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Hurricane Sandy - "Perfect Storm"

Sandy: Haiti fears food shortages after hurricane

Farmlands in southern Haiti were extensively damaged
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Storm Sandy
Fears are growing of food shortages in Haiti, after the strong winds and heavy rain of Hurricane Sandy caused extensive crop damage.
Aid workers and officials are also warning that flooding could lead to a sharp rise in cholera cases.
Sandy is blamed for some 70 deaths in the Caribbean. Of these more than 50 were in Haiti.
In Jamaica and Cuba, which took direct hits from the hurricane, the clean-up is also continuing.
Sandy, which was a category one hurricane when it clipped Haiti last week, brought heavy rain and flooding.
At least 54 people died in what Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe called a "disaster of major proportions".
Actually I'm not sure what color you'd call them. It's a sort of ambiguous color. I believe Drew's film of me in Times Square is on this thread somewhere, so why don't you take a look at that and tell me what color my trousers are? If you care so much.

Which of these is closest to you? I'm guessing the first or the last one.

Actually, probably the 4th one.



Revealing the two New Yorks.....

Some sections of the city, such as Manhattan north of 39th Street, and inland parts of Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, are practically back to normal. Residents have power, water and Internet, restaurants and stores are open, and for the most part, the bustle of the city has returned.
In the other New York, however, a humanitarian crisis is looming. As this article was being written on Wednesday, hundreds of thousands of people were still without power--and will be for several days more--after a transformer explosion that affected Manhattan below 39th Street.
Full article here:
If I had to choose which of those men I was most like, I'd hope it was the slightly geeky 4th one. All the others are so in love with themselves it makes me nauseas. I suspect their wank fantasies involve self-cloning.

I know no one asked me, I'm just graciously gifting you my unsolicited opinion.
If I had to choose which of those men I was most like, I'd hope it was the slightly geeky 4th one. All the others are so in love with themselves it makes me nauseas. I suspect their wank fantasies involve self-cloning.

Not the men, the trousers. Twit.
KRS-1 using rhyme to disseminate survival tips

Whether I like or no, we gonn survive that,
Food, clothes and shelter, we gonn find that
When you hear this sound, you know that I’m back
Hey, it’s where I put your mind at

When that disaster hit, don’t you get trapped in it
You must always stay prepared with your disaster kit
In the club you might be drunk and you may laugh a bit
But when you sober up you know it hits what you have to get
Stay prepared, never be fear for no evil scared
These natural disaster, cannot be compared
So rise and realize you will survive
In the mean time prepare yourself with these supplies
Get coils of rope and coils of wire, in a water proof container
Put all your fire, like matches and candles, and don’t wear sandals
Get some hard boots and work gloves to handle
The situation, cause when disaster hits the nation
You and your family gonn need your medication
Antibiotics, aspirins, don chronic
Even health foods like vitamins and garlic
Pain relievers, inhalers and breathes
And make sure you got something that can take down a fever
A spray bottle of water, with 10% bleach
So you can disinfect the objects you reach
And speaking of bleach, here’s what I teach
Don’t think that you can drink the water from the beach
You gonn have to drink that water from your hood
And purify the water to make sure it’s all good
Put things in order
Put 8 drops of pure unscented liquor bleach
Into the water, use only 8 drops for every 1 gallon you working
You’ll need about 5 gallons a person
With no water, things could get lethal
It’s dehydration, not starvation that kills people
So look for the water first, don’t be robbing and looting and stealing and killing
That will only make this worse
Be smart, plan ahead, save some cash, a radio, some gas
And some blow up beds
Keep your disaster kits, high on the shelf
With your weapons, you might have to defend yourself
Get a flash light, chemical light sticks and whole that
A compass, some dry food, maybe a road map
Don’t forget things like …listerine, bandages and antihistamine
Like … so when things get ill, you will survive
Cause you really got skill
You opened your eyes
After you got through your list of supplies
Check your attitude, know that you gonna survive

Whether I like or no, we gonn survive that,
Food, clothes and shelter, we gonn find that
When you hear this sound, you know that I’m back
Hey, it’s where I put your mind at

This is no way to get us up & running

Generators should give power to people — not marathon

  • Last Updated: 4:40 PM, November 2, 2012
  • Posted: 2:24 AM, November 2, 2012

Dan Brinzac
Portable emergency generators providing power to the New York Marathon tent set up in Central Park.
As hundreds of thousands of Big Apple residents suffer in homes left without power by Hurricane Sandy, two massive generators are being run 24/7 in Central Park — to juice a media tent for Sunday’s New York City Marathon.
And a third “backup” unit sits idle, in case one of the generators fails.
EDITORIAL: Marathon is power mad!
The three diesel-powered generators crank out 800 kilowatts — enough to power 400 homes in ravaged areas like Staten Island, the Rockaways and downtown Manhattan.

Occupy Sandy@OccupySandy
Spanish! Hebrew! Mandarin! Russian! The voices of the 99% united at #sandyvolunteer. It is quite a sight, join us! pic.twitter.com/u8M9tcCu
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