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Guilty Pleasures

Thank goodness Dubversion don't post no more (e2a: :hmm:) I recall the mere idea of there being such a thing as a guilty musical pleasure provoking fury from him. The idea being that if you like it, you like it, and why on earth would you be embarrassed to admit it, unless you were being a pretentious twat. That's all very well but some people do like some real shite.

Personally, I think a lot of the industrial stuff I've liked, some of which I still listen to and have posted on urban on occasion, treads a very fine line between cool and extremely naff.
Thank goodness Dubversion don't post no more (e2a: :hmm:) I recall the mere idea of there being such a thing as a guilty musical pleasure provoking fury from him. The idea being that if you like it, you like it, and why on earth would you be embarrassed to admit it, unless you were being a pretentious twat. That's all very well but some people do like some real shite.
he's right though.
he's right though.

Apart from the logical contradiction the whole concept involves a distortion of music appreciation anyway. "I think I like this song but, oh, if you think it's bad sir I'll feel guilty" vs "this is a fucking excellent song and if you don't like it you know NOTHING and have no SOUL"
what if it's a shit song, you know it's a shit song and you like it for other reasons?

f'rinstance, lady in red.

"I know NOTHING and have no SOUL and I'm fine with that, that's why I think this is a fucking excellent song" maybe?
what if it's a shit song, you know it's a shit song and you like it for other reasons?

f'rinstance, lady in red.
If you like the song because of the song, you like the song and think it's a good song.

If you like the idea of the song for some other reason apart from the song, you like the idea of the song for some other reason apart from the song and don't necessarily think it's a good song.
i don't think it's a good song, it's awful. chris de burgh is an awful cunt as well. but listening to it gives me pleasure.
I'm with the Dub school of thought. Music is very subjective medium, and we're all part of a gigantic Venn diagram in terms of what we appreciate (pretty much everything in life can be represented by Venn diagrams :cool:).
Then you don't actually like the song, just some things that the song represents. So you don't think it's a good song.
where in the phrase 'guilty pleasure' does it say 'good song'? i do like the song, because it reminds me of some things. nothing else does it like this song. it's the song that reminds me. it's the song i like. it gives me pleasure.
where in the phrase 'guilty pleasure' does it say 'good song'? i do like the song, because it reminds me of some things. nothing else does it like this song. it's the song that reminds me. it's the song i like. it gives me pleasure.
Fuckin fair play. I like Take my Breath Away for the same reason :D

edit to add that I have the most unremittingly appalling taste in music anyway though. EVERYONE thinks what I like is shit :D
where in the phrase 'guilty pleasure' does it say 'good song'? i do like the song, because it reminds me of some things. nothing else does it like this song. it's the song that reminds me. it's the song i like. it gives me pleasure.
It's pretty rare to hate a song and like listening to it. Even if it brings back a good memory, if you think it's shit you still don't like listening to it, you just want to hear a few bars and think "aaahhhh I remember X, right now turn that shit off".

You like Lady In Red, don't you? J'accuse.
where in the phrase 'guilty pleasure' does it say 'good song'? i do like the song, because it reminds me of some things. nothing else does it like this song. it's the song that reminds me. it's the song i like. it gives me pleasure.

You're encapsulating my doubts over whether or not you can reject the idea of 'guilty pleasures' outright, though I think 'guilty' is the wrong word.

Surely for most of us it's not the case that everything you like, you genuinely think, "I think this is fucking excellent, I want everyone to know I think so, and I'm going to shout it from the rooftops until they all think so too"?

Many of my musical tastes I'm evangelical to the point of tedium about. Other things - well, it would be great if it was impossible to like something created by someone who's political views I despise, for example, but it doesn't work like that. I'm not sure what I'm getting at now tbh, and don't worry, I'm not about to come out as a Skrewdriver fan. But for example, I utterly stand by my tagline, but despite myself, I do really like "In The Air Tonight"....
It's pretty rare to hate a song and like listening to it. Even if it brings back a good memory, if you think it's shit you still don't like listening to it, you just want to hear a few bars and think "aaahhhh I remember X, right now turn that shit off".

You like Lady In Red, don't you? J'accuse.
i love it. it's a terrible song, written by a prick about the babysitter he's shagging behind his missus's back and then pretending it's about his missus. it's deplorable on many levels. but every word brings back memories of nigel singing it when he was five. he's dead now. has been for six years.

if you'd have asked me what the worst song ever was, twenty odd years ago, it would have been this one. now i love every word and note.
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