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Has the Queen died?

Sounds like emergency illuminati summit . A big load of lizards in capes round a big table demanding explanations from the Clinton lizard why she failed ...again . The supply of synthetic human skin has nearly run out and it was clintons job to sort that . Plus something to do with all the celebrities dying . They're feeling cornered .They're cracking up , the illuminated lizards .
I'm starting to suspect there's been a grave mishap involving the groom of the stool . Frankie Boyle once observed, uncharacteristically uncharitably, that as a German married to a Greek the royal ring piece must resemble a busted cat flap . Has the groom of the stool, perchance, made a fist of it ? Due to not enough bowing and too much scraping , are we faced with another anus horriblus ?
That's the only possible explanation. She ate her first-born when his flesh began to be nicely gamey and then moved into his exo-skeleton. Any future appearances of the Q will be of her humanoid exo-skeleton going through its routines: wave, shake hands, dub, smile.

As has happened for over 1000 years. Every so often it has to take on a new form so that the sheeple are fooled.
What's the most distasteful thing we can get to No.1 in the charts after she's keeled over? The Pistols would be too obvious. Maybe Kool & The Gang's 'Celebration'?

Elizabeth My Dear, by the Stone Roses?

Other than that, all that spring to mind are horrifically sexist ghettotech songs, e.g. Fuck You Hoe.
see if she makes it to church on sunday.

Anyway - any sort of prolonged illness at her age is not good - and often leaves the individual weaker.
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