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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Cllr Kind question

Height. Council tall buildings study says should be less in this area

Officer reply. Officer says this is emerging policy. Scheme judged on merits public benefit versus harm to conservation area.

Cllr Kind. Site 16 of Local Plan. What is canyon referred to in this?

Officer reply. Policy Q7 general policy on canyon development.

Cllr Kind why specified for this site? (Canyon development) canyon effect of tall building. Specific for this site.
Cllr Simpson question. Applicants meet excellent design if very tall building.

Conservation council officer replies. World famous architect designed this. Fine building by leading architect. A quality building.
What the hell is Doug Black going on about? Muscular concrete forms teasing out the character of Brixton as exemplified by arch openings in Electric Avenue etc.
Yet he clearly couldn't sayi it was design excellence - but this is a world class architect and its the building you have before you. Yeah.
What the hell is Doug Black going on about? Muscular concrete forms teasing out the character of Brixton as exemplified by arch openings in Electric Avenue etc.
Yet he clearly couldn't sayi it was design excellence - but this is a world class architect and its the building you have before you. Yeah.

"Muscular concrete forms teasing out the character of Brixton." Somebody make them stop!
Cllr question on viability and height. ( Is scheme not viable if lower)

Officer reply. Size of scheme required. Critical size needed for this kind of scheme. Scheme respond to Council Creative Enterprise Zone. More office space is sought by Council. Scheme responding to Council "drivers" . Needs to be this amount of office space to have office Ecosystem. Small business can grow in building.

Massing corresponds to the site.

( Officers just love this planning application)

Officer continues significant benefits. Generates employment. Scheme needs to be this size to do this.

Smaller scheme would not give this amount of improvement to public realm.

( So officers see this scheme as big cash injection to Brixton.)
Cllr Kind concern that additions to deal with micro climate mitigation will alter appearance but no pictures of this for Cllrs
Cllr Kind question on consultation. Where have recent supportive comments come from?

31 new supports for scheme from market.

Apparently 142 recent comments supporting the scheme.
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