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How close are we to war breaking out in Europe?


Well-Known Member
Media seem to be ramping up the stories.
The US claiming brinks.
Russia amassing troops along the Ukrainian border for the past 12 months and now sitting on comms cables 150km out from Ireland's southern coastline.

What's the best that can happen?
What's the worst that could happen?

What do you think will actually happen...
There is already a war going on in Europe. Russian backed troops (and almost certainly Russian forces) have been fighting against Ukrainian forces in Donbas since 2014. It’s basically part of Russia.

Result of a war? I’d bet on the province being formally part of Russia and the Ukrainian government replaced by a pro Moscow puppet by cyber, and perhaps ‘little green men ‘. In public disorder or maybe low level insurgency but no peer to peer fighting outside Donbas.

The west will support our brave allies to the last Ukrainian and up to a 4% increase to central heating bills.

I have often been wrong before though.
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There is already a war going on in Europe. Russian backed troops (and almost certainly Russian forces) have been fighting against Ukrainian forces in Dombas since 2014. It’s basically part of Russia.

Result of a war? I’d bet on the province being formally part of Russia and the Ukrainian government replaced by a pro Moscow puppet by cyber, and perhaps ‘little green men ‘. In public disorder or maybe low level insurgency but no peer to peer fighting outside Dombas.

The west will support our brave allies to the last Ukrainian and up to a 4% increase to central heating bills.

I have often been wrong before though.
Very strange for Russian and Ukrainian forces to be fighting in Dombas. What does the Norwegian government think of this?
Best that can happen - Putin's demands aren't something he can't forget about or live without

Worst that could happen - domino effect locally, and encouragement for China over Taiwan

Think will happen - If the reports of blood and medical supplies are true, I'd say Ukraine gets invaded, surrenders and puppeted
I'm not so sure Russia will go for a full scale invasion of the whole country, the probability of it turning into a protracted and very bloody guerilla war would be very high, and this would be enormously damaging to Putin at home if Russia has to commit to long-term counter-insurgency in its "near abroad". More likely they will formally annex Donbas.
Yeah, I think a full scale invasion seems unlikely (from my position of knowing next to fuck-all) and probably isn't the plan. But things can get out of hand and escalate...
I'm not so sure Russia will go for a full scale invasion of the whole country, the probability of it turning into a protracted and very bloody guerilla war would be very high, and this would be enormously damaging to Putin at home if Russia has to commit to long-term counter-insurgency in its "near abroad". More likely they will formally annex Donbas.

Biden, the twat, has basically given the all clear for that to happen.
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