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I've noticed this a few times, does anyone know why Vose doesn't stay on the pitch at full time and clap the fans (I know that's not compulsory, but a nice thing to do) and also warm down with the rest of the squad?
I've noticed this a few times, does anyone know why Vose doesn't stay on the pitch at full time and clap the fans (I know that's not compulsory, but a nice thing to do) and also warm down with the rest of the squad?
No. Does anyone know why you don’t politely approach him & ask him?
A few titbits from the flyer handed out after the game yesterday:
• Ticket prices are frozen for next season
• Earlybird season tickets go on sale this Friday
• There's a meeting in the bar on Monday 13th May to discuss club matters, which I presume will include an update on the planning situation
It doesn’t exactly encourage people to talk to him if he just walks off does it?
I only noticed him do that at Wealdstone because I was standing right next to the tunnel at the final whistle. Maybe he has some medical reason for needing to return to the dressing room promptly, in which case no one else really needs to know. I'm sure the manager must realise one of his players is always absent from the pre-match warm down routine and be OK with it.
A medical reason does make sense but to not even shake the refs hand at the end of game is a bit weird. I fully appreciate some games you wouldn't want to, but it's a simple respect that's needed.
That flyer in the programme would have been handy, thanks for posting it up here :thumbs:
I doubt if the Club Committee even knew about it... as some of those in the Boardroom were in the dark about the presentation night & the season tickets...
I got given one from the turnstile operator when they drew a line across my ticket.
I have no intel on this. But I thought a similar thing until I re-read and realised that yes it says ticket prices frozen but it doesn’t say season ticket prices frozen.
£125 was a spectacularly amazingly generous offer. I would have no expectations of it being able to be matched again. And if it is then, when you add in the fact that we are the lowest admissions price across all categories (with most generous definitions of concessions) in the League it would be frankly stupendous.
Am wondering about the new ST early bird price too. 21 league games so it could easily be as much as £200.
Would be very happy if it’s around the £150/160 mark. On Friday we find out!
If you click on the tickets link on the official website you get taken to tickets for the band 'Trash Boat' at Leeds Uni!?? :hmm:
Crazy. They made a big thing of investing in a better squad this season with the aim of a promotion push, yet they didn't bother investing in their ground first. When will they ever learn .

They also had the slowest tea bar service I've ever experienced, and were deducted 3 points for fielding an ineligible player because no one realised it was now more than 1 month since they'd signed him for a 1 month loan period.
Yes, looks like it HAS to be a direct debit. Can’t see how to buy two at the same time for my boy and I either. Used to be: send a check in the post to Bill Azzi!
Early bird season ticket £151, can't argue with that, great value and so many concession plus 13-19 still pay your age :thumbs:

Looks like my old person's concession ticket has gone down from £65 to £63! (Although the age at which concessions kick in is now 61 rather than 60 - so doesn't affect anyone who was already eligible last season.)

But basically "top value"!
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