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Guilty displeasures

Yes, he might just top himself. Most people think Van Morrisons is awful don't they? It took me a few false starts to get into Neil Young but I always knew there was something there; VM is clearly just a dreary pile of wank. Surely?
Lots of people really love Astral Weeks. I've never listened to it but unless it sounds nothing like all the other Van Morrison I've heard I don't imagine I'd like it.
Johnny Cash and Tom Waits.

Oh yes that's more like it!! I get why you might not like Tom Waits but not liking Johnny Cash is shocking. Well done!!

On a vaguely similar note. I don't like Neil Young. I listened to After the Goldrush quite recently and I drew one big blank from it. Why, why why? I shouldn't be disliking this sort of thing!
I feel like this kind of thing is what a lot of people think when someone simply expresses (sometimes forcefully) a dislike for a band they like.

Over on twitter today, a lot of people in my orbit are upset about 'edgelords' shitting on Daft Punk, as if it's not actually possible to dislike Daft Punk, or bad taste to say you don't like them now, when their fans are grieving or something.

I'm having to bite my tongue cause I don't tend to get stuck in over there, so I'm going to take it out on you instead. :p
Yeah, the Daft Punk thing has been fucking weird hasn't it? Like, neither of them are actually dead?
I've been working on autotune lately - seeing as it doesn't seem to be going away - and don't hate it as much as I did.
Best and tbh only good use of autotune is Farrah Abraham. It's hard work other than that, though.
I might be better off with her more poppy songs. What are her big hits?
You can't go wrong with Shake It Off?

Also, is it wrong of me to not really like anything by Chumawamba outside of Tubthumping and that one joke Oi song they did, or is that my taste being objectively correct?
Lots of people really love Astral Weeks. I've never listened to it but unless it sounds nothing like all the other Van Morrison I've heard I don't imagine I'd like it.

I felt the same way until I gave Astral Weeks a good listen. It has some amazing arrangements on it. If you can blank out Morrison himself, I think you'd like it.
Yeah, it was mainly Folklore that I was thinking of. I'm not saying it's bad or anything. Tell you what, I will give it another go.
Ah ok - it's actually my least favourite tbh. The bloke out of the National has made her sound a bit boring and MOR imo. If you don't like that then Red or 1989 are definitely the albums for you.
I'm not guilty about not liking certain things, in fact I'm suspicious of people with too wide a taste in music as it suggests no ability to filter (that's a joke by the way, don't @ me) but a few bands many friends like but I don't (or at least don't like much of):

Joy Division
Talking Heads
The Minutemen/fIREHOSE
The Who
Bonnie Prince Billy
You ought to see him live and that might change your mind.

In my younger years I've been to see tons of bands based on that logic and I really tried ....but there is no point me going to see a band I don't like or am indifferent to. Chumbawumba springs to mind.

I can't stand Joni Mitchell.
I've only ever found a couple of Nurse With Wound tracks enjoyable, most of it is dull as fuck. I enjoy post rock bands live, but have never listened to any of the albums more than once, and most of them not even that.

Tom Waits is a good shout - I enjoyed swordfishtrombones the one time I listened to it, but I've never been moved to put it on again. Everything else I've heard by him leaves me cold.
I remember buying the SPK collaboration Necropolis, Amphibians And Reptiles on vinyl and always took it off before the Nurse In Wound tracks after the first time of listening. Tom Waits -anything outside the Asylum label period I can live without.
Daft Punk only ever existed at the edge of my comprehension. Heard a couple of things yesterday and it was a 'that was DP, didn't realise' moment. Ah right, they were a bit shit, then.
Steel Eye Span, Fairport Convention, and any of that sort of stuff.
Steeleye Span remain difficult - maddy prior's voice grates in the same way Alice Nutter's does - but I've come round to some fairport - unhalfbricking is great throughout, and there's good tracks on most of their albums of that era.
Nobody's mentioned The Beatles yet, that normally happens on these threads by the end of page 1.
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