Forgive my ignorance but what happens at the meeting in the 25th? Is it just a formality for approval?
I cant attend as I have a work meeting but this tower is a monstrosity. It will look outdated within a decade and be a huge eyesore.
Its a Zoom type meeting. Ive never done one for Planning Committee.
I have attended Planning Commitee pre Covid to observe or object.
As this is a major application with objections it will be moved to front of the agenda.
A limited number of objectors will get three minutes each. A Ward Cllr can also address committee.
The Planning Committee is quasi judiical. It is made up of Cllrs. Each party gets a certain number depending on how many Cllrs they have overall.
In theory ( very much in theory) the Planning Committee is not whipped. Labour Cllrs can say and vote on it any way they want. That is the theory.
Its why I miss the LD Cllrs- they were a minority and always were the most questioning.
The applicant ( normally a group of people ) also put the case for the application to committee.
A big proposal like this usually means a powepoint presentation and a model.
Fuck knows how doing this on the internet is supposed to work.
The only people who can speak are the objector, applicant.
The people watching can't. Though Ive seen a lively audience at meetings.
Worst bit is when the Officer goes on. Given the planners are recommending approval officers ( they turn up on mass ) are likely to go on at great length about how they worked with applicant on this proposal and got all sorts of benefits for the community etc.
Cllrs on committee then can ask questions to applicant and discuss the application amongst themselves.
They can suggest send it back, amend it ,
If Committee refuse approval the applicant can appeal. This is something the Council tries to avoid. So often the officer urge Committee to play safe.
In this case height is an consideratio which could imo be justification to refuse.
Vote is taken at end of discussion.
If it goes on to long the Chair will push it to a vote.
The odds are stacked against objectors if planning officer recommends approval.