of it?

It'll make Mail readers even angrier, which can only be a good thing
have to wait and see but does any of this really change much? Unless Labour call a VONC which they don't plan to do till ...sometime in the future...doesn't Boris just stroll on?
A government with a working majority could bring in a written constitution. It's not a new idea.
Constitutional reform is generally something parties talk well about in opposition, then do fuck all about in office, finding the unwritten stuff rather convenient to their needs, especially if they have a working majority.
Constitutional reform is generally something parties talk well about in opposition, then do fuck all about in office, finding the unwritten stuff rather convenient to their needs, especially if they have a working majority.

Sure but they talk a grand job of it in opposition.
A government with a working majority could bring in a written constitution. It's not a new idea.

I know it’s not a new idea. My point was that it can only have a limited effect... it’s fine if you just want to clear up all the conventions etc, and expect subsequent governments to go along with that. But you’ll always run up against parliamentary sovereignty if you try to go further than that.
I'm probably chatting shit here but is there any prospect of Johnson govt calling a VONC itself (lol) to get a GE (just) before 31 October? Have heard it bandied about, dunno if it's just bollocks
I'm probably chatting shit here but is there any prospect of Johnson govt calling a VONC itself (lol) to get a GE (just) before 31 October? Have heard it bandied about, dunno if it's just bollocks
I was wondering exactly that as well. It feels like the next move tbh. Only problem is that it doesn't automatically trigger an election.
A VONC looks a distant possibility as the liberals, dissident tories, possibly even PLP members wouldn’t support a Corbyn government.

So there either needs to be a GE. Or a 2nd ref. In the case of the former do we sense a genuine desire for one? In the case of the latter then we can expect the parliamentary chatter and game to move on to who leads the ‘national government of unity’ to oversee it.
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