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Did a lft at keyworker testing centre on Monday, didn't get results. Did another lft this morning, this time showed phone to staff to check I had registered - 3.5 hours later no result. Rang 119, they went through all my details and test number, 1.5 hours later still no result. Any idea wtf i should do now?

Also agree with all the fuck the fuck off stuff.
I work with idiots. (Not the learners; the staff.)

A colleague is apparently off on a 2-week international holiday in a few days, with all his family, to get some sun. Booked the flights and everything. Very keen.

1. Going on holiday is currently illegal.
2. The country they think they're going to requires 2 weeks of quarantine on arrival.
3. They'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks on return.

How far do you think they'll get, urbs?

Turned back from the airport here? Arrested? Somehow manage to wrangle an essential travel permit to get there, but be stuck indefinitely? Even somehower get there and back, but have to pay for an additional fortnight's hotel quarantine?

Only just discovered this post and I am itching to know how they got on
I'm going to take a bit of credit here (in my earlier post**) for provoking the fucker :p :D

Anti-troll counter-trolling! :cool: :thumbs:

(**post 2,936, previous page ;) )
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Our neighbour across the road is still in hospital, recovering but slowly. Sadly we found out today from his wife that their little King Charles spaniel they have had for years is on his last legs and will be put to sleep in the next week. :( Very sad for them both - I guess his 'dad' won't see him again and I think having him for companionship and walkies meant a lot to his 'mum'. We're glad she does have lodgers living with her so she won't be on her own at least, but what an awful time to lose a dog. :(
William of Walworth said:
I'm going to take a bit of credit here (in my earlier post**) for provoking the fucker :p :D

Anti-troll counter-trolling! :cool: :thumbs:

(**post 2,936, previous page ;) )

Well done on your joining the other hive minded arseholes, you must be very proud

That post was a pisstake on my part :D, but you're not showing any original thinking yourself, in your 'response' ... :rolleyes:
Only just discovered this post and I am itching to know how they got on
They got there and back, and don't seem to have infected anyone or been infected. I didn't ask whether they quarantined when they got to their holiday destination, as I imagined they hadn't.

They did have to do home quarantine when they got back, and had to take it as extra annual leave, plus had the required tests and paid for them, which they weren't happy about. I was secretly pleased :oops:

I'm also pleased they mostly got away with it; completely, in the most important way. When they're not being a fucking idiot, they're very nice!
In Ontario, the government has announced that restrictions will be eased in the "red zone" I'm in - red is the second most infected on a four-zone scale - and pubs and restaurants can now move from 10% of capacity indoors to 50%, with a maximum of 50 customers inside.

They've also warned that case numbers are rising and the more infectious British COVID variant is spreading widely. Vaccination rollout has been slow, they're just getting started on the 75 to 80-year-olds.

I don't know why the government is adopting policies that appear to be pro-coronavirus, but I do know that I won't be going to the pub anytime soon.
Well that's unexpected. Positive result this morning for me after my test yesterday afternoon. Thankfully I'm on holiday and have been since my last negative test so I'm assuming my work people are safe. In a week, apart from dropping off a test at a post box, I've only been out once, and that was last Sunday so I'm guessing that's where I picked it up. I was really enjoying this holiday time and was due back on Wednesday. Clearly that's not happening now unless I have to rerun the test and it changes.
Mogden , can you feel any/many symptoms yet?

I hope you get off as lightly as possible -- look after yourself .......
Thanks William. Nothing at all. I have a thermometer and I'm in the normal range. I usually run pretty cool anyway. No breathing issues, no cough. If I'm gonna get any symptom I'd rather it be the loss of taste, temporarily, cos I could do with not eating too much while I can't go out at all. I've had the first part of the Pfizer vaccine a couple of weeks ago so this is a bit of a surprise although I'm well aware that doesn't protect you completely.
Well that's unexpected. Positive result this morning for me after my test yesterday afternoon. Thankfully I'm on holiday and have been since my last negative test so I'm assuming my work people are safe. In a week, apart from dropping off a test at a post box, I've only been out once, and that was last Sunday so I'm guessing that's where I picked it up. I was really enjoying this holiday time and was due back on Wednesday. Clearly that's not happening now unless I have to rerun the test and it changes.
Might be a false positive. My wife had a completely unexpected positive test after not leaving the house for over a week, with zero symptoms and then got a negative the following day. We self isolated just to be on the safe side, but I'm 99.9% sure she didn't have it, especially as I tested negative myself throughout.
Certainly the lateral flow tests which the government have brought tons of seem to have a problem with false positives.
Might be a false positive. My wife had a completely unexpected positive test after not leaving the house for over a week, with zero symptoms and then got a negative the following day. We self isolated just to be on the safe side, but I'm 99.9% sure she didn't have it, especially as I tested negative myself throughout.
I suspect this is the case. I was actually due to start using lateral flow tests last week so I can swab and test myself at home, don't currently have the equipment as on annual leave, and was expecting a false positive from that but this was a swab test I did and posted yesterday afternoon. I'm in no hurry to go back so will wait from feedback from the office tomorrow before doing another test. The thing is would a false negative from the next one be more likely than a false positive this time? :hmm: Given I'm working with vulnerable and shielding people I would tell me to isolate for 10 days regardless.
has the impact from opening up schools being spotted yet in the stats? sorry, don't really follow them. i know it was a big thing to look for obvisiouly.
From about the time the schools were going back -

a) Huge jump in the number of tests
b) decline in the decrease in the number of cases

Cases | Coronavirus in the UK (data.gov.uk) go to the part of the page
"recent 7-day case rates by specimen date" and select "percentage change"

and look at the shape of the graph, and the values for the last few [5] entries [-1.5, -1.4, -0.3, -0.6, -1.3 compared to the -34.5 figure for 4th March]
Had another session at the vaccination centre today. In January it was 80 year olds turning up an hour too early for their appointment.

Today it was people in their 50s. A few tried to blag their way in but didn't succeed.

Your name's not down etc
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I suspect this is the case. I was actually due to start using lateral flow tests last week so I can swab and test myself at home, don't currently have the equipment as on annual leave, and was expecting a false positive from that but this was a swab test I did and posted yesterday afternoon. I'm in no hurry to go back so will wait from feedback from the office tomorrow before doing another test. The thing is would a false negative from the next one be more likely than a false positive this time? :hmm: Given I'm working with vulnerable and shielding people I would tell me to isolate for 10 days regardless.

If you have a positive from lateral flow you should take a confirmatory PCR test
I thought their main problem was with false negatives.

False positives get all the attention of late because they generate stories of people being inconvenienced. I've seen articles in the recent past where the likes of the BBC kept a straight face while daring to go on about the rate of false positives without even properly mentioning the rate of false negatives. The inconvenience of dying via a chain of infection due to undetected outbreaks as a result of false negatives was not deemed worthy of such loud complaints.

There were some legitimate reasons to draw attention to the larger relative impact of false positives at a stage when relatively few genuine positives were being discovered, but the emphasis and framing still stunk.
If you have a positive from lateral flow you should take a confirmatory PCR test
Yes having done extensive online training last week I'm well aware of that but I've not actually done any LFTs yet as I've said further up, I've not been in work to receive them.

Test and Trace have called. They wanted to know of any symptoms, who else I'd had here/been in contact with directly but interestingly didn't ask where I had been on the day I said I'd probably picked it up. I would thought that sort of knowledge would be key as they are quite busy shops and with other people reporting, might show an outbreak hotspot. It's refreshing for once to say I've seen bugger all people apart from shopping that one day and it's just me here with no contact and have someone say that makes it easier for me! :D
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