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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

Looked up the two policies the Council quote in letter saying this is a "Departure Application".

From the Lambeth Local Plan ( 2015)

Policy Q26 part (ii) page 139

"Proposals for tal buildings will be supported where:

(ii) There is no adverse impact on the significance of strategic or loca views or heritage assests including their settings."

So Lambeth planning agree that this does have adverse impact.

Hondo argue that this is a "Landmark" building for the area. That its of high design quality so allowable.

Site 16 of Lambeth Local Plan page 180.

This site covers that space between railway lines running through Brixton. So extends beyond the Hondo site ownership.

The officer does not say which bit of Site 16 guidelines this application is a departure from. So im guessing its this one:

Council will support development which:

(x) proposes low building to protect the amenity of the new residential development on Coldharbour lane adjoining the site.

Hondo application is not low buildings.

However Hondo spin it this application is not in line with the intent of locally agreed planning policy for the Brixton area. Hondo are trying to use the loophole of it being such a well designed building that this outweighs affect of the height. But this imo goes against the intent of the planning policy that has been agreed.
Looked up the two policies the Council quote in letter saying this is a "Departure Application".

From the Lambeth Local Plan ( 2015)

Policy Q26 part (ii) page 139

"Proposals for tal buildings will be supported where:

(ii) There is no adverse impact on the significance of strategic or loca views or heritage assests including their settings."

So Lambeth planning agree that this does have adverse impact.
Absolutely no impact at all, m'lud.

Not sure I want to encourage them.

Hondo are going to use Brixton Project to justify their scheme.

This is large scheme and a token level of community involvement won't hit the profits of Hondo.
Well I tweeted the Brixton Project but they declined to participate in this thread. Meanwhile:

Started to read the Planning Statement Addendum (post 74)

Summed up at the end:

The revised application has a few new things:

Setting back of the tall buildings by 2,5 m from Popes road. Thus making the new ground level space larger.

The heights of the two blocks stay the same. They are closer together.

The have increased the "community space". Also got on board the "Brixton Project" to produce doc about how this space will be used.

As quote says above the argument in the Addendum is saying any possible harm to local heritage is out weighed by the high standard of architecture and the community benefits.

One in particular they are dangling in front of Lambeth as a carrot is an annual extra i2.4 million in business rates on this site.

Hondo know the scheme should be knocked back due to height of the towers. So they are banging on about community use and extra business rates for the Council.

The revised application imo is little different from the original one. Just more dressed up as being for community benefit.
About the Brixton Project:

The Brixton Project provides strategic guidance for building creative, resilient urban environments which delight and unite.
Our process breaks down into three streams:
1. Unique insight gathering
2. Inclusive and constructive consultation
3. The commissioning and management of public arts projects
We have an unrivalled knowledge of the urban context, and we implicitly understand how to engage and activate communities – finding common points of interest and building capacity in local people and organisations.
Most importantly we have opens minds. We facilitate constructive conversations, introduce diverse opinions and enable genuine contributions.
We lead by listening, and always operate on the fundamental understanding that change must benefit everyone.

Im slightly confused by this. Looking at it. I dont think the older comment have been invalidated.

What is being asked is comments on the updated application.

Height of towers stays the same. Which is the main issue.
It would be a bit of a flanker if Lambeth Planning said "we had 324 objections, but only 24 to the amended proposal" or words to that effect. Surely if that did happen any councillor on the Planning subcommittee would - in conscience - be moved to refuse the application anyway?

Knowing Lambeth one of the factors they fear is a developer appeal - because of the costs. Is Hondo rich enough to blackmail Lambeth Planning Committee?
It would be a bit of a flanker if Lambeth Planning said "we had 324 objections, but only 24 to the amended proposal" or words to that effect. Surely if that did happen any councillor on the Planning subcommittee would - in conscience - be moved to refuse the application anyway?

Knowing Lambeth one of the factors they fear is a developer appeal - because of the costs. Is Hondo rich enough to blackmail Lambeth Planning Committee?

This application reminds me of the Hero of Switzerland application.

Its taken that planning is straightforward. Planning rules are set and that is that.

On Hero application the large tower meant that the development exceeded density limits for the site. The Chief planner turned up at Planning Committee to say that the reason planning said the application should be agreed was that officers should be flexible on the rules.

This application for Hero site was going to bring in so many new homes that the fact that it contradicted density should be set aside.

I think the actual word from Chief planner was not to be "mechanical " about the planning rules.

IMO planning is political.

Hondo are using high profile Black architect, saying they are helping to regenerate the area. So fact that the towers go against planning guidelines should be set aside.

This is imo a political planning application.

Be interesting to see how the Labour dominated planning committee deal with this.
my comments to planning on the "re consultation"

I have previously put comments in.

Received letter dated 9th July from Lambeth planning for a "re consultation" due to changes to original application.

