What could Herne Hill be like in years to come?
Now's your chance to voice your opinions on how you'd like Herne Hill to be. A group of volunteers have started on the initial stages of forming a Neighbourhood Plan for Herne Hill which is recognised by Southwark and Lambeth Councils. We'd really like to hear how you'd like to see Herne Hill shaped, thinking about local housing, retail developments, environment, parks and open spaces, amenities, traffic, schools, whatever it is that is important to you.
It is all about the vision we all have for how our neighbourhood will develop, what it will look like in the years to come, what legacy will we be handing on to the next generation?
The meeting on Wednesday 27th is about starting the journey of writing that vision.
Without your ideas, your vision and expertise the Neighbourhood will be that much poorer so you better be there, no pressure then!
If being part of the future is not tempting enough then we can bribe you with more - we will provide a little food, a chance to chat and meet other local people and learn more about what's happening in the area. What's not to like?
In order to form the Neighbourhood Plan Group, we're also required to amend the Herne Hill Forum constitution. The changes are needed primarily to enable the Forum to conform to official requirements for a local forum to seek approval from local authorities to submit a neighbourhood plan. All the proposed changes are on the web site. These will be put forward for approval at the EGM and public meeting to be held on January 27th at the Baptist Church, Half Moon Lane.
We plan to keep the EGM stuff brief and informal so that we can focus on the important stuff, our plans for the future and a good gossip with our neighbours.
Please see the Herne Hill website - for more information.