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Give up Bingo and Booze if your Benefit is being cut!

I'm more of an ezekiel 25:17 man myself

Dream on. I remember years back you vehemently arguing against citizen's militias being used as a defence strategy for rural communities in the valleys of Cumbria faced with a gunman.

(referring to the pulp fiction mis-quotation of ezekiel 25:17 here)
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
And your point is? I've not judged so much as been judged for others' misunderstandings. I certainly haven't condemned anyone here.
But have you forgiven?
I don't think anyone has done anything that needs forgiving. Clearly some have leapt to erroneous conclusions. We all make mistakes. I am still confused by the extreme animosity shown here. But that's life.
I don't think anyone has done anything that needs forgiving. Clearly some have leapt to erroneous conclusions. We all make mistakes. I am still confused by the extreme animosity shown here. But that's life.

I respect your fortitude. This place is the last hang out of too-many student grant types who somehow believe spluttering away from their keyboards is a substitute for effective revolutionary action.
The absurdity of being criticised for confusing an apperitif for a digestif by someone who is claiming to have insight into the lives of the urban poor is something I will relish.
Tell us about the four corners again, kenny.

From your contributions the four corners appears to have occupied far more of your mental energy than it ever did mine so please feel free to justify your disdain for being willing to entertain a viewpoint that seemed to bring something fresh into discourse.
I don't think anyone has done anything that needs forgiving. Clearly some have leapt to erroneous conclusions. We all make mistakes. I am still confused by the extreme animosity shown here. But that's life.

Because they stopped short of telling you to get rid of your 40-inch flat screen tv? :hmm:
From your contributions the four corners appears to have occupied far more of your mental energy than it ever did mine so please feel free to justify your disdain for being willing to entertain a viewpoint that seemed to bring something fresh into discourse.

I just find you funny, that's all. Funny little man. :)
Well yet more evidence that the usual idiots have managed to destroy what could have been an interesting thread.
I don't either, but a lot of people who refer to anyone on benefits insist we all do and that we take foreign holidays every year
Today I watched an old Dr Who on the screen at work. It's made me want a big one! If it were true that being on benefits meant I'd get one, spend more time drinking and going on foreign holidays, I think I'd stop working.
Well yet more evidence that the usual idiots have managed to destroy what could have been an interesting thread.
Why does this forum so often attract people who prefer being insulting to being communicative and to discussing the subject?
Why does this forum so often attract people who prefer being insulting to being communicative and to discussing the subject?

Less a case of attracting idiots but as idiots have been tolerated they have managed to dominate the discourse. This inevitably leads to a loss of users which leads to the tone being set by a few who have very little of substance to contribute.
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