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Home of Metal (Sabbath)

:) because, like Ozzy, I'm proud to be a Brummie :D

Actually, the Art Gallery and Museum had a similar exhibition a few years ago about the 'Home of Heavy Metal' except it wasn't just about Black Sabbath.

I'm not in Brum now or I would probably go and have a look.
Just rereading his biography. Great read. He used to walk around Ashton with a shoe on a piece of string instead of a dog :D.
So cute :)
Still, thats metal fans for you.
I remember my mum saying to me (as we watched Status Quo on TOTP in the 70's) 'your not going to turn out like that are you??'. Then i grew my hair and they were like 'he'll grow out of it' (till i was 25 then i sold out to the man and cut it off when it was milk round time at Poly). Saw Judas Priest and Uriah Heap last week. I was 51 this month. Doesn't look like i'm growing out of it.
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