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Help my Polish friend identify an old song.

Maxwells Silver Hammer is a right load of toss, I agree.

For some reason, our music teacher used to get us to sing that one. Bit weird really. Same bloke got thumped in front of the class by a guy who came into the school with the express intention of lamping him one.

Happy days. :D
Maxwells Silver Hammer is a right load of toss, I agree.

For some reason, our music teacher used to get us to sing that one. Bit weird really. Same bloke got thumped in front of the class by a guy who came into the school with the express intention of lamping him one.

Happy days. :D

He brought it on himself, really.
I can’t think of the name of the guy who has the really long running thread for a song id.
Christian b? No member of that name though.
Anyway, I felt for him.
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