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Herne Hill news, chitter chatter and gossip

Any one had any party political types knocking on your door wanting your vote yet? We have had Greens and Labour round.

Anyone got a link to the full candidate list?
On a personal note - if you wanted a viable alternative to one of the Greens, can I put in a word for Rob Blackie one of the Lib Dems. He is (or was) quite manic but impeccably, well, "liberal" as you would see from his Tweets: https://twitter.com/robblackie

The thing that I always admired about him - as an ex party treasurer - was when he was chair of the Vauxhall Lib Dems he always wanted a financial report every month and always checked whether proposed spending was OK. Many political apparatchiks don't give a toss quite frankly.
On a personal note - if you wanted a viable alternative to one of the Greens, can I put in a word for Rob Blackie one of the Lib Dems. He is (or was) quite manic but impeccably, well, "liberal" as you would see from his Tweets: https://twitter.com/robblackie

The thing that I always admired about him - as an ex party treasurer - was when he was chair of the Vauxhall Lib Dems he always wanted a financial report every month and always checked whether proposed spending was OK. Many political apparatchiks don't give a toss quite frankly.

I met him when he was working for Best for Britain - seemed like a good guy
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What did you so like about her?
On occasions where I get in touch with local councillors with questions or requests, she nearly always responds. She is also fairly good at following up on things, and actually organising stuff to happen. She seems to genuinely remember who you are, and quite often is there at "in person" meetings.

Jim Dickson is quite good at most of this too, but perhaps has a different ability to have some influence on what happens because of course Labour are in control of Lambeth whereas the Greens aren't.

On the whole, Becca Thackray doesn't give the impression of appearing at events with the primary interest being in getting a photo op.
On occasions where I get in touch with local councillors with questions or requests, she nearly always responds. She is also fairly good at following up on things, and actually organising stuff to happen. She seems to genuinely remember who you are, and quite often is there at "in person" meetings.

Jim Dickson is quite good at most of this too, but perhaps has a different ability to have some influence on what happens because of course Labour are in control of Lambeth whereas the Greens aren't.

On the whole, Becca Thackray doesn't give the impression of appearing at events with the primary interest being in getting a photo op.
I wouldn't trust Jim Dickson as far as I could throw him. He sold off the local primary schools. He seemed to have a complete disregard for the residents of Cresingham. Seems hell bent on spending public money on taking his own constituents to court. I feel there is something very dodgy about him.
On occasions where I get in touch with local councillors with questions or requests, she nearly always responds. She is also fairly good at following up on things, and actually organising stuff to happen. She seems to genuinely remember who you are, and quite often is there at "in person" meetings.

Jim Dickson is quite good at most of this too, but perhaps has a different ability to have some influence on what happens because of course Labour are in control of Lambeth whereas the Greens aren't.

On the whole, Becca Thackray doesn't give the impression of appearing at events with the primary interest being in getting a photo op.

I was at recent LJ community meeting. Planning came up. I criticised how the planning dept worked and she got up and walked out. No reason given.

I wasn't impressed.

I assumed that Greens were a bit anti establishment. Not in her case.

Looking at her profile on the Lambeth Green website and she was a copper at one point.

Nothing against her personally. But she is strikes me as not like the other Green Cllrs. Who have been good on taking the Lambeth One party state to task. Being a bit bolshy.

She's very much doing it by the book.

Given that I'd prefer her to Donatus as Cllr. Who is typical right wing Labour Cllr. Talks a lot and does nothing. Avoids public meetings.
Anyone have experience of the choices in the new Myatts Fields ward?
Annie Gallop and Paul Gadsby labour incumbents.
Dzaier Neil and Sean Walsh green challengers.

There are others but seems only lab and green making an effort.
Anyone have experience of the choices in the new Myatts Fields ward?
Annie Gallop and Paul Gadsby labour incumbents.
Dzaier Neil and Sean Walsh green challengers.

There are others but seems only lab and green making an effort.
Myself and especially Zi would make excellent councillors. Both live in the Ward and are engaged with the community in different ways.
Myself and especially Zi would make excellent councillors. Both live in the Ward and are engaged with the community in different ways.

editor is there any way that the last three posts could be moved to the council elections thread? I mistakenly posted it here, and now Sean from the greens has been kind enough to pop in.

scmwalsh Brave if you to come on here! I respect that. May I ask you a few questions on behalf of the community Sean, as well as to help me (any maybe others) decide? These are things I have not seen in any of your literature. I do understand the positions the national party espouses.

1- what would concretely change in Lambeth if you and Zi were elected instead of Annie and Paul? Wouldnt a larger-but-still-tiny green opposition just cause progress to dig in on the cabinet system?

2- what would concretely change in the ward if you and Zi were elected instead of annie and paul?

