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Give up Bingo and Booze if your Benefit is being cut!

Today I watched an old Dr Who on the screen at work. It's made me want a big one! If it were true that being on benefits meant I'd get one, spend more time drinking and going on foreign holidays, I think I'd stop working.

Give it a try then and get back to us with the results ;)
Less a case of attracting idiots but as idiots have been tolerated they have managed to dominate the discourse. This inevitably leads to a loss of users which leads to the tone being set by a few who have very little of substance to contribute.
It is a long time since I was politically active as a member of the IS, and SWP (and the Tories, for shame). I do enjoy reading some of these threads. But the name calling and automatic assumption by some that anyone who doesn't agree is (insert curse of your choice) deters me from entering into many discussions. I don't enjoy the name calling and intolerance. I've questioned many of my ideas due to the poster's here, and hope I've become more tolerant of different opinions and developed my own understanding.
It is a long time since I was politically active as a member of the IS, and SWP (and the Tories, for shame). I do enjoy reading some of these threads. But the name calling and automatic assumption by some that anyone who doesn't agree is (insert curse of your choice) deters me from entering into many discussions. I don't enjoy the name calling and intolerance. I've questioned many of my ideas due to the poster's here, and hope I've become more tolerant of different opinions and developed my own understanding.
Well, good on you. Robust discussion is great but student grants accusing anyone who isn't following the pack of being a bigot is pretty tiresome.
I don't understand what that means any more. It used to mean, to me, a middle road where people tried to do the greatest good for the largest number. Now, under the LD party currently sharing power, it seems to be Tory Lite.
Dream on. I remember years back you vehemently arguing against citizen's militias being used as a defence strategy for rural communities in the valleys of Cumbria faced with a gunman.

(referring to the pulp fiction mis-quotation of ezekiel 25:17 here)
I was reading 'first blood' last night and was reminded, on a note of safety, why such militias would be more dangerous to themselves than to any arms-trained would-be john rambo.
True, mines gone up from £56pw to £62pw in two years. People might well think that's still a low rent but as a percentage increase it's quite high.

I don't know how to work out percentages :facepalm:

My HA rent has gone from £75 a week to Just under £100 a week in 5 years
And yes, i have sky and the internet and have a maxed out credit card because i came here with nothing having been officially homeless for 6 months (after 3 years of waiting, losing everything as my parents business went to the wall) and after my succession of 2nd hand tv's blew up and the elderly 2nd hand fridge, washing machine and computer all went in the same year i thought fuck it.........so yes i do struggle (well me and the youngest) but the tv is more or less my entertainment and is therefore quite important to me as is the internet (it's sometimes my only social life and i do my banking and bills etc) i work a physically hard job and at 50 am often too tired to take my clothes off at the end of the day..........

how dare people sit in fucking judgement when they don't know people's circumstances.................i shocked someone at work the other day who was ranting about people on benefits blah blah blah and didn't i find it anger inducing and i replied "no, actually i couldn't really give a shit"
Ah but i forget the poor/people on benefits should be accepting of their grind of a life and wear sack cloth and ashes whilst sitting round a candle so that the better off can feel satisfied they aren't being shafted...........woe betide anyone that hankers after a little relief (whatever form that may take).........

Just noticed this thread. :)
All I can say is it has been a fun/interesting couple of days.
Also I wonder if the Chief exec that was forced compelled to apologise on radio 4 spends her £110k salary on bingo or sky? Non for profit housing trusts? Well we can see how they get away with that claim when they are paying execs that amount!
fuckrags who are sitting comfortable whilst still sticking to the clusterfuck of a distiction between "the poor and the deserving poor"

unemployment in the Uk Stands at 2.52 million and we are in the worst economic depression in living memory and these thick cunts still take the line fed to them by the right..

but thats alright one thick cunt saw some kids drinking a can of red bull


tbf your just trolling but you are a cunt anyways


Well, according to what you posted I am a fuckrag cunt in a clusterfuck for suggesting that people who are short of money may be buying their children red bull equivalents for breakfast.
and whilst we at it poor kids getting the bus to school...

shame on them its another cut back they should have to endure to keep a roof over their heads

Well, seeing them waddling along to get a bus for two stops you do wonder why on the one hand public transport is subsidised and on the other there are endless messages to take exercise.

anyways i'm bored

*wanders off*
Well, seeing them waddling along to get a bus for two stops you do wonder why on the one hand public transport is subsidised and on the other there are endless messages to take exercise.
How do you know where they get on and off? Have you genuinely nothing better to do with your time? You poor man. :(
The absurdity of being criticised for confusing an apperitif for a digestif by someone who is claiming to have insight into the lives of the urban poor is something I will relish.
Because actual poor people are uneducated, you see. This is the sort of esoteric knowledge that's not for the likes of them. That's how you can spot them in the street from their choice of morning beverage. Only poor (and therefore ignorant) people make choices like that.

Fuck off, you smug, sneering cunt.
It is a long time since I was politically active as a member of the IS, and SWP (and the Tories, for shame). I do enjoy reading some of these threads. But the name calling and automatic assumption by some that anyone who doesn't agree is (insert curse of your choice) deters me from entering into many discussions. I don't enjoy the name calling and intolerance. I've questioned many of my ideas due to the poster's here, and hope I've become more tolerant of different opinions and developed my own understanding.

How long were you in the IS and SWP, same time as Greg Dyke?

you must be very old...
How do you know where they get on and off? Have you genuinely nothing better to do with your time? You poor man. :(

Because they are wearing a school uniform for a school which is two bus stops away from the tube station. I travel the opposite direction and see the hoards fighting to get on a bus to carry them two bus stops to school. Hardly detective work.
Because actual poor people are uneducated, you see. This is the sort of esoteric knowledge that's not for the likes of them. That's how you can spot them in the street from their choice of morning beverage. Only poor (and therefore ignorant) people make choices like that.

Fuck off, you smug, sneering cunt.

I wasn't the one making a song and dance about not knowing my digestif from my aperitif.
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