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Glow-Up - Britain's Next Makeup Star

I do agree that the people who have been in the face offs, or whatever they call it, have been worse. Quite messy makeup at times.

The most talented of the group are excellent though, I think!
I do agree that the people who have been in the face offs, or whatever they call it, have been worse. Quite messy makeup at times.

The most talented of the group are excellent though, I think!

Flick back to the first series, or actually the quality in the second was higher. Of course, I'm in awe of them still, being all completely self-taught and so young. It looks an incredibly difficult artform.

I'm looking forward to the Rankin photography spin-off from this which begins on Monday :)
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So, the final three. I'm glad Dolli has managed to push through her demons, and Sophie too. I think it's gonna be between Craig and Sophie. Craig has been so consistently good, as has Sophie.
I am happy with the final three. I want Sophie to win. I love her actual interest in the TV side of things, love her story (we're currently thinking my eldest niece who is 14 is autistic and my sis is wondering whether to get her diagnosed) plus I think she is gorgeous and live her style. The jumper with all the paint marks on was gorgeous.

Dolli is second with Craig third for me. Although I can understand why Dolli hasn't done so well in some of the first challenges, I think they have been a bit harsh on the final rounds with her.
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I think the winner was once again obvious from the first two or three rounds. She was really really good, I'm really pleased for her.

I really hope they get Stacey back though. I'm not sure what the new host adds. I can't even remember her name!
Well deserved winner indeed.

I thought they all did sooooo well with their presentation/workshop to industry heads. What an incredibly high standard of public speaking, really engaging. Relaxed, entertaining, full of tips.

And the final challenges in this episode were simply spectacular. I think these three will all go far for sure.
I did find it a bit weird the whole thing came down to a 30 minute face-off. After all those hours. Surely a points based system would be better?
Hurrah, just noticed that series 4 started last week, Dom, Val & Maya are back. :thumbs: Watched the first episode and they mostly look pretty good but then I'm no expert and it's early days.
Thought allowing one of them make a prosthetic mask the night before was a bit of a cheat. I mean a facial feature like a nose or forehead piece, yes, but not the whole face.

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