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Iraqis; 'Surge' a failure.

The guy in charge of the surge says its a success, which is a bit of a relief. I thought it may have been failing.
its good news and bad news innit

Good news - if yer a Brit squaddie and can now escape, knowing fine well that the rest of eerak is under US control and doing very well thank you.

Bad news - for everyone else in the area
Petraeus knows his job is to stall until Bush is out of office - he wouldn't have got the job in the first place unless he agreed to that.
moono said:
Does anybody else's opinion really matter ?

Nah, only the opinions of the Pentagon and the White House count. Remember these were the same folk who told us all that the "Iraqis would welcome our troops with garlands of flowers".
Depends what you mean by "matter", but then you know that already!

Juan Cole is worried, probably rightly, that the collapse of Iraq is going to get pinned on the next President, most likely a Democrat, unless they're very clever indeed:

Despite what the pundits will say, I fear the testimony of Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the Hill Monday and Tuesday is not a turning point, does not give Bush breathing room, and is largely irrelevant.

To any extent that what they do in Iraq ends up making a real positive difference, Petraeus and Crocker will likely be doing the Democrats a big favor, not Bush, who won't be in office much longer.

The central question is whether the Democrats can force a significant reduction of troops from Iraq on Bush's watch, so as to avoid Iraq becoming exclusively their headache when they (as is likely) take over the White House in January of 2009. If they could, this drawdown would be the best option. Certainly, that is what a majority of Iraqis thinks, according to the new BBC/ABC poll.

But the answer is: No. The Democrats cannot get the troops out of Iraq because they cannot overturn a Bush veto in the House of Representatives, and because they cannot overcome the need for a consensus of 60 senators in the Senate. Some Democrats, such as Joe Lieberman, oppose a rapid withdrawal. And the likelihood that 11 Republican senators will suddenly become withdrawalniks between now and November, 2008, is negligible.
He also like Petraeus:
I'm a severe skeptic on the likelihood of anything that looks like success in Iraq. But I don't think career public servants such as Ryan Crocker and David Petraeus are acting as partisan Republicans in their Iraq efforts. I think they both are sincere, experienced men attempting to retrieve what they can for America from Bush's catastrophe. They may as well try, since the Democrats can't over-rule Bush and get the troops out, anyway. If the troops are there, they may as well at least be deployed intelligently, which is what Gen. Petraeus is doing. I wish them well in their Herculean labors. Because if they fail, I have a sinking feeling that we are all going down with them, including the next Democratic president. And their success is a long shot.
so the Long term US plan is:

1) Get out with minimal losses
2) Barricade Iraq to stop too much of the shit from leaking out
3) Wait for new dictator / s to emerge
4) make friends with new dictator/s with the help of $ to ensure Oil supply
5) repeat ad infinitum
I don't think there is a plan anymore - beyond trying to hang on for as long as possible and just hope the entire region doesn't explode into unpredictable chaos.

The parameters of potential outcomes might yet still broaden considerably.
I'll say it again, my view is that they will hang on in there until their mega embassy is finished.
TAE said:
I'll say it again, my view is that they will hang on in there until their mega embassy is finished.
"Embassy" is a terrific euphemism here. It's armoured, it's full of soldiers. "Base" is the more usual term :D
It has become clear that the US/UK have already lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been defeated militarily, and cannot win. Good. It seems to me that the scale of their defeat will not become clear for a few years, but that they have been defeated is clear enough, and is understood as such in much of the non-western media. Lets hope the US and UK get their arse kicked, and get driven out of Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else with their tails between their legs. The defeat of the US/UK allied forces is really a great thing, as now the whole world knows they can be defeated. Fantastic. The Iraqi resistance are really heroes for the whole world as they are the ones who have defeated the US/UK invading forces. This is the opinion that really counts. Iraq will be the graveyard of US/UK imperialism! Death to Imperialism!
I don't understant what Juan Cole is saying here:

