Oppression is a big word. There are women in the world who really ARE oppressed. Who are not allowed to work, who are forced to cover themselves, who cannot leave the house without their husbands, who are stoned for having an affair. As far as I'm concerned, THAT is oppression.
What we have in this country, at least if you are white (Asian women get a shitter deal ime) is the remnants of sexism. A lot of income disparity comes from women taking career breaks to have and raise kids. Now, I'd like to see it made much easier for women to come back into the job market and earn as much as their male colleagues, but the fact is if you're working part time or haven't had as much experience as the man you are competing with, that aint gonna be the case. That is NOT oppression. To call that oppression is to downgrade the word.
kabbes, the views expressed on urban are (very) left wing, and they are rarely mine. Sometimes I can see the points being made, other times I just disagree *shrugs*
i'd call it oppression that someone could rape me and they would most likely get away with it.