It does have a nice warm glow with the house lights down low...
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I think its been successful!
When i first sound checked it it was in a more carpeted and muffled room, and it sound great there
In this room its a bit more bare and wooden and isn't quite as nice a sound in all honesty, but I'm tweaking and getting it sounding better
Good though these Q 2010s speakers are, they are only bookshelf so you can't expect much beyond their class - having the bassbin off to the side really does make a huge difference tp filling out the sound. Ive got it tucked behind the adjacent chair.
The speaker position, just off the floor isn't really ideal - speakers should be at ear height. Something to think about in any future purchases!
You can definitely compensate for that by having a good quality soundbar - ideally sat on the top - or hopefully tucked in the back will be as good,
But Im loving it - the room is small and I don't have a TV which is often the focus of a living room, and now this is a bit like having a fireplace - definitely has a hearth feel to it.