going deaf for a living
1F17, Lisas Rival.
What's the one when a whorehouse opens in town? Well funny...
Bolllocks I also missed the B sharps and the Episode where Homer has a sugar mountain.
1F17, Lisas Rival.
And of course the simply genius 'Man getting hit by football'
Starts of with Homer mispronoucing tramopoline due to his sheer excitement at seeing it in the free section
Me too:Not sure I have a favourite episode.
Have a favourite line though.
Ned: This is strictly a Flanders affair. I've got family here from around the globe. Here's Jose Flanders.
Jose: Buenos ding-dong-didly-dias!
Sherrie Bobbins. for the songs.
'They're not perfect, but the lord says 'Love Thy Neighbour'
'Shut up Flanders!'
'okily dokily dooooo.......'
Homer Simpson v Rex Banner
'going out, not back avenge death.'