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General Coronavirus (COVID-19) chat

She was told she had it but she came too late for a test.

I know a few people that swore they had it early on, but then tested negative anyway, including a few doctors who swore they had it. I think to some extent there was a bit of fitting some symptoms to the virus going on as well with some people. People also got told that it could/might be covid to make them careful about what they did, even if there was still a fair chance it was a non-covid infection. People also hear very selectively from HCPs with this stuff, especially if there's words they can recognise and latch onto. I've seen patients told they haven't got cancer for example, and they've burst into tears and whne asked why they'd just heard "Blar... blar... blar... CANCER blar... blar... blar." There's some good research looking into what patients hear and can remember from what HCPs tell them, it's shockingly low and often incorrectly recalled. I've had patients who've had surgery before, and they can't even remember what it was!
It seems likely that immunity isn't forever (although we don't know that yet). If so, the rate of second infections will pick up at some point.

Bit of a muddled article by Nick Cohen here.

He has correctly picked up on some of the future themes and Johnson telegraphed some of them in his last press conference speech. But Cohen wants to wank on about bio-surveillance and whether something feels like a dictatorship to him, rather than explain what he is on about properly.

I dont like it when he talks about lockdowns that are too late to do anything, since that concept is flawed, nor when he lumps South Asian countries together and says they used bio-surveillance rather than lockdowns. It varies per country but if I had to generalise, I'd say some did both, they still used lockdowns at the moments where the other ways were not up to the task, although that may be less true going forwards.

The theme he has correctly identified is that the government will want to use various forms of routine mass testing as an alternative to such hard lockdowns in future. And that in order for that approach to carry a heavy load, compliance with self-isolation rules needs to increase a lot. The timescale for such things is unclear, as is how far they will manage to take it in terms of scale. Likewise with enforcement of self-isolation, it looks like they will gradually be turning the thumbscrews in that area.

There is a fairly long portion of Johnsons speech that tries to talk about the future testing with a realistic tone in an attempt for it to be taken seriously, in contrast to the attempt to sell it as Moonshot in a stupidly boosterish manner. And that section ended with Johnson mentioning the importance of self-isolation. An early step in what I've just been describing.

The 'take me seriously bit':

First, it will take time to develop this plan. No country in the world is regularly testing millions of people, so we need to take the time to establish how to do this effectively and safely, and to build the logistics and distribution operation necessary for a large-scale operation across the country.

Second, we won’t be able to use testing to get business back to normal quickly. In time, we want to use tests to open, and keep open, more parts of the economy that have sadly been closed. But it is crucial that we make sure such systems work safely and I must level with you that it will take time to get this right before many organisations can buy and operate these tests themselves.

The self-isolation bit:

But the most important thing is that people isolate if they test positive. If you test positive with one of these fast new tests, then you must stay at home.

If everyone follows the rule and self-isolates if you have symptoms, get a positive test, or have come into contact with someone who has the virus, we will suppress the disease.


Dont know who he is but if he was an "influencer" and denied covid19 existed then his followers will all be having a rethink.

Sort of the ultimate in influencing... 🤔

sorry... is that a bit wrong of me?

Dont know who he is but if he was an "influencer" and denied covid19 existed then his followers will all be having a rethink.

Sort of the ultimate in influencing... 🤔

sorry... is that a bit wrong of me?
Good. Am glad he is dead. Hope he did not cause many others to die as a result of his cuntish, self serving bullshit.

Fuck him.
I’m reeling from a row with my daughter - very bright, fab career, single parent. She’s having friends down for the weekend, a couple and three kids under 12. Daughter is in Tier 1, I don’t know exactly where friends live but may be Tier 2. I raised an eyebrow (should know better!) and said which Tier are they in, are they allowed in to other homes, and surely that’s seven people... daughter doesn’t care which Tier they’re in, and said absolutely nobody is counting children. Life has to go on, she says, things need to get back to normal, mental health issues from not seeing friends and not going out are the bigger crisis.
I said something on the lines of sod ‘going out’, what matters is saving lives and hospitals being able to cope through the winter. She said it’s unbelievably selfish that people like me don’t care that people like her face seeing their already huge mortgage payments double when interest rates go through the roof. I’m quite used to us being poles apart on most things but we are both thoroughly angry now, I despair that her attitude is entirely normal for her circle, and she despairs of mine.
Just listening to a Twiv podcast at work. They have discussed a paper where they were talking about how the spike protein from SARS-COV-2 can have a pain relieving effect, so they were talking about the possibility of using a chemical similar to that in pain relief drugs. Anyway just thought that was interesting
This might seem a stupid question, but how are they heating those Nightingales? Cos they look massive, with really high ceilings, and no lower or false ceilings to keep warmth in.
and how will they be staffing them? That was the problem last time wasn't it?

Staffing levels are always the big issue with this and the only chance they have of doing that is when the point is reached that the NHS England dogma of keeping various other things going and restoring elective surgery is abandoned. And even then it would be a real struggle.
This might seem a stupid question, but how are they heating those Nightingales? Cos they look massive, with really high ceilings, and no lower or false ceilings to keep warmth in.

The former Manchester Central Station (now the Manchester Exhibition Centre), is imminently re-opening as a Nightingale very soon, have I heard?
(I think it was mainly on stand-by before, at least for a while? :confused: )

My own experience of the place (it was the huge base for the Manchester Beer Festival late every January for years ;) ) is that the heating there was astonishingly effective -- surprisingly!

Even in January, we were not shivering in our coats, we could sit around the Fest in (say) a shirt and a thin underfleece, even in one very icy year! :eek:
"People who are told to stay indoors because a household member has coronavirus will soon have to self-isolate for as little as seven days after widespread refusal to comply with the current 14-day period.

Separately, City dealmakers, hedge fund managers and company bosses flying into the UK will be exempt from the 14-day quarantine period under plans to “promote global Britain”.

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