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How many of us anarcho types are left here then?

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Nigel Irritable said:
In all fairness, unless you're one of the dozen or two dozen people (at most) who have been involved in the recent outbreak of squabbling I don't see that it's at all difficult to post both here and on the "other place". Both have their good points and their weaknesses, their interesting posters and their idiots.

i'm not asking you to take sides (i'd love it never to even be an issue) but doesn't the incessant slagging of the ed / the mod / urban get you down? 4 page threads casting aspersions on where the subs go? threats to report the editor to the Inland Revenue, shit like that?
Dubversion said:
people are free to post on both, although with threads on TG lambasting people for being stupid enough to contribute to the server fund, for example, it's not being made very easy for them.

Been reading that, among some other (innocuous) threads over there.

Some folks really really hate Urban 75 don't they?

If that's what going on in public (and to be fair there are a few efforts in that thread by mods to calm it) fuck knows what's (still) happening on restricted areas.

They've given us NOTHING to make me prepared to believe that this shit has really stopped.
William of Walworth said:
Some folks really really hate Urban 75 don;t they?

and it's not just the usual cunts. even people i had a lot of time for as recently as last week are now very high on my shitlist. i really hoped this would have been handled with good grace and a willingness by some to not condone the worst excesses of others.. :(
the tolling gang boards are actually far poorer for content than urban ever was.

a bunch of cliquey cunts whose hypocrisy is beyond the pale, having a mutual masturbation marathon is not my idea of a good board. I mean urban is much more open and actually has political arguments whilst the twatting gang seems to allow opinion only when it falls within the juntas little remit. In my short time there I saw no interesting debates whatsoever. It lacks the openness of urban and the depth of debate of libcom, even libcom which is theoretically tighter hasn't got the pathetic pompousity of the JUNTA, a joke that has perhaps lost all irony?

Seems like some lil kiddies got upset that other people were joining their game so they went off in a huff.

And the gulag is the most unwelcoming idea ever, something I find a bit strange since fuckwits like oisleep and other libcom users who are involved in the junta are continously whinging about making Libcom more newbie friendly and creating a more inclusive atmosphere.
it is astonishing that after all the shit thrown at Urban about favouritism and brown-nosing and unfair bannings, the hierarchy and the secrecy etc at TG is MUCH harsher.
Nigel Irritable said:
Your starting point is flawed in that it assumes most of us give a flying fuck about the "hypocrisy" or otherwise of moderating policies on internet bulletin boards. I doubt if most of the posters on any board do.

I don’t expect a thing off anyone; chegs “starting point” was flawed because it implies that there are no problems. I liked that place quite a bit until the facts emerged about what was going on behind closed doors. The veneer is nice but the reality a little different…
Dubversion said:
i'm not asking you to take sides (i'd love it never to even be an issue) but doesn't the incessant slagging of the ed / the mod / urban get you down? 4 page threads casting aspersions on where the subs go? threats to report the editor to the Inland Revenue, shit like that?

I've never seen any such thing over there because (a) I'm one of the serfs over in that other place and thus not on the moderator boards and (b) in general I do my best to stay away from "board war" type threads on any bulletin board. If I did stumble across stuff like that then I'd find it pretty childish at best.

As a general rule I don't criticise moderating policies on any of the boards I post on. Take here for example. The editor provides this place for all of us to use, which is very decent of him. He never said it was a democracy and if he doesn't want certain people here or doesn't want certain things discussed or whatever then that's his right. There's no point in whining about it. We're guests here and if we don't like the way our host acts we're free not to accept his invitation to hang around his living room.
It makes me feel more than a bit sad when people who claim to be interested in politics, giving a shit and wanting to change things seem to be capeable using their energies only on nothing more than gossip, hatred and puerile bitching. What hope is there if this is the case? :(
Dubversion said:
it is astonishing that after all the shit thrown at Urban about favouritism and brown-nosing and unfair bannings, the hierarchy and the secrecy etc at TG is MUCH harsher.

