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Hondo's plans for a huge tower on Pope's Road, Brixton and the Brixton Project

In officers report they did say that they were still in discussions about "maker" spaces in the development.

Cllr Thackerey ( Green) asked about this. She never got answer.

In report I noticed the Creative Enterprise Zone was mentioned more than once as well as at the meeting last night.

I got feelling from the officers report and from officers at the meeting last night that an awful lot of the details. ( which are all important) are still being discussed.

The officers wanted this application agreed partly so they could get delegated authority to work out all the detail.

The officers said at one point in answer to Cllr Kind question that they wanted the local community involved in all the building not just the community space he was asking about.

Officers do think this Business Ecosystem with community involvement is a great idea and they want PAC to pass the general outlines so they can get on with it in aasociation with the Brixton Project and Impact Brixton.

Officers probably feel they are doing a good job on community involvement ( Impact Brixton / Brixton Project).

They are getting in Council jargon Social Value fron private investment.

What it makes me think is the Regen and Planning support for this scheme is that they see it as enlarged version of Pop.

Pop being nurturing entrepreunarialism, local business who give something back (Social Value / responsible Capitalism) ( not saying this is my view.. Its how senior officers and senior Cllrs see it. )

This is all in line with the messages they are getting from the Progress led Council.

So in their eyes they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
In officers report they did say that they were still in discussions about "maker" spaces in the development.

Cllr Thackerey ( Green) asked about this. She never got answer.

In report I noticed the Creative Enterprise Zone was mentioned more than once as well as at the meeting last night.

I got feelling from the officers report and from officers at the meeting last night that an awful lot of the details. ( which are all important) are still being discussed.

The officers wanted this application agreed partly so they could get delegated authority to work out all the detail.

The officers said at one point in answer to Cllr Kind question that they wanted the local community involved in all the building not just the community space he was asking about.

Officers do think this Business Ecosystem with community involvement is a great idea and they want PAC to pass the general outlines so they can get on with it in aasociation with the Brixton Project and Impact Brixton.
I wonder what percentage of the local population - or even local artists/makers/creatives - have ever even heard of the Brixton Project. The first I heard of them was when they popped up declaring their support for the hated Hondo Tower.
I'm sure that will happen.
Not giving up just yet. Only four members of the committee got the chance to express an opinion on the application before the chair closed the meeting - two strongly opposed, two said they were opposed on balance, that's four out of seven against. Was clear from the meeting that planning officers are backing this, but not heard anything to suggest Cabinet members are queueing up to support it. By the way, not sure if others are aware, that Joanne Simpson - who was scathing about the development in her summing up and said she wouldn't vote for it - is married to the Council Leader Jack Hopkins.
I would not say its corruption as in money changing hands.

People are under the illusion that the planning process is a straightforward neutral system. Rules are set in place, application is judged on these rules. The fantasy of the liberal State.

Planning is political. Its a mish mash of consulation, appeals, working with planning departments and government rule changes.

The "viability assessments" for affordable housing are one such innovation. Now a whole industry of consultants argue the case at planning level. It appears to be neutral and rational. Its not.

Another is "permitted development"

All these are in practise ways capitalist developers can maximise profits. Stuff the social consequences. Argument is that they help get the economy going.

Worse still is the radical right government proposed reforms of the planning system. This government wants to finish the Thatcher revolution. That is how they see themselves.

I heard the Tory minister ( friend of developer) talk about this on the radio.

Main thing in his view was that the vociferous minority who hold up planning applications with their objections should be stopped.

( those supporting the introduction of LTNs in Lambeth under pandemic emergency rules argue the same. That unrepresentative vociferous groups hold up or water down measures for the public good. Exactly the same argument the Tories use)

Its why I here have been disparaged as someone who likes being part of the "awkward" squad. Im not. Its just that Im out of step with how society is going.

As technical says planning officers have leeway.

Large developments are going to put a local planning authority under a lot of pressure to accept. They in eyes of a New Labour authority like Lambeth bring in a large amount of inward investment from the private sector. Money that local authorities don't have.

Its worth looking back to post war 60s and 70s when Local Council like Lambeth had its one architects dept. Was producing plans for the socialist reconstruction of Brixton. Only the Rec and Barrier Block were built. Whatever the faults of the post war period it was doable then. Now the idea that locally elected Councils can regenerate areas for benefit of there voters/ the working class is considered off the wall utopianism. Then it was mainstream.

Its not corruption that is the issue. Its the acceptance that neo liberalism is the norm. Any opposition or deviation from it marks one out as out of step with how the world works.

As you say, it's not money changing hands.
As Southwark Council's example has shown, it's about cultivating influence,and banking favours. The "revolving door" in all it's grimy glory.
We also, of course, have Lambeth insisting vehemently that cllrs on the planning committee aren't whipped. As we're mostly well aware with regards to our council, when something is denied vehemently, it's often true.