If the troops are there, they may as well at least be deployed intelligently, which is what Gen. Petraeus is doing. I wish them well in their Herculean labors. Because if they fail, I have a sinking feeling that we are all going down with them, including the next Democratic president.
Who is "we" are where are the 'we' "going down" to?
origen said:
It has become clear that the US/UK have already lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been defeated militarily, and cannot win. Good. It seems to me that the scale of their defeat will not become clear for a few years, but that they have been defeated is clear enough, and is understood as such in much of the non-western media. Lets hope the US and UK get their arse kicked, and get driven out of Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else with their tails between their legs. The defeat of the US/UK allied forces is really a great thing, as now the whole world knows they can be defeated. Fantastic. The Iraqi resistance are really heroes for the whole world as they are the ones who have defeated the US/UK invading forces. This is the opinion that really counts. Iraq will be the graveyard of US/UK imperialism! Death to Imperialism!

I think you are getting carried away here:rolleyes:

You ought to think things through before posting, child.
London_Calling said:
I don't think there is a plan anymore - beyond trying to hang on for as long as possible and just hope the entire region doesn't explode into unpredictable chaos.
there never was a plan LC
Detroit City said:
there never was a plan LC
nah - there was a plan alright, but it had nowt to do with liberation, democracy or freedom, just how to pump billions of dollars of US and Iraqi money into the hands of a few megacorporationss, and get corporate control over Iraqs oil reserves.

They've pretty much achieved everything they set out to achieve, with both countries pretty much bled dry & Iraq signing over all democratic control to it's oil rights for the next 30 years... job done I reckon.
IMHO the idea of the Surge is to direct sectarian attacks onto US troops so that they have a single enemy, rather than fight each other.

The US wants a leader that is not allied with Iran. At the moment that would make lead me to believe this to be Muqtada al-Sadr who is both anti-Iranian and anti-American. Basically a Shi'i Iraqi nationalist.

I doubt this will work.
The surge is a time buying exercise and has been successful in it seems helping the Sunni tribes throw off Al Qaeda in Iraq, (though they would probably have dome this themselves at some point anyway) but little else.

The Americans would never side with Al Sadr, as he is quite populist and wouldnt give them the Oil contracts they want. They would never side with Sciri as its Iranian backed. And they cant side with a Sunni because the Shia will never again accept a Sunni leader. And the Kurds, well NOONE wants a Kurdish leader.

Which is why the US are completely fucked in Iraq.
grogwilton said:
The surge is a time buying exercise and has been successful in it seems helping the Sunni tribes throw off Al Qaeda in Iraq, (though they would probably have dome this themselves at some point anyway) but little else.

The Americans would never side with Al Sadr, as he is quite populist and wouldnt give them the Oil contracts they want. They would never side with Sciri as its Iranian backed. And they cant side with a Sunni because the Shia will never again accept a Sunni leader. And the Kurds, well NOONE wants a Kurdish leader.

Which is why the US are completely fucked in Iraq.

They won't side with him. This makes him a potential leader. Get my drift. Why the fuck did Bush go meet with Sheikh Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, he basically got him killed by having this meeting.
lenny101 said:
The guy in charge of the surge says its a success, which is a bit of a relief. I thought it may have been failing.

The latest cover of PE sums it up nicely, would link to it but they're slow at updating their web site.
zoltan69 said:
I think you are getting carried away here:rolleyes:

You ought to think things through before posting, child.

