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General Coronavirus (COVID-19) chat

Did not know where to put this. Painted by an Irish artist.

It had a profound effect on me..as I know that the nurses and doctors working with covid patients here have been extremely caring..
And our government has yet to properly recognise them. Very often...too often the ICU and Covid ward nurses and doctors were the last human touch that patients had.

I think that alone should make any thinking, caring, feeling person think twice about ignoring restrictions or avoiding vaccines.

It does make me angry when our stupid politicians today, actually agreed with the Chief Medical Officer who has advised that households not meet up tonight for new year celebrations...not even 2 households. Our CMO has been extraordinarily on tbe ball. But our stupid Minister for health came out with bullshit today...told everyone that government regulations agreed prior to Christmas allowed for 4 households to meet indoors
Yet he said he agreed with Dr Holohan....today... like get off the fence and realise this is a health issue not a political one.

Here is the painting. I probably am thinking about people I know who work in ICU and with Covid patients. Those people who are extraordinary....and to whom we all owe so much.

Professor Luke O Neill...
Trinity college Dublin.
Recently recovered from Covid and fully vaccinated plus boostered.

Says it'll all be over by Summer and we will be living with covid and fully back to normal by end of this year.
Says the new anti virals are great.
Says we will get booster vaccines for vulnerables.
Not bothered by potential new variants..don't worry peeps..

This is the guy who said a few months ago that once we were vaccinated that we coukd just go live our lives as normal ..

Nohing to worry about ... long covid?? Not a problem...
Prof O Neill seems to have gone a bit batshit crazy since his recovery.
What's happened to the Worldometers site? (Here, for the UK.)

For me, it's only showing today's data and the option of yesterday's, if I click on the date (both on phone and laptop).

Clicking 'More news' leads to nothing but more adverts.

It had been showing the past 7 days (with a click for each day)...
What's happened to the Worldometers site? (Here, for the UK.)

For me, it's only showing today's data and the option of yesterday's, if I click on the date (both on phone and laptop).

Clicking 'More news' leads to nothing but more adverts.

It had been showing the past 7 days (with a click for each day)...
these things are best ignored....
it's like weighing yourself - what good will come of it? :D
218k new cases then.
Spain is worse!


Good to see this news from our Prime Minister.

Sadly there are no tests available for key workers. We supply the care homes, emergency services and key workers in Bedfordshire and have none at all. Last two orders have been late and (at most) only half the requested kits. Should have had a delivery today but now delayed till (hopefully) Saturday.

Even NHS staff round here can't get them. It is another massive fuck up by our beshitted government.
hmm news this morning that they are planning to remove the need for asymptomatic to self isolate

the fuck


Not sure where you are getting that from.

The actual reports I've heard/read is that they are considering dropping the requirement of asymptomatic people from taking a PCR test, as currently the isolation clock starts from the date of the PCR rather than from the initial LFT, so it would just reduce the isolation period by a few days, assuming they still have negative LFTs on day 6 and 7.

The rules around Covid testing and isolation could be eased slightly in a bid to reduce staff shortages which are severely affecting key industries, The Telegraph has reported.

The plans, drawn up by health officials and expected to be announced on Wednesday, will mean those who test positive on lateral flow tests will no longer be required to take a confirmatory PCR test, which delays their isolation start date.

PCR tests will be limited to symptomatic cases only, leaving those who don’t have symptoms - making up more than one third of cases - with fewer days in isolation and an earlier return to work.

mumbles from the bbc breakfast show will see if it raises it head again later today

does appear the Tory are on the fuck people,business first route atm
Not sure where you are getting that from.

The actual reports I've heard/read is that they are considering dropping the requirement of asymptomatic people from taking a PCR test, as currently the isolation clock starts from the date of the PCR rather than from the initial LFT, so it would just reduce the isolation period by a few days, assuming they still have negative LFTs on day 6 and 7.

Shame there are hardly any tests available.
Not sure where you are getting that from.

The actual reports I've heard/read is that they are considering dropping the requirement of asymptomatic people from taking a PCR test, as currently the isolation clock starts from the date of the PCR rather than from the initial LFT, so it would just reduce the isolation period by a few days, assuming they still have negative LFTs on day 6 and 7.

Does make sense, especially with a shortage of PCRs, treat a positive LFT as positive, no need to confirm with a PCR.

The person on the news this morning was good though, pointed out the use of language is important and to stop calling it a relaxation of the testing regime as people then think things are getting better/easier/slacker and behave accordingly.

Feeling fucked off this morning with all this, especially the media coverage, might try and type a rant out later....
confused by teh current news on bbc. ministers are thinking of changing the rules so you "don't need a PCR as confirmatory" to end the isolation period.

well it was my understanding that the 10 days start on symptoms start, and if you start testing negative on LFTs on day 6 and 7 you can end the isolation period. no pcr required.

and on day 10, you can just end it no matter whethere you have or havent a pcr, and even if your lfts are still testing positive (and you have no high temperature).

what is this confirmatory PCR about - i have never heard of it?

i have gone by this for my guidance which mentions no need for confirmatory PCR. my day of release is friday:

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confused by teh current news on bbc. ministers are thinking of changing the rules so you "don't need a PCR as confirmatory" to end the isolation period.

well it was my understanding that the 10 days start on symptoms start, and if you start testing negative on LFTs on day 6 and 7 you can end the isolation period. no pcr required.

and on day 10, you can just end it no matter whethere you have or havent a pcr, and even if your lfts are still testing positive (and you have no high temperature).

what is this confirmatory PCR about - i have never heard of it?

i have gone by this for my guidance which mentions no need for confirmatory PCR. my day of release is friday:

The change is for people who've tested positive with no symptoms - previously the isolation period starts with the confirmatory PCR
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