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How much to send a parcel to the moon?

20-30 billion US dollars according to NASA.

Though that's for a human landing on the moon. You could probably get away with an unmanned craft for half that.
20-30 billion US dollars according to NASA.

Though that's for a human landing on the moon. You could probably get away with an unmanned craft for half that.

ACTUALLY! That's not a bad idea.

How long is a piece of string? You didn't specify a payload mass. Also, does the item to be transported have any special storage requirements?

It needs to be the way the arrow on the box says. And don't put your stickers all over it, thanks very much! Also, can it go in the cab next to the driver? It's around an ounce, 28g. Maybe a quarter less than that, depending. It will be vacuum-packed. For space, to help it be in space.
It needs to be the way the arrow on the box says. And don't put your stickers all over it, thanks very much! Also, can it go in the cab next to the driver? It's around an ounce, 28g. Maybe a quarter less than that, depending. It will be vacuum-packed. For space, to help it be in space.
Your friends are going to struggle to smoke that on the moon given the lack of oxygen. Why not have them round instead?
It needs to be the way the arrow on the box says. And don't put your stickers all over it, thanks very much! Also, can it go in the cab next to the driver? It's around an ounce, 28g. Maybe a quarter less than that, depending. It will be vacuum-packed. For space, to help it be in space.

Unfortunately I don't think there are currently any crewed spacecraft in existence that can deliver a package of that mass to the surface of the Moon. Your package may be severely delayed.

You haven't said where the parcel is now. Or which moon.

They did say "the moon", which is commonly referring to Earth's Luna.
You haven't said where the parcel is now. Or which moon.

Well, the parcel is at my friend's, of course! It's the one in the sky.

Your friends are going to struggle to smoke that on the moon given the lack of oxygen. Why not have them round instead?

Yes but think of the space helmet!

Unfortunately I don't think there are currently any crewed spacecraft in existence that can deliver a package of that mass to the surface of the Moon. Your package may be severely delayed.

Well that's a bit shit, isn't it? What have they been doing with our tax pounds for all this time?
Has your mate bothered reading the note I left? I don't know, you go all the way to the moon and the fucker does nt even answer the doorbell. Anyway the package is now in our Slough depot where he can collect it. Opening hours are 4am-6am Monday to Friday
They did say "the moon", which is commonly referring to Earth's Luna.
This is a very Earth-centric assumption that is probably the cause of numerous lost or misdirected parcels, not to mention endless administration. When you complain about high prices perhaps you should think about your own contributions to the problem.

There’s an interesting bit in Tim Peake’s book about packing for a trip to the space station. You have to do it rather a long way in advance...
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Well that's a bit shit, isn't it? What have they been doing with our tax pounds for all this time?

The UK Space Agency gets less than half a billion quid in annual funding. I don't think that's quite enough to fund crewed missions. I wish it were higher but the cunts in charge of this country are more interested in funnelling money towards their mates than they are in building a future in space for this country.

This is a very Earth-centric assumption

Given we live in an Earth-centric civilisation, it's entirely appropriate.
The UK Space Agency gets less than half a billion quid in annual funding. I don't think that's quite enough to fund crewed missions. I wish it were higher but the cunts in charge of this country are more interested in funnelling money towards their mates than they are in building a future in space for this country.

Given we live in an Earth-centric civilisation, it's entirely appropriate.
UK has, for decades, been of the view that the future of space isn't manned. Probably right.
UK has, for decades, been of the view that the future of space isn't manned. Probably right.

I think that's a short-sighted view of the future of space. Even with the technological advancements we have so far, remotely controlled probes and landers take fucking ages to do shit that would be trivial for human explorers on the scene.

If we're to be serious as a species about becoming more than a one-planet civilisation, then supporting human life on other worlds will not be optional, it will be critical to the primary objective.
The UK Space Agency gets less than half a billion quid in annual funding. I don't think that's quite enough to fund crewed missions. I wish it were higher but the cunts in charge of this country are more interested in funnelling money towards their mates than they are in building a future in space for this country.

Yes but, is half a billion enough to get my parcel there? It's umanned.
I put 'Wee woo woowoo woowoo wee woo' through Google translate:

"The Soup-Dragon is a cunt"

In fact 'Soup-Dragon' and 'cunt' are the same word in Clangerese
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