Right on the button. Aren't some of those people supposed to be anarchists?
Dubversion said:
and threatening to go to the Inland Revenue.. nice touch, anarkids

As a self employed person meself I think that is a really really low thing to do and would cause untold shit as well as wasting the auditors' time, when they could be doing something useful like auditing someone who was really on the fiddle. :rolleyes:
pinkmonkey said:
It makes me feel more than a bit sad when people who claim to be interested in politics, giving a shit and wanting to change things seem to be capeable using their energies only on nothing more than gossip, hatred and puerile bitching.

You meen politicians?
pinkmonkey said:
As a self employed person meself I think that is a really really low thing to do and would cause untold shit as well as wasting the auditors' time, when they could be doing something useful like auditing someone who was really on the fiddle. :rolleyes:

and this threat originated from someone who the editor was a good and generous friend to for many many years.
Crispy said:
Right on the button. Aren't some of those people supposed to be anarchists?

yeah that's what has bothered me, seeing people with decent politics cosying up with fuckwits like Ernie. I really don't understand how people like knopf, jimmer, kropotkin and butchers could have anytime for a project so narrow, petty and up it's own arse. They all have great politics and to my knowledge haven't had problems on urban, though I know some think the atmosphere on libcom is a bit too rowdy, to see them linked to boards that have absolutely no redeeming features other than as an example of how a role play becomes it's own reality is beyond me.
revol68 said:
yeah that's what has bothered me, seeing people with decent politics cosying up with fuckwits like Ernie. I really don't understand how people like knopf, jimmer, kropotkin and butchers could have anytime for a project so narrow, petty and up it's own arse. They all have great politics and to my knowledge haven't had problems on urban, though I know some think the atmosphere on libcom is a bit too rowdy, to see them linked to boards that have absolutely no redeeming features other than as an example of how a role play becomes it's own reality is beyond me.
too right. politically speaking it's been depressing on various levels.
I take some responsibility for getting that 'grassing' post, on about page 37 (blatant guess) of the now locked 50-page monster thread, archived because I quoted it.
revol68 said:
the tolling gang boards are actually far poorer for content than urban ever was.

a bunch of cliquey cunts whose hypocrisy is beyond the pale, having a mutual masturbation marathon is not my idea of a good board. I mean urban is much more open and actually has political arguments whilst the twatting gang seems to allow opinion only when it falls within the juntas little remit. In my short time there I saw no interesting debates whatsoever.

Well U75 is a much bigger board with vastly more posters, of course in terms of sheer quantity there will be more "good stuff" on it at any one time. On the other hand, in my own relatively brief time over there I've seen some very interesting discussions - in fact the signal to noise ratio in their politics forum is very good.

As far as all the talk about more democratic structures and like goes, well yes so far there is a certain hypocrisy to that. U75 has a two tier structure with a tiny number of moderators and a huge number of posters. That other place has an equally two tier structure, just a ludicrously top heavy one. On the other hand, while I think that's a bit silly and that the secret moderator forums hurt the rest of the board by attracting a high percentage of the posts, I don't really think it's something worth getting wound up about or whining about. Again, the moderators over there, like the editor here, are providing a site that I enjoy using. If people want to have a private chatroom then I don't see that it's any business of mine.
revol68 said:
yeah that's what has bothered me, seeing people with decent politics cosying up with fuckwits like Ernie. I really don't understand how people like knopf, jimmer, kropotkin and butchers could have anytime for a project so narrow, petty and up it's own arse.

because they are knopf, jimmer, kropotkin and butchers for fucks sake. Scratch a 'proper' anarchist & you get an aspirational middle manager more authoritarian than any lefty bollock.
Fuck this. I'm going to PM one of the mods over there, who I like and disrespect. Low profile on both websites, not involved with the Files, and still posting here no problems, only thing said so far from said mod was a wish that things could move on.

Conversation will be confidential, but some Urbanites** really are owed a big statement (at the very least an apology) from the other place over all this.

**Particularly the ones who are bewildered and confused and have no proper idea what this all about
mattkidd12 said:
Isn't this being quite hypocritical? A thread all about the Tolling Gang?
I guess it's more about where people who self-identify as the left contingent on U75 see things going. I'm not at all interested in TTG - it's too restricted, a bit slow and I don't have time for another BBS. However, it has undeniably had an impact on the boards here, with the loss of a few people whose posts I've enjoyed reading for several years now, so I reckon it's okay for us to take stock of things.
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