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Hardcore Speaker Porn

anyone recognise what the units in the middle are?

What amps/system processor are you using with them? :)

They're MC2 amps, funktion 1 branded..... 2 X E45's and 2 X E25's

Thats about as technical as I get, I know how to plug in and trim...... I always get stuck doing the lights cus they're fiddly (everyone hates them) and I gave myself a mini hernia lifting the bins at new year :(
Its an XO1, passive crossover on the high and mid.

Looking to upgrade to an XO4 in the next few months (depending on money), so it'll be fully active.
Looking to upgrade to an XO4 in the next few months (depending on money), so it'll be fully active.
Worth doing, then learn about using something like Smaart or Systune to time/phase align your tops to the subs, the difference to the sound is amazing.
The ultradrive seemed good over a big void rig... But I know void isn't everyone's cup of tea... I would like to hear their new rig. It looks like a beast!
The ultradrive seemed good over a big void rig... But I know void isn't everyone's cup of tea... I would like to hear their new rig. It looks like a beast!
My housemate and my good mate have their little void vs f1 debate a lot...... I think general consensus between them is that void is good for deep sounding music.
My housemate and my good mate have their little void vs f1 debate a lot...... I think general consensus between them is that void is good for deep sounding music.
Speakers are better or worse than others full stop. The idea that one brand is better for a particular type of music is bollocks really.
Well i do think void are best for bass music because of the aggressive sub bass their bins can deliver. But I agree that Dnb audiotekniq seem to have something over most other speakers...
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