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How do you stop towels turning into sandpaper?

They are terrible for the environment, most contain polyester threads and won't decompose, adding to plastic waste in rivers and oceans.
A while ago 'they' were encouraging us to leave them in the back garden along, with fluff from tumble dryers, so that birds could use them to line their nests.

Leaves your nest lemon-fresh / cinnamon / camomile scented.
A while ago 'they' were encouraging us to leave them in the back garden along, with fluff from tumble dryers, so that birds could use them to line their nests.

Leave your nest lemon-fresh / camomile scented, etc

Nope, not good for birds either - they have very sensitive respiratory systems and the chemicals aren't good for them, neither are the materials they are made from. I wouldn't use anything with a chemical scent in my laundry when I kept pet birds just because it being in the flat wasn't a good idea.
Curious to know who "they" were who were encouraging this, sounds like a terrible idea.
Nope, not good for birds either - they have very sensitive respiratory systems and the chemicals aren't good for them, neither are the materials they are made from. I wouldn't use anything with a chemical scent in my laundry when I kept pet birds.
Curious to know who "they" were who were encouraging this, sounds like a terrible idea.
Can't remember, sorry.

It didn't solve my 'lint/ fluff from the tumble dryer' problem, either, because birds only build nests in spring, which left me with a lint / fluff overload for the other 11 months.

Plus we don't have birds around my part except 1 blackbird (retired) and pigeons, which seem to do alright for themselves.
This is a mystery to me too. My towels all end up like sandpaper, and it's not the cost or the age (newly bought expensive towels - after the first wash). My partner (who does the laundry) will test vinegar next and we'll see if it works. I get the whole absorbency thing but sometimes it's not just about that, I also want a soft hug.
I just wash in Persil non bio and then dry over the bed rails, normally dries after a day or so inside.

I don't get rough towels.
Did a load of towels earlier - 54 minutes.
Is that washed AND tumble dried or washed only and either line dried or simply hung up to dry? Only Mrs Voltz washes and tumble dries the towels and the complete cycle is around 2.5 hrs. The towels are dry and soft as opposed to when I do them as a wash only, the wash cycle is around and hour but I then line dry them or airing cupboard dry then and whilst dry they are far from soft, but they do dry you very well indeed
Is that washed AND tumble dried or washed only and either line dried or simply hung up to dry? Only Mrs Voltz washes and tumble dries the towels and the complete cycle is around 2.5 hrs. The towels are dry and soft as opposed to when I do them as a wash only, the wash cycle is around and hour but I then line dry them or airing cupboard dry then and whilst dry they are far from soft, but they do dry you very well indeed
The 54 minutes was just the time they spent in the tumble dryer. Don't think I've ever timed the washer.
I've started using the dryer just to do the ones in use. We aren't putting the heating on and find they don't dry round the house. Luckily it doesn't take long.
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