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Just looked at the figures for the 'hot spot' of Bolton, there it's 63.2% / 36.2%, which is down on the nationals figures, but bloody good compared to Brighton & Hove City at 52.7% / 26.6%, which is worrying as the Indian variant is there & it's only 12 miles up the coast. :bigeyes:
My son (18) have just been invited to get his jab. Managed to get him an appointment at 18.40 today. Am I right in thinking he'll most likely get Moderna?
I'm quite interested in whether the per location data thats now on the dashboard gives people a different sense of how low the rates of first dose vaccinations per day have been since they really ramped up second doses.

I havent looked at many areas, but certainly in my town the different is quite stark. The following graph is what I'm n about for my area, and shows daily first doses (on the site there is a button to see second doses instead)

Nuneaton & Bedworth:

Screenshot 2021-05-19 at 11.53.03.png
My son (18) have just been invited to get his jab. Managed to get him an appointment at 18.40 today. Am I right in thinking he'll most likely get Moderna?

I don't think so. He'll likely be given a choice between az and a different one which will be either pz or moderna. I think we still have much more pz jabs so probably most likely that but it really is just whatever that particular vaccination centre has on that day.

Iirc giving the under 40's an option of az or another was something they aim to do for as many as possible but there was a caveat that it may not be possible for everyone. This being the case he may just be offered az but it does seem unlikely.
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I'm quite interested in whether the per location data thats now on the dashboard gives people a different sense of how low the rates of first dose vaccinations per day have been since they really ramped up second doses.

I havent looked at many areas, but certainly in my town the different is quite stark. The following graph is what I'm n about for my area, and shows daily first doses (on the site there is a button to see second doses instead)

Nuneaton & Bedworth:

View attachment 269128
Not quite so stark here in Lambeth

Screenshot 2021-05-19 at 15.10.11.jpg

When levels are fairly low though one localised outbreak can do that. From the link there that's a rise of 18 cases, not a massive number in the scheme of things, it could easily be related to one workplace or something like that.
When levels are fairly low though one localised outbreak can do that. From the link there that's a rise of 18 cases, not a massive number in the scheme of things, it could easily be related to one workplace or something like that.

You're right of course but we're all a bit scarred from the last 15 months. Local outbreaks have most often led to a much larger problem. Obviously we all hope it will be different this time but its hard to shrug off the feeling of an impending problem.
New thing happening this week.

Have had two lots of parents bring kids in with cold symptoms. They tested both negative via the lateral flow but the schools have refused to allow them back in until they have been PCR tested.

Germany will impose a quarantine on people arriving from Britain due to the spread there of the coronavirus variant first found in India, the Robert Koch health institute said Friday.

From Sunday, all travellers arriving from the UK will have to submit to a quarantine period of two weeks, regardless of whether they can provide a negative test result for the virus.
If a Big Mac is your burger of choice, it's expensive. That's candy floss bread and Gerkin flavoured sauce.

If you have taste buds that work, it's worth investing a few quid more. Five Guys cheeseburgers are £8.95. I put Five Guys at the bottom run of the 'posh' burgers places.
My fav Byron (who just about went bust) classic Byron Burger is £11.95 but you get chips with that one.
£4 quid for chips at Five Guys. I'm always sure I don't need to spend £4 at Five Guys for chips because no human really needs that many chips in one sitting.

hmm now I fancy a Five Guys burger .....

This was not a quality/artisan burger, served fully garnished and even with a side or two. This was more fairground grade - which is the stock-in trade of the company supplying the market/outdoor structures.

I wouldn’t even rate Five Guys as the bottom end of posh - any burger I’ve had from them has been poor and their much-vaunted chips are not that special either. Other than you do get a lot. Nothing on a half-decent chipper though.
I'm just about to go to a shopping centre for the first time in getting on for 18 months. Bit nervous about it tbh. Are people wearing masks in these places?

IME, yes. Compliance is pretty decent, although a generation of kids appear to have worked out that you are allowed to pull your mask down for drinking, so go around with their masks round their chin and a bottle of pop wedged near-permanently in their gobs - which must be so hygienic!

Also saw my first full-on hen party pouring out of a pub today - there was no way this lot were complying with the guidelines (nor were the pub staff taking pics of them), unless they had worked-in a particularly drink sodden wedding or funeral!
I saw that interview. I’m really starting to dislike her.

I've disliked her since eearly in the pandemic when she tried to bat away the WHOs 'test,test,test' message by claiming that stuff was for poor countries, countries the UK helps out in a paternalistic fashion.
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