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Global financial system implosion begins

Global financial system implosion begins

And yet now, nine years after this thread began, the system has NOT imploded.

The capitalist system has corrected itself and many share markets are at all time highs.

Bank loans received from the US government have been repaid, with interest.

Time has proved that the fear mongering by the usual leftist groups was utter nonsense.

Wouldn't you be happier posting on Conservative Home, or do you secretly enjoy ranting about leftist fearmongers on Urban?
Global financial system implosion begins

And yet now, nine years after this thread began, the system has NOT imploded.

The capitalist system has corrected itself and many share markets are at all time highs.

Bank loans received from the US government have been repaid, with interest.

Time has proved that the fear mongering by the usual leftist groups was utter nonsense.
Thread title was a fair one, and it's been informative. Ripples from 2008 still being felt. Of your EIs one is plain wrong and the other not one I'd rely on.

Industry sector I've been in for 30 years only really starting to collapse now.... Off what happened in 08
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"the system" has not imploded because it was put in cryogenesis & kept hooked up to an artificial life support system called QE run by Central Banks..like in Alien when they freeze people in a pod before the monster can burst out of their stomach

the questions that follow from that are

- what happens when they switch the machine off & interest rates go up given astronomic debt levels higher than they were in 2007
- what do they do to bail us out when the next ton of shit hits the fan
Global financial system implosion begins

And yet now, nine years after this thread began, the system has NOT imploded.

The capitalist system has corrected itself and many share markets are at all time highs.

Bank loans received from the US government have been repaid, with interest.

Time has proved that the fear mongering by the usual leftist groups was utter nonsense.

I am not going to insult your obvious intelligence, but can you think why stock markets might be at al all time high and get back to us ?
oh and WTF...WT actual F !!???

Britain's missing billions: Revised figures reveal UK is £490bn poorer than previously thought

Global banks and international bond strategists have been left stunned by revised ONS figures showing that Britain is £490bn poorer than had been assumed and no longer has any reserve of net foreign assets, depriving the country of its safety margin as Brexit talks reach a crucial juncture.

A massive write-down in the UK balance of payments data shows that Britain’s stock of wealth – the net international investment position – has collapsed from a surplus of £469bn to a net deficit of £22bn. This transforms the outlook for sterling and the gilts markets.

“Half a trillion pounds has gone missing. This is equivalent to 25pc of GDP,” said Mark Capleton, UK rates strategist at Bank of America.

So our professional bean-counters are in error to the tune of a quarter of our GDP - not exactly a rounding error is it ?

And what possible confidence do we have in anything they now tell us about the nation's balance sheet

I now conspiracy theories aren't too popular on here but this all smells rather odd
How the fuck can you lose half a trillion pounds !?!?!? I mean I can understand how you can lose a £1 coin damn things are always dropping down the couch or behind the radiator but come on half a fucking trillion?
my Dad gets in a tizzy and starts hunting for missing receipts when there is a £20 difference between his bank statement and his copy of Quicken, annoys my Mum no end. How the fuck do you get to half a trillion without someone saying "Er hang on a min guys are we sure about these numbers?"
How the fuck can you lose half a trillion pounds !?!?!? I mean I can understand how you can lose a £1 coin damn things are always dropping down the couch or behind the radiator but come on half a fucking trillion?
my Dad gets in a tizzy and starts hunting for missing receipts when there is a £20 difference between his bank statement and his copy of Quicken, annoys my Mum no end. How the fuck do you get to half a trillion without someone saying "Er hang on a min guys are we sure about these numbers?"

look at the graph, the anomoly is the last projection not this one
Calm before the storm? Major central banks must act fast to prevent another global crash
If the world’s major central banks could be held responsible for being asleep at the wheel in the lead up to the 2008 global financial crash, then there is a definite case for careless driving in the build up to the next market meltdown.

World stock markets are hitting record highs, with investor sentiment spinning out of control. It is all down to extreme policy super-stimulus, interest rates running too low and market liquidity awash with too much officially-engineered synthetic money.

There will be tears before bedtime, but not before investors have had their fill of booming stock, credit and bond markets.
One reason is that most intelligent people didn't buy all the doom and gloom and fear mongering emanating from leftists in 2008.

So what are you saying, that austerity was all based on a bunch of bullshit and slashing spending on ordinary people was absolutely pointless?

Because not long after 2008 there were people like you dribbling on about "we" (i.e. working people) had to make all kinds of sacrifices based on specious reasoning that compared national economics to personal finances.
So what are you saying, that austerity was all based on a bunch of bullshit and slashing spending on ordinary people was absolutely pointless?

Not even remotely accurate. You're not very good at this, are you?

To put it as simply as the English language will allow : I am saying that the prediction of an implosion of the global financial system, as predicted in the thread header, was just so much fear mongering bullshit.
Not even remotely accurate. You're not very good at this, are you?

To put it as simply as the English language will allow : I am saying that the prediction of an implosion of the global financial system, as predicted in the thread header, was just so much fear mongering bullshit.
as simply as i can: you're a liar
Not even remotely accurate. You're not very good at this, are you?

To put it as simply as the English language will allow : I am saying that the prediction of an implosion of the global financial system, as predicted by leftists in the thread header, was just so much fear mongering bullshit.
He's a fucking genius at this compared to you. I included in bold the bit you omitted in your eagerness to land that 'killer blow'. You really do have to put more effort into this. Dare to be original.

E2A: You might want to look up the OP of this thread and their posting history oh Tory crusader.
Not even remotely accurate. You're not very good at this, are you?

To put it as simply as the English language will allow : I am saying that the prediction of an implosion of the global financial system, as predicted in the thread header, was just so much fear mongering bullshit.
Except that it actually happened, and was then used as the justification for nearly a decade (and counting) of austerity. And, lest we forget, the subsequent Conservative governments have speciously continued to insist that the whole thing was the product of Labour government policy, as if that was going to be enough on its own to trigger a global financial crisis that is still reverberating.

Jeremy Corbyn to pledge £500bn of spending in leadership speech

Corbyn thought he'd get elected by promising to spend money that our kids would end up having to repay.
As opposed to the way that, say, the continuing expansion of PFI contracts, etc., somehow isn't money our kids will end up having to repay?

Why am I even bothering to reply to this halfwit?
Except that it actually happened, and was then used as the justification for nearly a decade (and counting) of austerity. And, lest we forget, the subsequent Conservative governments have speciously continued to insist that the whole thing was the product of Labour government policy, as if that was going to be enough on its own to trigger a global financial crisis that is still reverberating.

If we'd had chapter 11 or proper regulation of AIG the contagion would nt have been anywhere nearas bad. Labour's sloped shoulders 'it started in America` wasn't a good look... But a Tory government would have been just as in awe of Greenspan as Brown was. There's more than enough blame to go round
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