Another thing - we can blame "New Labour" for laying the basis for a planning system that worships a "best value" that ALWAYS equates to money, & sees the setting up of private businesses that don't "give back" to the communities they inhabit, as acceptable. We get told about job creation, and investment in people, but businesses that only think of locals when they have a menial vacancy to fill, aren't investing in us, they're having a laugh at our expense.
Not giving up just yet. Only four members of the committee got the chance to express an opinion on the application before the chair closed the meeting - two strongly opposed, two said they were opposed on balance, that's four out of seven against. Was clear from the meeting that planning officers are backing this, but not heard anything to suggest Cabinet members are queueing up to support it. By the way, not sure if others are aware, that Joanne Simpson - who was scathing about the development in her summing up and said she wouldn't vote for it - is married to the Council Leader Jack Hopkins.

The Progress led Labour Group is so tightly knit. Several Cllrs are married to each other.

Cllr Emma Nye is in relationship with another Labour Cllr.

TBF I find it irritating that such a small group of tightly knit people have become the ruling class in Lambeth.

Really hard for anyone not in this group to get a seat or have any influence.

I know Im not flavour of the month at the moment as I recently answered a leading Cllr back. Its had repercussions.

Its like dealing with the palace intrigues to know how to deal with the ruling Lambeth Labour Cllrs.

Ive heard since Cllr Hopkins got the leadership the general atmosphere in the Labour Group is no longer poisonous as it was under Lib Peck. Cllr Hopkins as someone said to me likes to be liked. He has more people skills. But he is not like Lib Peck who would make decision and stick to it. One new where one was with her. But her leadership was her. Get the feeling that Cllr Hopkins is more laid back form of leadership.

Also whilst all the Labour Cllrs hated Corbyn/ Momentum from the start ( Looked at Cllr Kind twitter for example) they imo do think that issues like redistribution of wealth and power should be more foregrounded. Bit of a big step forward. Why perhaps they arent so keen on Hondo. Realise the Labour voting public might expect Labour Cllrs to oppose property developers.

Cllr Ben Kind for example regarded the Corbyn / Momentum lot as intolerant of the Labour party being a "broad Church". ( looked at his Twitter. )Really?. Lambeth New Labour ruling group got rid of two Cllrs in very nasty way who did not worhip Tony Blair - ex Cllr Kingsley Abrams and Cllr Rachel Heywood.

Which might explain why as you say its not a done deal yet.

I still find it exasperating to try to divine what is their thinking and how to influence it. Ive lost patience with doing it. Why realistically my days having some little involvement with local matters might be at an end,
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This was sent to me. Can anyone help?

I am having difficulty finding out from Lambeth the date of the postponed Planning Applications Committee.

At the 25 August meeting, th Chair adjourned and said another meeting would resume the discussion within four weeks. Four weeks is up next Tuesday 22 September, when there is another PAC meeting - but the tower is not on that agenda. I have enquired but am wondering if you have any info?

I have emailed and left a voicemail for the contact at Lambeth
I think agenda for last night's meeting might have been kept short as Labour councillors would have wanted to be on other Zoom calls for the last night of Connected (Labour online event in place of party conference/fringe.)
Will be interesting to see if Hondo is on the agenda for 13th October PAC meeting when that is published.
So the architect has won an award for this oodles of cash project. And for Brixton he designs an 80s shopping all mixed with a car park :(

For Victoria Tower Gardens, next to the Palace of Westminster, he designed a giant golden toast-rack as a Holocaust Memorial. :(
Just noticed that revised plans for the Hondo site are now on Lambeth's planning website. Had a quick look and the changes all seem cosmetic to me - building is the same height, bulk, floorspace as before. Only changes to the design is that there are some brick columns at ground floor level with the cross beams resting on these, some minor changes to the facade of the upper floors (some extra horizontal bands) and the concrete is a lighter colour. Apart from that, only other change I could spot is that the "community space" has been moved to the west so it's nearer to the main stairs up from the ground floor. There's a letter from Saville's - presumably intended to respond to the point made at PAC about the lack of evidence of demand from commercial tenants for a 19 storey office block in Central Brixton - which, extraordinarily, seems to have been written in January 2020, so doesn't address the issue of the impact of Covid on the demand for office space. Deadline for public comments is 22nd October.
So Hondo have got people out in the street inviting people to sign their pre-written 'I approve of this development' document which then goes straight to Lambeth planning. No billboards showing off the development, just a wildly biased document telling people it's going to be absolutely wonderful for the area.

As cynical as fuck.
So Hondo have got people out in the street inviting people to sign their pre-written 'I approve of this development' document which then goes straight to Lambeth planning. No billboards showing off the development, just a wildly biased document telling people it's going to be absolutely wonderful for the area.

