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Industrial music and its relationship(??) to fascism

we need a total proletarian possesion of the body politic, Papa Legba in a donkey jacket.


You've nothing to lose but your souls.
That's what slave castes are for.
Maybe Santeria is a candidate?

yes, but no. Santeria's position in Cuba is particularly interesting as throughout the 1960s to 1980s (when Cuba's Communist Party was still very much into the Stalinist Soviet mindset) Santeria was condemned as "backward folk traditions of the ignorant and uneducated", its rites and sacrifices as "grotesque waste of economic resources" and actively persecuted (i.e. those holding Santeria rituals would be reported, have their Party cards withdrawn, could be prosecuted for 'illegal assembly' etc, and nobody would openly wear Santeria-related items). But after the post 1989 economic collapse ... and in fact maybe even a bit before that ... the Party structures suddenly did a 180 and began to laud it as the cultural strength of the oppresssed classes, with extra dashes of "friendliness" to Afro Cubans etc etc.

Santeria itself is big on polytheism and tricksterism (so it could be said to back up the poor and rebellious) but it's also saturated with non-equality-loving images (kingship, different roles for men and women, and everything being achieved through the medium of sacrifice, which is mostly economic sacrifice) so it's not really easy to pin down as having any ideological position at all.
You don't know much about Paganism, do you? :D

What you're dealing with in terms of this thread are post-Christian manifestations of what the celebrants believe to be pre-Christian rites. They're not, they're mostly interpretations of rites taken from translations of 8th and 9th century Eddas written by (oh the irony!) Christian monks.

Neo-Paganism has so many facets that just saying "paganism" is specious. You need to elucidate which paganism you're talking about.

Oh I see..we have a pagan apologist among us . Sticking up for them .

Plainly they never learned their lesson last time round. If those fuckos want dark theres nobody does it better than us .



a new inquistion mightnt do any harm, theyd never expect it .
Oh I see..we have a pagan apologist among us . Sticking up for them .

Plainly they never learned their lesson last time round. If those fuckos want dark theres nobody does it better than us .



a new inquistion mightnt do any harm, theyd never expect it .
Sounding a bit too much like dwyer there.
Oh I see..we have a pagan apologist among us . Sticking up for them .

Plainly they never learned their lesson last time round. If those fuckos want dark theres nobody does it better than us .



a new inquistion mightnt do any harm, theyd never expect it .

Those Spanish dupes are about as 'ard as a tub of lard. A Wiccan could do the lot of 'em. :)
I just remembered a non-industrial, non-metal and presumably non-rightwing example of bands spouting dodgy pagan nonsense. Some crust band (I can't remember which one, they all look alike to me, maybe Scatha) had a quote on one of their inlay cards praising human sacrifice. You might think that they'd be messing saying something like that, but the quote seemed quite earnest. It said something along the lines of once we sacrificed ourselves to save the earth, now we sacrifice the earth etc. blah blah. Good old crusties. Making human sacrifice sound right-on.
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I just remembered a non-industrial, non-metal and presumably non-rightwing example of bands spouting dodgy pagan nonsense. Some crust band (I can't remember which one, they all look alike to me, maybe Scatha) had a quote on one of their inlay cards praising human sacrifice. You might think that they'd be messing saying something like that, but the quote seemed quite earnest. It said something along the lines of once we sacrificed ourselves to save the earth, now we sacrifice the earth etc. blah blah. Good old crusties. Making human sacrifice sound right-on.
sedition were'nt it

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