I don't quite understand the beef some have here with intersectional politics? Most people I encounter that identify as intersectional do not lack a class based analysis, nor downplay it's effects, instead they recognise racism, patriachy, ableism, transphobia etc all serve as a divide and rule tactic for the elite. If you recognise how implicitly pervasive not only capitalism, but these other forms of discrimination, is in shaping our lives, interactions, and relationships, on a subconscious level, then what is the point in only trying to tackle capitalism without addressing these other issues? To me it just sits happily with my politics, that everyone is of equal value and should deserve an equal say, and intersectionality is promoting these values within our own communities/protest groups whilst fighting capitalism. Gender oppression, racism, ableism etc are tools of capitalist oppression - so we should smash them all.
I do also have issues with the language of academia and the way certain types just throw out complicated jargon expecting us all to understand it.