3- I, and others I have spoken to, are confused by the green stance on estate regeneration. The platform seems to support infill development instead of teardowns, but Zi and others have been active on twitter opposing infill development and taking away green space. What's the position? What would you do with regard to Cressingham?

4- How do you feel about the sustainability of local amenities like Myatts Field park, Minet Library, and the grove adventure playground and what concretely would you and Zi do differently (if anything) to put these on a safer and more sustainable footing? The library is under ongoing threat, the park is experiencing creeping privatisation, and the playground seems to be perceived as a land bank by the council.

5- I am personally suspicious of celebrity candidates and local representatives with aspirations to national politics. I am not alone in this. Zi is a person with a very inspiring story but also with a national role in the green party. What is you and her track record of actual time spent on local issues, and what comfort can you provide that should you and Zi be voted in Myatt's fields will have more effective local representation on issues including housing, amenities, quality of life, policing, fair access to services, etc. than the ward would if we return Annie and Paul?

6- what else do you think we need to know about your candidacy?

I am a left labour voter with a sceptical view of our local brand of Labour, so I believe I am your target audience.
Anyone have experience of the choices in the new Myatts Fields ward?
Annie Gallop and Paul Gadsby labour incumbents.
Dzaier Neil and Sean Walsh green challengers.

There are others but seems only lab and green making an effort.
No; did receive a leaflet tbrough the door explaining all about the Green Candidates standing in a completely different ward to mine, which vexed me in terms of the carelessness and waste of paper.
Helicopters used to land in ruskin park all the time - it was the official landing place when someone was being brought to kings hospital.
The hospital now has a helipad on the roof which is used instead most of the time, but now and again the park is still used. Maybe because the helipad is temporarily out of use for some reason? Or maybe it has a weight limit and a chinook is too big? I'd be interested to know too.
Chinooks wouldn’t normally be used for medical emergencies, but then again it could of course have been an medical airlift from a military base that had a Chinook stationed there.
A friend suggested going go "The Father" at the Herne Hill Free Film Festival last night.
The film is one recent offering which I was keen to see, and glad to have the opportunity courtesy HHFFF.
The venue for this film showing was the Baptist Church in Half Moon Lane - a largish space I had last visited during the Anti Brexit campaign about 3 years ago.

"The Father" is about a man suffering dementia who has become dependent on his daughter, who makes the decision to send him to a care home.

Common enough you might think (one of the reason I was interested is I have a friend in a dementia care home - and I'm feeling that way myself sometimes!).

Anthony Hopkins (for it was he) gave a tour de force of dementia and delusion and actually the film was stunning. The audience seemed rapt. You could, apparently, hear a pin drop.

My own particular concession to aging is increasing deafness - which leads me to the downside - for me. There was an introduction to the film by the organiser, and after the film one of the producers was there for Q & A. I couldn't hear any of this, despite them using microphones.

I had warned my friend that I might have problems with the film, and he went and asked whether they were showing subtitles - which they did.

So thanks very much Herne Hill Free Film Festival - I saw this amazing film and appreciated it in full as you turned the subtitles on. Not sure about the hall PA - was that me, or was the volume not turned up enough?

That is the question of my life right now.
Helicopters used to land in ruskin park all the time - it was the official landing place when someone was being brought to kings hospital.
The hospital now has a helipad on the roof which is used instead most of the time, but now and again the park is still used. Maybe because the helipad is temporarily out of use for some reason? Or maybe it has a weight limit and a chinook is too big? I'd be interested to know too.
Ruskin Park is still used to land air-sea/RAF etc helicopters from time to time. The pad on King's is too small for these massive beasts. Probably not Chinooks, but they are massive machines.
I grew up in Northern Ireland and can recognise the sound of a chinook from anywhere.

I was coming through Herne Hill yesterday at about 4pm and heard one, although did not get to see it.
Anyone know what the works going in the wooded area at the station are? Like watching some of the birds and foxes there when waiting for my trains, wonder if they'll stick around!?
Anyone know what the works going in the wooded area at the station are? Like watching some of the birds and foxes there when waiting for my trains, wonder if they'll stick around!?
What station? There are notices about track replacement in the Sydenham Tunnel in July.,
Could your "works" be anything to do with this?
What station? There are notices about track replacement in the Sydenham Tunnel in July.,
Could your "works" be anything to do with this?
Herne Hill. Doesn't look to be anything to do with the tracks, seems to be building work starting by the side
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Bit annoyed the Half moon Pub is only accepting card payments now.
Seems to discrimate against older people those with sensory/ memory disabilities and those on low incomes, is this actually legal?

My older group who enjoy a monthly gathering there won't be happy. I'm happy to pay either way but often prefer to pay in cash as easier to budget and not overspend when drunk.
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