As cynical as fuck.

good grief....They must be desperate ...they’ll be paying people next.
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Hey editor could you kindly you post the link to comment on the application again? I couldnt find it with the lambeth planning search. Ive got a few more people who would like to excorciate hondo.
Hey editor could you kindly you post the link to comment on the application again? I couldnt find it with the lambeth planning search. Ive got a few more people who would like to excorciate hondo.
It's here: 20/01347/FUL | Demolition of the existing building and erection of a part four, part nine and part twenty storey building comprising flexible Class A1 (shops)/A3 (restaurants and cafes)/B1 (business)/D1 (non-residential Institutions)/D2 (assembly and leisure) uses at basement, ground and first floor levels, with restaurant (Class A3) use at eighth floor level and business accommodation (Class B1) at second to nineteenth floor levels, with plant enclosures at roof level, and associated cycle parking, servicing and enabling works RECONSULTATION DUE TO EXTERNAL DESIGN CHANGES TO THE BUILDING FACADES AS WELL AS RELOCATION OF THE COMMUNITY FLOORSPACE AT THE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL. PLEASE REFER TO THE SEPTEMBER 2020 COVER LETTER FOR FURTHER DETAILS. This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26, part (ii) and site allocation ''Site 16 - Brixton Central (between the viaducts) SW9'' of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015). | 20 - 24 Pope's Road London SW9 8JB

Current status:

  • Comments Received: 860
  • Objections: 848
  • Supporting: 7
There's also a petition here with 735 signatures so far)

I've pasting this screen grab for reference because something smells fishy.

In the planning meeting in August, officers suddenly claimed they'd received "142 supportive comments" with the majority coming from "local addresses" and "thirty-one local traders in the markets.”

Yet as of today, there's still only 7 comments in support of the scheme. So where have these supporting comments come from and why can't we see them?
More about that letter:

Comment on that article:
I was approached and very actively misled about the content of the letter. I was told that it was a letter in support of the developments community resource aspects being secured. If I wasn’t aware of the development I probably would have signed. The person in question also claimed to have nothing to do with Hondo!? Using her free time to trick people into signing support letters that are described as otherwise apparently.
I've just semi-flounced out of the @savenour campaign WhatsApp group. I thought you might like to see my harrumph.

They actually allow Hondo and Lambeth to be part of the group! Insane.

Anyway, I'm really not interested in letting Hondo know a SINGLE THING about what I'm writing, researching or working on, so I shall dedicate my energies to stopping this development in what I feel are more productive areas.

I really can't be arsed to argue the toss about this 'good activist practice' nonsense - like everyone is supposed to follow a nice little handbook guide of jolly nice campaigning, while bags o'cash Hondo employ every dirty trick in the book to push through their shitty unwanted development.

I'll just lurk here for now rather than contribute. If someone starts a new WhatsApp group with verified campaigners and activists and ensures that neither Lambeth or Hondo get past the door, count me in.
Turns out Mr Normal the Lambeth Mayor has no opinion at al about the Hondo tower and wishes to remain 'neutral.' So he's a total waste of time, then.
Something is odd about the planning site entry. I submitted an updated comment on october 5th (with the confirmation email to prove it) but the last public comment showing is september 26th. Bug or...what?? Has anyone else beeen able to get a comment added?
Got a letter today about yet another reconsultation on the planning application.

Comments in by October 23rd.


Reconsultation due to external design changes to the building facades as well as relocation of the community floorspace at first floor level .

Planning reference

20/ 01347/ FUL

Also says:

Please refer to the September 2020 cover letter for further details

I'm assuming that is on the Lambeth planning website.

Have not had time to look today.
Got a letter today about yet another reconsultation on the planning application.

Comments in by October 23rd.


Reconsultation due to external design changes to the building facades as well as relocation of the community floorspace at first floor level .

Planning reference

20/ 01347/ FUL

Also says:

Please refer to the September 2020 cover letter for further details

I'm assuming that is on the Lambeth planning website.

Have not had time to look today.
There's 17 updated documents amongst the 175 on the site:

But the tower remains fucking massive and a total eyesore:



And the cover letter says:
The Applicant, in consultation with the LBL, is proposing the following design changes to the scheme which have been reflected in the Design and Access Statement Addendum.

These comprise:

• Raising the structural cross bracing at ground level to enable the creation of a central feature seat within the new Popes Square;

• The colour of the structural bracing has been lightened;

• The outer horizontal frame at the top of the building has been reduced in breadth; and

• Horizontal bands have been added to each of the upper level terraces within the top six floors of the scheme in the “short” east and west elevations.

These design amendments respond to comments made by LBL about the design of the top of the proposed tall building in local and wider views and about the pedestrian experience of the structural bracing at ground level. The changes are described in more detail in the Addendum to the Design and Access Statement prepared by Adjaye Associates.
Fight the Tower - now with bolted on greenery and footless people




This face looks awfully familiar too...

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