Why? Is not everything i said correct? Is not the 'surge' a failure? And is it not in fact good that the US/UK are being defeated and the whole world knows it? Why cannot we say what is the truth, and say openly that it is good that the US/UK are losing, that a military defeat for the west is fantastic for the whole world? More importantly, should not all anti imperialists rejoice in the US/UK defeat? So, yes, i have thought before posting, but you cannot reply but only insult. Why? Who the hell are you anyway to tell anyone what they can and cannot post? The Iraqi resistance have been able to defeat the US/UK forces, which is something we should rejoice in, if we are really anti imperialists. Let me ask you a straight question, please answer in an honest manner. If you are against the war, then is it not the best thing for the US/UK to actually lose in Iraq? For the Imperialist project to fail completely?
warren said:
They won't side with him. This makes him a potential leader. Get my drift. Why the fuck did Bush go meet with Sheikh Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, he basically got him killed by having this meeting.

Now I see where your coming from. ;) He met with Abu Risha because he thought it would look good back home. Risha would probably have been killed anyway for his work opposing Al Qaeda, but youre right, someone who meets with Bush has basically sealed their fate.
origen said:
Why? Is not everything i said correct? Is not the 'surge' a failure? And is it not in fact good that the US/UK are being defeated and the whole world knows it? Why cannot we say what is the truth, and say openly that it is good that the US/UK are losing, that a military defeat for the west is fantastic for the whole world? More importantly, should not all anti imperialists rejoice in the US/UK defeat? So, yes, i have thought before posting, but you cannot reply but only insult. Why? Who the hell are you anyway to tell anyone what they can and cannot post? The Iraqi resistance have been able to defeat the US/UK forces, which is something we should rejoice in, if we are really anti imperialists. Let me ask you a straight question, please answer in an honest manner. If you are against the war, then is it not the best thing for the US/UK to actually lose in Iraq? For the Imperialist project to fail completely?

Put down the Regis debray - youve had too much to think.
zoltan69 said:
Put down the Regis debray - youve had too much to think.

And you dont think at all, just typical English ironic in joke humour that is not political What is the purpose of urban 75 if not to discuss this issue, or is it just chit chat, as kind of left wing big brother gossip chat room? This is the problem tho, the uk left anarchist marxist left are irrelevant to defeating imperialism, and so we just chit chat on the internet about nothing. Why pick on me, and not the other people, as they are clearly talking about nothing, least of all anything of interest to the report? As i understand it, the report is a statement of defeat by the UK/US forces, and this is a good thing. Do you agree with me or not? If not, what the hell is your point? If you do not really have a point, than fuck off and do something else.
warren said:
They won't side with him. This makes him a potential leader. Get my drift. Why the fuck did Bush go meet with Sheikh Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, he basically got him killed by having this meeting.
Who was Risha anyway?
I smell a rat
You are right, origen. The problem is that it is all but treason to agree, even though the situation was brought about by the manipulation and dishonesty of the treacherous Blair cabal and their fellow travellers.

There will, eventually, be a proper enquiry into the worst and most stupid and most unnecessary British military defeat for more than a century. I say it was an unnecessary defeat, because we should never have attacked and invaded Iraq in the first place. There was no objective reason* to start the war. It was launched on false pretenses, and was never winnable on that basis.

Once we've had a proper investigation and enquiry into Blair's conspiracy this country will be able to get back to looking after its real interests -- which I agree are post-imperial. It is the real interests of small countries to bolster international law. Sucking up to the latest bully on the planet just ain't smart. That could lead one into anything. As indeed we've seen.

You really cannot tell your friends by the flags they wave anymore. You need to know a person's political compass, and not be too fussed about the particular Church they happen to attend.

*and it's fascinating that so many "leftist" thinkers deny that such a thing as "objective reason" is possible at all :eek:
The only problem I have is the insurgents /taliban are far worse than anything the neo cons could foist on the peoples of iraq and afganistian :( .
It was the neo-cons -- the attack on Iraq -- that effectively foisted alq on the Iraqis.

Without the rational of an unjustified foreign invasion, alq would not have gained so much traction in Iraq. That gives cause to believe that in the absense of the invaders the fascist tactics of alq would lose credibility. And that would help the Iraqis to rid themselves of the mass-murderer "jihadists" the unjustified attack and invasion did so much to encourage.
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