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Frau Bahn's mum briefly dated one of the pilots of the PA flight that was involved with the KLM disaster at Tenerife North. According to her, he broke one or both legs jumping from the cockpit to the ground.
Frau Bahn's mum briefly dated one of the pilots of the PA flight that was involved with the KLM disaster at Tenerife North. According to her, he broke one or both legs jumping from the cockpit to the ground.
The media/ popular conscience latches onto aviation disasters far more heavily than any other transport accidents, even those with far higher death counts.

Other than Titanic, I wonder how many people are even aware let alone remember (if within their lifetime) maritime disasters that actually claimed far more lives than any aircraft crash. The number of shipping disasters with four-figure losses, let alone mid-hundred death figures that are still higher than all single-plane accidents in history is astonishing. Most people including me couldn’t recall most of them.
The media/ popular conscience latches onto aviation disasters far more heavily than any other transport accidents, even those with far higher death counts.

Other than Titanic, I wonder how many people are even aware let alone remember (if within their lifetime) maritime disasters that actually claimed far more lives than any aircraft crash. The number of shipping disasters with four-figure losses, let alone mid-hundred death figures that are still higher than all single-plane accidents in history is astonishing. Most people including me couldn’t recall most of them.

Dunno. The Herald of Free Enterprise is probably the one that springs to mind. There have been a few military subs go to the bottom recently as well with The Kursk probably most famous.

Cargo ships probably don't make the news when they go down and it always seems to be overcrowded ferries is economically less developed countries when it does happen to passenger ships. They get reported but not remembered because its just another disaster in a foreign country.

There is perhaps a perception that plane crashes are more random, people here in the UK don't expect passenger boats to ever sink.
The Mary rose sank almost 500 years ago and we still remember that one.
Dunno. The Herald of Free Enterprise is probably the one that springs to mind. There have been a few military subs go to the bottom recently as well with The Kursk probably most famous.

Cargo ships probably don't make the news when they go down and it always seems to be overcrowded ferries is economically less developed countries when it does happen to passenger ships. They get reported but not remembered because its just another disaster in a foreign country.

There is perhaps a perception that plane crashes are more random, people here in the UK don't expect passenger boats to ever sink.
The marchioness is fairly well remembered i think.
BA mainline are pulling out of Gatwick Airport for short haul flights. Looks like the long haul flights to the Caribbean and Florida will remain.

Likely to be replaced by a subsidiary which will undoubtedly be low-cost no-frills.

BA mainline are pulling out of Gatwick Airport for short haul flights. Looks like the long haul flights to the Caribbean and Florida will remain.

Likely to be replaced by a subsidiary which will undoubtedly be low-cost no-frills.

Your summary seems to be contradicted by the article you quote.
In seriousness, Red Bull needs to wind it in a bit, sponsoring people to do shit that could well kill them, this tunnel stunt, wing-suit flying and so on, nuff people do die doing that. Whilst/because great viewing there does seem to be far more people recklessly endangering themselves than there used to be, for far less potential reward.
He only really flew through one. The other was mostly taxiing with a few feet of flying, but still impressive.
Still, one minor mistake/ second of distraction, and it’s an almost certain death.

On the subject of wind effects, I wonder how much preliminary research the pilot/ team conducted. I was recently reading an article on the bin Laden raid, in which of of course one of the choppers crash landed, and when you think about it, it’s astonishing the best kitted, financed and experienced armed forces in the world weren’t yet aware in 2011 of the dangerous wind effects a helicopter landing on a spot surrounded by high walls would cause.
Still, one minor mistake/ second of distraction, and it’s an almost certain death.

On the subject of wind effects, I wonder how much preliminary research the pilot/ team conducted. I was recently reading an article on the bin Laden raid, in which of of course one of the choppers crash landed, and when you think about it, it’s astonishing the best kitted, financed and experienced armed forces in the world weren’t yet aware in 2011 of the dangerous wind effects a helicopter landing on a spot surrounded by high walls would cause.

I was thinking about that, there is an aerodynamic effect that trains experience when entering a tunnel I read about a while back, I googled it but couldn't find the details. Just loads of academic papers.

Obviously a train is a big fat lump fitting into a slightly larger hole but the entry/exit of even a small thing like the RB plane can't be entirely neutral?

Anyway, after I've done the Hindhead tunnel in a Tiger Moth I'll let you know how it goes.
I was thinking about that, there is an aerodynamic effect that trains experience when entering a tunnel I read about a while back, I googled it but couldn't find the details. Just loads of academic papers.

Obviously a train is a big fat lump fitting into a slightly larger hole but the entry/exit of even a small thing like the RB plane can't be entirely neutral?

Anyway, after I've done the Hindhead tunnel in a Tiger Moth I'll let you know how it goes.
IIRC it’s even more complex with trains if they’re sharing the tunnel with the downline track (as opposed to having your own tunnel).

Could be wrong but I suspect high speed trains might require individual tunnels.
Hang on, has no one seen Mission Impossible? - the baddie in the helicopter would have made it if the goodies hadn't interferred.
On reading your post I just thought the Channel Tunnel scene you refer to it’s probably the only climax action stunt in the entire MI franchise that was CGI’d. Everything else, from riding an A400m outside the fuselage to the HALO jump to other mad stuff, he actually did.
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