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If god exists, would you worship him?

I think that even if it could be proved beyond all reasonable doubt that god does exist, I doubt that I would worship him - especially if it was the god described by Catholicism, Islam, and other organised religions

He seems very vindictive and petty, as well as largely indifferent to peoples' suffering.

I can almost understand why people would believe that god exists - even though I personally do not. But to then decide to worship such a being? I don't understand that
What if It needs us to observe and notice and interact with it in order to have any sense of Itself?

What if we were created in order for that to happen.

We co-create God as and when we interact with it.
Lots of what ifs, and no reason to believe that any of them are true.

My sensible answer to this is that, if there is something we might call 'god' and miraculously, against all the available evidence, the point of view I call 'me' somehow survives death, I'll stand up straight and stick by my lack of belief. After all, I can have no way of telling what answer said 'god' might want.
No you wont . You'll be in a state of grace and therefore much less of a twat .

Most likely though you'll go to hell. Eternity with thatcher, Adolf , jimmy Saville and Hillary Clinton.
I take issue with Stephen Fry. He actually gives credence to the very idea of God in his atheism. I'm less interested in 'Does God exist' as the very idea of God supports religion's main theistic building block. Religion is an anthropological & cultural construct. The Universe appears mysterious at present, get over it.
I take issue with Stephen Fry. He actually gives credence to the very idea of God in his atheism. I'm less interested in 'Does God exist' as the very idea of God supports religion's main theistic building block. Religion is an anthropological & cultural construct. The Universe appears mysterious at present, get over it.
Well yes, the question needs unpicking before you provide any kind of answer. My first question to anybody asking is to please define 'god'. I genuinely don't know what that word means, and it appears to mean something different to different people.

As a for instance, people often cite Einstein as a believer. But Einstein was basically a deist, which means that he took the very existence of existence to be proof of 'god', but that his 'belief' extended absolutely no further than that. Functionally, it was equivalent to atheism.
As a for instance, people often cite Einstein as a believer. But Einstein was basically a deist, which means that he took the very existence of existence to be proof of 'god', but that his 'belief' extended absolutely no further than that. Functionally, it was equivalent to atheism.

Good point. It's difficult to know what Heidegger thought but it may have been something similar; God as the ground of being.
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