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Send Mation to the Moon!

Tell them you want to meet the Clangers and learn about their technology - particularly the Soup Dragon - to benefit humanity on your return to Earth. And you also want study their physiology to work out how they can breathe in a vacuum or near vacuum. That'll put your application to the top of the pile.
It would have to be non-invasive study, should they consent. I'm not killing any Clangers!

(I suspect they have colonies of tardigrades inside them, instead of lungs...)
It would have to be non-invasive study, should they consent. I'm not killing any Clangers!

(I suspect they have colonies of tardigrades inside them, instead of lungs...)
Vivisection on clangers is the only way to learn their secrets - and to confirm if they're really pink all the way through. :( You can easily sew up their skins afterwards with some wool

The Moon Tardigrades might have become sentient after being exposed to solar radiation. :hmm:
Fucking HELL. This business of getting to the moon is a bit nerve-wracking.

I didn't leave it all to the last minute, for once. Only it ended up being literally to the very last minute.

Been writing my application all week, but thought I'd leave sending it till this morning, just to have as much time as poss to make sure I was happy with it.

Checked and double-checked the submission deadline. 23:59 on 21 March. Then checked again. 21 March at 23:59 JST.


So, 14:59, current UK time. Ok. No problem. I was still on track.

Finished writing and reviewing my two, 300-word answers to screening process part two this morning. Edited them both down to 300 words exactly.

Then spent the next SEVERAL HOURS trying to submit the fucking thing.

The text boxes didn't accept pasted in apostrophes, nor extra line spaces delineating paragraphs. Continual red text warning that the word limit was 300. I wasn't over it, having checked and checked again in Word, but tried deleting the odd word, anyway. 299 words; 298; 280, etc...

No joy.

Any time I tried again, it reloaded stage 1 (which I'd previously done and thought was saved, but apparently wasn't). So again, and again, each step.

I looked at Twitter. Lots of others having trouble submitting, too.

I tried every suggestion. Updated my browser; reduced the size of the pictures; left out the social media details; used a different browser altogether.

No joy.

Finally, almost in tears at 14:58, with less than a minute to go, I just deleted a semi-random sentence from each answer, clicked 'Confirm Selection2' for the millionth time, and lo:


I remember posting here from a bus for the first time and being blown away and slightly smug that I was able to use the internet on the move.

Imagine if you post from the moon?! You should get all the Urban trophies handed to you after that. Top of the points leaderboard, forever. :cool:
Haven’t you gone already? Every time I see this thread bloody Frank Sinatra starts up in my head.

Nup, still here. You've got a good year of more of this nonsense, if I get beyond this stage :thumbs:

I feel your Sinatra pain, though. Stepped out of one leg of my knickers this morning, and then sort of kicked away the other leg, catching them in the opposite hand. Was clearly impressed with myself as my brain immediately burst into New York New York with disgusting enthusiasm.

Bad times.
Nup, still here. You've got a good year of more of this nonsense, if I get beyond this stage :thumbs:

I feel your Sinatra pain, though. Stepped out of one leg of my knickers this morning, and then sort of kicked away the other leg, catching them in the opposite hand. Was clearly impressed with myself as my brain immediately burst into New York New York with disgusting enthusiasm.

Bad times.
I’m definitely going to Cape Canaveral to see you off!
Wracked nerves update:

Total panic stations when I actually read the confirmation email for my submission. One of my answers was missing the first two paragraphs!!!!!

However, I then saw an email sent this evening, extending the deadline by a day. Apparently loads of others had trouble getting the damn thing to work, too :hmm:

So, I resubmitted by email, with all intended words there. I think. Am pretty sure. I'm not looking at it again, not even peeping through my fingers.

I reckon it will be crap. Have a look at the Mars thread, that’s shit, it’s just endless nothing. Starting to suspect that interplanetary travel is being pushed by the same team that done Lapland New Forest.
The Lunar Sensory Area just a dome containing some abandoned power cables and empty recycled plastic bottles of Huel? :(
We do not know if there is psytrance on the moon, but if there is, it must be destroyed. Therefore I can think of no better ambassador than mation and I endorse her mission.
You can shut down one lunar base but those in the know have a second location already setup (with resident chai wallah)
Here is your chance Mation - you just need to hijack the ship once you are in orbit.

Well, this is odd. Turns out I'd be happy to take a jaunt to the moon, but don't fancy being a career astronaut :confused: And this is probably just as well :D

I think I'd be really bored. Not about the idea of going into space, but with all the lack of novelty (after the first bit, obvs) in order to properly prepare.

A hijack might liven it up a bit, s'pose.
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Are you there yet Mation?

I was expecting postcards and pictures by now. :(

Apparently people with ADHD aren't welcome as crew on space missions. (I've learned this from the ESA guidance, rather than project billionaire.)

Silly, really. So long as you stuck me in cryo for the boring bits and thawed me out for the crises, I'd be essential crew :oldthumbsup:

But if they're not even planning to have any crises, then maybe I don't want to go after all, even just to the moon for a bit. Bet they don't even have any pipes to put that in and smoke it :rolleyes:
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