The letter states this is a "Departure Application" as it is a departure from Policy Q26 part (ii) and Site Allocation Site 16 Brixton Central ( between the viaducts) of the Lambeth Local Plan 2015.

I further object due to fact that Lambeth Planning agree this goes against the Local Plan in two significant ways.

Moving the building back a few metre and adding a token more of so called community space is beside the point.

The height of the proposed development remains the same. Therefore as it departs from agreed planning policy it should be rejected.

The applicant argues the benefits of the scheme out weigh the fact that its to high.

This is not the point. The point is that Local Plan was consulted on and agreed with local community.

The Council should reject planning applications like this which go against agreed planning policy to guide development in Brixton.

They should not be swayed by a large developer arguing benefits to Brixton community outweigh agreed policy.
I got that today.

Says in email that this is a "Departure Application" as it goes against the Lambeth local plan guidelines for development in this area.

I'm not happy officers are recommending approval.

What is the point of consulting and agreeing with residents guidelines to develop land in Brixton when the planning dept does not back them up.
Why does Lambeth Planning have a post office box in Winchester? (Bottom of Gramsci's post about teconsultation on previous page).

Clearly that development is godawful.
Why does Lambeth Planning have a post office box in Winchester? (Bottom of Gramsci's post about teconsultation on previous page).

Clearly that development is godawful.

Because Lambeth a Coop Council decided to outsource their postroom services to Winchester.

They had perfectly good postroom in the old Town Hall.

One would have thought they would want too set example as a big local employer and keep it inhouse giving jobs to local people.
I got that today.

Says in email that this is a "Departure Application" as it goes against the Lambeth local plan guidelines for development in this area.

I'm not happy officers are recommending approval.

What is the point of consulting and agreeing with residents guidelines to develop land in Brixton when the planning dept does not back them up.

Because we have a discretionary planning system - the decision makers have some leeway to take into account other factors such as public benefits as well as local and national planning policies. In some senses the site is suitable for greater density given its town centre location and good public transport links - but the size and height of the building would be way out of character with the surrounding area. To me, this should be enough to refuse this application - something lower and with a smaller footprint would work here, but the applicants would probably say it needs to be this big to viable.

My guess here is that Lambeth have one eye on the extra business rates this would generate, and will be wary of the costs of Hondo going to appeal. That's how big developers wear local authorities down. Depressing, but true.
It obviously takes some time between getting planning permission and finishing the building - developers (if they have deep enough pockets) often think beyond immediate recessions and will be thinking that by time this is built things will have returned to normal. Although obviously this is not a 'normal' recession.

Who knows - it might get permission, but then never get built. :thumbs:
Because we have a discretionary planning system - the decision makers have some leeway to take into account other factors such as public benefits as well as local and national planning policies. In some senses the site is suitable for greater density given its town centre location and good public transport links - but the size and height of the building would be way out of character with the surrounding area. To me, this should be enough to refuse this application - something lower and with a smaller footprint would work here, but the applicants would probably say it needs to be this big to viable.

My guess here is that Lambeth have one eye on the extra business rates this would generate, and will be wary of the costs of Hondo going to appeal. That's how big developers wear local authorities down. Depressing, but true.

This is a problem. The officers are using discretionary powers in way that they know is significantly deviating from the Local Plan

The officers report won't be available yet. So don't know what justification officers are using.

At the Hero of Switzerland planning application committee meeting senior planner turned up to urge committee to agree application. It was over density plan of this small site. Officer said that Local Plan could be interpreted in flexible way.

So senior planning officers are in effect making political decisions on what is best for an area. Regarding the Local Plan as just rough guidance.

Local plans are consulted on and are one of few ways ordinary people have a say in their area

With large development the long pre application process means in practice the senior planner and developers get into close relationship. Between them decide what is best.

Then officers recommend approval to planning committee. I've seen as senior officers talk down to Cllrs on planning committee if they bring up criticisms

Lambeth did have some good LD Cllrs on planning committee who would stand up to officers and developers. They are gone

This is only going to get worse if Tories reform of planning goes ahead.
This is a problem. The officers are using discretionary powers in way that they know is significantly deviating from the Local Plan

The officers report won't be available yet. So don't know what justification officers are using.

At the Hero of Switzerland planning application committee meeting senior planner turned up to urge committee to agree application. It was over density plan of this small site. Officer said that Local Plan could be interpreted in flexible way.

So senior planning officers are in effect making political decisions on what is best for an area. Regarding the Local Plan as just rough guidance.

Local plans are consulted on and are one of few ways ordinary people have a say in their area

With large development the long pre application process means in practice the senior planner and developers get into close relationship. Between them decide what is best.

