Am poorly so will write short but why would some other foreigners being responsible be better news?
There appears to be some sort of criminal gangs or nexus based around Maghreb Arabic language and connections.
A lot of the interpretations I've been seeing in the media and on social media
persistently don't seem to want to engage with the facts around street crime gangs, people smuggling, policing issues associated with them nor with endemic trivialising of sexual assault, economic and military contexts of refugee flows and a bunch of other things that it seems pretty obvious from the evidence are at least somewhat central to what occurred.
I'm wondering why that is.
In the case of racist political tendencies, either because they're pushing a nativist agenda, or an islamophobe/hasbara agenda or both, the motivation for persistently ignoring that stuff is fairly clear. They want to froth about threatened white women and degenerate foreigners, and/or claim that muslim=rapist and they want to talk about leftist conspiracies to inflict these things on people and cover them up. So boring stuff about policing issues and street crime (or root-cause analysis that talks about capital and patriarchy and so on) just doesn't get their blood racing or serve their propaganda interests as well as heroic outrage about protecting white women from a horde of drooling foreign beasts.
In the case of some of the liberal types acting that way though, both on here (see below) and around media and social media in general, I'm a bit more puzzled as to what's going on in their heads leading to dismissing the contexts of the attacks. Both the gang context and general context of endemic toleration for some level of sexual assault (all the Oktoberfest stuff) and the capitalist dynamics of refugee flows
edited to add (after checking that I'd remembered the exchanges correctly)
bimble for example, you repeatedly dismissed criminality as a factor but then appeared to back off a bit in that exchange where I was obliged to dig out a bunch of quotes.
I never really understood why you were so initially hostile to examining those aspects though. Do you want to elaborate? You said some stuff about it having 'zero explanatory power' which I think is just obviously false (in the sense that I don't agree with that view), but I didn't follow up at the time.