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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Anybody even who even suggests that maybe Israel doesn't need to use naval guns against Palestinians kids building "terror sandcastles" is worse than Hitler 🙄.
Even I've been called an Arab loving communist for suggesting white phosphorus and schools. Don't mix and artillery is niether precise or surgical😳
Guardian is reporting that demo today could be largest pro Palestinian demo in British history.

I thought it looked big. It was also not just the usual lefty groups. A lot of young Londoners who came to support the Palestinians.

Heartening to see. I really enjoyed my first demo for a year now. Good to see a lot of young people turn out.

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Anybody even who even suggests that maybe Israel doesn't need to use naval guns against Palestinians kids building "terror sandcastles" is worse than Hitler 🙄.
Even I've been called an Arab loving communist for suggesting white phosphorus and schools. Don't mix and artillery is niether precise or surgical😳

Similar here. Been called terrorist/terrorist supporter for questioning the ferocity of the attacks on Palestininans.
I've been spat at, had a coke can thrown at me, called a nazi, called a self-hating jew, all in person not online, while on pickets outside M&S about twenty years ago.
I probably wouldn't have kept going if they hadn't, tbf, I'm stubborn and they gave me motivation.
And obvs the above is nothing when I think of actual Palestinian peoples experiences.

CAAT, PSC and War on Want have been calling on government to bring in arms embargo on Israel for years. This would be easy to do. Just stop issuing export licenses. Periodically British governments have undertaken meaningless "reviews" but arm's trade still goes on with Israel.

Absolutely. And the rights of people living on land to remain, or to return where they've been violently driven off.
The Al-Nakba was 73 years ago, few of those involved in it will still be alive. Do their children and grandchildren still have a right to return? The Palestinians and their supporters say Yes. In the meantime three or four generations of Israeli have grown up there and consider it their rightful home. So we just go round and round and the killing goes on.
The Al-Nakba was 73 years ago, few of those involved in it will still be alive. Do their children and grandchildren still have a right to return? The Palestinians and their supporters say Yes. In the meantime three or four generations of Israeli have grown up there and consider it their rightful home. So we just go round and round and the killing goes on.
I daresay that while Jews claim the right of return no matter whether their families have any connection to Palestine, the families of those forced out in 1948 may with greater cause claim the right to homes stolen from them
Associated Press not covering themselves in glory here. Jewish journalist has her position terminated after only three weeks when it comes to light that she's made comments on social media supportive of the Palestinians:

i wish she would take this to court for unfair dismissal, it would be an important test case
crowdfunding the legal expenses wouldn't be an issue
I daresay that while Jews claim the right of return no matter whether their families have any connection to Palestine, the families of those forced out in 1948 may with greater cause claim the right to homes stolen from them
Says who? There is no jurisdiction accepted by both sides that can rule on conflicting claims. That started this latest round of bloodletting, the Palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah had a piece of paper saying the land was theirs, the settlers trying to evict had another piece of paper saying it was theirs. The Israeli court perhaps not surprisingly said the settlers were in the right. People threw bricks which was responded to with bullets, Hamas started firing rockets, Israel responded with bombs. Lots of people got killed.
The Palestinians say their claim is greater, the Israeli's say no ours is. You can pick whichever side you want it doesn't matter. For the forseeable future about the only thing they can agree on is their willingness to fight over it, this outbreak will not be the last. Both sides are no doubt tooling up for the next round.
Says who? There is no jurisdiction accepted by both sides that can rule on conflicting claims. That started this latest round of bloodletting, the Palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah had a piece of paper saying the land was theirs, the settlers trying to evict had another piece of paper saying it was theirs. The Israeli court perhaps not surprisingly said the settlers were in the right. People threw bricks which was responded to with bullets, Hamas started firing rockets, Israel responded with bombs. Lots of people got killed.
The Palestinians say their claim is greater, the Israeli's say no ours is. You can pick whichever side you want it doesn't matter. For the forseeable future about the only thing they can agree on is their willingness to fight over it, this outbreak will not be the last. Both sides are no doubt tooling up for the next round.
Says me. As the I daresay would suggest

Next you'll be saying the zionist entity has a right to exist
I daresay that while Jews claim the right of return no matter whether their families have any connection to Palestine, the families of those forced out in 1948 may with greater cause claim the right to homes stolen from them

And those violently removed more recently? You realise it's never stopped, right?

Eta sorry I didn't mean to reply to you here, I mean to reply to a different post by MickiQ!

I'll stop now.
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