I've realised what all this reminds me of:
You know when you're at a really muddy festival, like the epic-biblical mud ones, and you spend the entire time making sure your hands and clobber are clean enough, avoiding getting mud into your tent, sitting down cautiously and consciously so as to avoid getting mud on the back of your jacket, jealously guarding your bog roll so you've got enough dry clean stuff to be used, checking your own hands before diving into your pockets to get your lighter out, looking ahead to see if the rowdy teens coming towards you are going to swerve you or splash past without a care, eyeing up the road ahead for potential danger, constantly on duty with it all in a way that's tiresome and tiring...? All that, it's the same skill set that I'm using to avoid this virus. Signifiant differences include the fact that mud is visible, C-19 isn't; mud isn't dangerous; there's music and drugs and friends and plenty of outdoor exercise at a festival, lockdown, not so much; and you know that you can go home for a hot bath and a wind down in a few days when the festival ends, while lockdown seems to be never-ending. But at least the weather is decent, which isn't the case at a mud-fest.