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Hong Kong protest

This seems odd, BBC reporter inside the building with riot cops, showing scenes of damage, yet the protesters seem to have disappeared into thin air. :hmm:
No one was hurt when they broke into the council. Yes they trashed the place but no assaults.

Since when has criminal damage been considered 'violence'?
The word violence keeps being bandied around but none has been committed as far as I can tell.
Our action might not be useful but it is symbolic,” one young father told a reporter in video footage. “We know we might get eight or 10 years for doing this, but I grew up here, I love the freedoms and the dignified life and I don’t want to lose them.”

Suddenly, dozens of other protesters rushed into the chamber, shouting: “Let’s leave together!”, grabbed the four they had named “the death fighters” and frogmarched them away.

“If they don’t go, we don’t go,” a young woman said. “We’re all afraid, but we are more afraid that we won’t see those four again.”

humbling, same with Joshua Wong.

one of the worrying elements is that the protestors were filmed taking off all their protest gear, plus many didn't have gloves on in the chamber, so DNA swabs.
Someone i know who has spent a lot of time In Hong Kong said to me the other day that this would happen eventually if the protests continued.

Someone i know who has spent a lot of time In Hong Kong said to me the other day that this would happen eventually if the protests continued.

Shocking, hopefully they will be better prepared for this kind of shit next time around. I'm in HK this month and spent a couple of hours at the protest last night, handing out bottles of water, gathering discarded hard hats for collection, etc. - the protesters' level of commitment and organisation is just humbling.
This “rent a triad mob” move from the govt, with police response to the site of the attacks delayed a full hour, will rebound against them heavily I suspect. This is the kind of thing which just grows over time as people become more and more convinced their govt was behind the beatings, even if a smoking gun of evidence is not found.

HK heading for full authoritarian crackdown I suspect, as the anti govt protests will not settle down unless suppressed with massive force. Not after this.

How will the UK play that one? A massive intervention from Chinese backed HK govt will no doubt breach the agreement made with the UK which guaranteed citizens’ rights in the post colonial era, but can the Uk afford to confront China?
the Uk cannot and will not do anything but make less-than-serious statements about the need for respect on both sides and all manner of the empty, hot-air weasle shit you'd expect from a former colonial power acutely aware of its impotence.

the people of HK on the other hand will hopefully respond to this blatant government/security apparatus stitch up with renewed determination and appropriate outrage.
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