Then officers recommend approval to planning committee. I've seen as senior officers talk down to Cllrs on planning committee if they bring up criticisms

Lambeth did have some good LD Cllrs on planning committee who would stand up to officers and developers. They are gone

This is only going to get worse if Tories reform of planning goes ahead.
I've not encountered or heard from anyone who is favour of the Hondo Enormotower. The only people who seem to like it are Hondo, Lambeth Council and the newly arrived, freshly shapeshifted 'Brixton Project' who I guess will do very nicely out of this if it goes ahead.
I've not encountered or heard from anyone who is favour of the Hondo Enormotower. The only people who seem to like it are Hondo, Lambeth Council and the newly arrived, freshly shapeshifted 'Brixton Project' who I guess will do very nicely out of this if it goes ahead.

I do think that this Labour Council has nothing to lose by giving Hondo a hard time. Even if its symbolic and Hondo win on appeal.

I get more and more angry that I engage in the system and when it comes down to it the planning documents I was consulted on mean little.

If the Coop Council means anything the Council should stick by agreed rules for development in Brixton. Not wring their hands and say its all to difficult.

TBF Im sick of all this farce that is local democracy.

If you are a DJ wealthy property developer you're going to get your way.

This is all that is wrong with this country.
It does seem somewhat pointless to have a local development plan and then blatantly ignore it.

I'm having to learn more about planning processes for work, and certainly all the applications our teams are working on are written to align with local development plans, not at odds with them. That in this case they're not suggests corruption within the council.
It does seem somewhat pointless to have a local development plan and then blatantly ignore it.

I'm having to learn more about planning processes for work, and certainly all the applications our teams are working on are written to align with local development plans, not at odds with them. That in this case they're not suggests corruption within the council.

I would not say its corruption as in money changing hands.

People are under the illusion that the planning process is a straightforward neutral system. Rules are set in place, application is judged on these rules. The fantasy of the liberal State.

Planning is political. Its a mish mash of consulation, appeals, working with planning departments and government rule changes.

The "viability assessments" for affordable housing are one such innovation. Now a whole industry of consultants argue the case at planning level. It appears to be neutral and rational. Its not.

Another is "permitted development"

All these are in practise ways capitalist developers can maximise profits. Stuff the social consequences. Argument is that they help get the economy going.

Worse still is the radical right government proposed reforms of the planning system. This government wants to finish the Thatcher revolution. That is how they see themselves.

I heard the Tory minister ( friend of developer) talk about this on the radio.

Main thing in his view was that the vociferous minority who hold up planning applications with their objections should be stopped.

( those supporting the introduction of LTNs in Lambeth under pandemic emergency rules argue the same. That unrepresentative vociferous groups hold up or water down measures for the public good. Exactly the same argument the Tories use)

Its why I here have been disparaged as someone who likes being part of the "awkward" squad. Im not. Its just that Im out of step with how society is going.

As technical says planning officers have leeway.

Large developments are going to put a local planning authority under a lot of pressure to accept. They in eyes of a New Labour authority like Lambeth bring in a large amount of inward investment from the private sector. Money that local authorities don't have.

Its worth looking back to post war 60s and 70s when Local Council like Lambeth had its one architects dept. Was producing plans for the socialist reconstruction of Brixton. Only the Rec and Barrier Block were built. Whatever the faults of the post war period it was doable then. Now the idea that locally elected Councils can regenerate areas for benefit of there voters/ the working class is considered off the wall utopianism. Then it was mainstream.

Its not corruption that is the issue. Its the acceptance that neo liberalism is the norm. Any opposition or deviation from it marks one out as out of step with how the world works.
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Their website says:
We offer insight, consultation and the commissioning of public creativity.
We connect business, citizens and creative networks to bring the positive power of creativity to the heart of local communities.
When people play an active part in shaping their world, it makes that world a better place for everyone.
We call it participatory placemaking.
From community resilience to environmental issues; inclusion to equity, working together ensures change happens with us, not to us.
Yet they've signed up to be part of the Hondo Enormo-Tower project which just 0.5% of the 707 comments were in favour of, they're working with Hondo who are pretty much universally hated by the local community after they tried to kick Nour Cash & Carry out of Brixton Village, and they were the people who threw the owners of the 414 into the street - and then left their home of 30 years empty for 15 months.


I've read the What We Do page but I'm not sure that I properly get it. From the examples they have on the site, are they essentially a design consultancy which specialises in the quirkier small scale publicly funded public realm design projects?
Also, I've been reading about BlackSpace, a collective of 200 black designers, architects, artists and urban planners which actively works with black communities to provide spaces that actually work for the community. Be good if Lambeth had worked with a group like them on this project, instead of just building this megablock.
Forgive my ignorance but what happens at the meeting in the 25th? Is it just a formality for approval?

I cant attend as I have a work meeting but this tower is a monstrosity. It will look outdated within a decade and be a huge eyesore.
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