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Hardcore Speaker Porn

Sorry, but the idea that one brand of speakers is good for a particular genre is now bollocks. A good system is a good system. What the speakers sound like is essentially irrelevant because you should be using a system processor to achieve the frequency response you want.
Sorry, but the idea that one brand of speakers is good for a particular genre is now bollocks. A good system is a good system. What the speakers sound like is essentially irrelevant because you should be using a system processor to achieve the frequency response you want.

Interesting bees, how long has that been the case? I'm not entirely sure what you mean by a system processor, are you talking specifically about digital equipment?

All reggae sound systems have for many years restricted themselves to Precision-Devices and Fane cones, with any other brand derided as inferior for the particular bass sound required for reggae.

Most sounds use a mono analogue pre-amp to control the sound such as the Jah Tubbys I have at home:

Reggae is different I guess if you're a purist, because you're trying to recreate the (technically shit!) sound of the classic soundsystems.

By a system processor I mean any system that allows you to apply EQ curves, limiting and delay to your system. For pro rigs nowadays this is all done in the amplifiers. You load in a preset created by the manufacturer that is specific to the model of cab you are using on that amp channel. the amplifier "knows" what cab is on the end so can calculate voice coil temperate/excursion at any moment and adjust the signal appropriately. This allows you to get every last ounce of performance from a cab without blowing it up.

For big rigs this is all done via a laptop - the amplifiers are all linked via CAT5 and you can sit at the FOH position and make adjustments to each zone of your system. All very cool :cool:
Reggae is different I guess if you're a purist, because you're trying to recreate the (technically shit!) sound of the classic soundsystems.
QED ;)
For big rigs this is all done via a laptop - the amplifiers are all linked via CAT5 and you can sit at the FOH position and make adjustments to each zone of your system. All very cool :cool:
my mate does this for RG Jones, the dosser :D
If your mate is a system tech for RG Jones he must be bloody good :cool:
hes been doing sound stuff from 1st day after school, has paid his dues... though that laptop job sounds like the biggest blag in the world - turn up - press GO - and sit back! (and field punters calls to 'turn it up', 'more bass' etc of course)
It's not quite that simple :D

Usual process for a system design is to create a CAD plot of the room/space, then add the points where you can hang the speakers. You then tell the software what type of cabs you're using and how many. you then play around with the inter box angles until the plot generated by the software is giving you even coverage throughout the space. You'll then add any delays/fills you're using until you have your design.

the software will then generate a rig plot for you, checking that you are within the safe weight loadings and so on. You then roll your sleeves up and do some heavy lifting.

Once this has been rigged you then start playing pink noise though the system and use software to analyse the results, this will tell you any EQ and phase adjustments you need to make as well as delay settings between your main hangs, subs, outfills and so on.

It's very easy to fuck up :D
They seem to be a little limited to me, but the tops and mids always sound good, which is what I think suffers sometimes with other kit..... Personally the meta is my favourite sounding thing I've heard, but it was a one off small build (I think)..... but my god, even though not loud (when I saw it), it sounds delicate and beautiful.


Blog write up: http://www.metaacoustics.com/wordpress/?p=150

But I shouldnt be saying this as we've got f1, and the main set up man is anal about setting it up, and sound generally, so it always sounds pretty damn good. Theyve got a lot of bass in comparison to tops and mids too, 6 bins, and 4 tops, BOOM :)
Reggae is different I guess if you're a purist, because you're trying to recreate the (technically shit!) sound of the classic soundsystems.

Very interesting, although of course you are so wrong about reggae sound systems you should hand in your woofers. Reggae sound systems have evolved through hugely competitive clashing over the last 60 years a sound which is venerated within the genre and extroadinarily difficult to reproduce. Since the late 50's Jamaican engineers have been pefecting the art of cutting their music to vinyl specifically to sound good on those systems, in the style beloved of reggae fans.

Different to what you do, but not shit.

Anyway, sorry Firky, back to the speaker porn :)
Different to what you do, but not shit.
That's why I said "technically" shit. You only have to look at how most reggae soundsystems are arranged to see this - a huge mess of drivers in all sorts of places, none of them aligned to anything. Scoop bins creating out of phase wavefronts to other subs and so on. A mass of comb filtering from HF drivers and horns all over the place. You'll get one sound stood in a certain place but walk a few feet to the left and it will all change. It's all this that gives each system it's sound.

All part of the style/charm of it I guess :)

The worlds biggest ever D&B Audioteknik bass array.

PA system 1-4 (Main / Nearfill / Outfill / Delay):
116 D&B J8
12 D&B J12
81 D&B J-SUB
169 D&B D12 amplifier

(to put that into perspective a D12 amplifier has two channels each capable of putting out 1200 watts)
was also used on a stage in glasto that opened first years ago with a Cardiff band and cosmo iirc

don't ask me which year :oops:
before or after 2000
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