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Gaza under attack yet again.

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BBC website: "Dozens of children have been killed on both sides."

Also the BBC website, in the exact same story: "Of the people who have died in Gaza, at least 63 are children ... of the 10 people killed in Israel, two children are among the dead."
yeh dozens of children have been killed. on both sides of the zionist entity, in the gaza strip and in the west bank. but in the ze? i think not.
her against Jonathan Conricus

was good not that i have seen much of others

did have to at least check i was watching the BBC
It's the constant repetition of the exact same lines they always use. They obviously think it works on enough people or else why would they do it?

What happened to Regev anyway? I found his smugness at the same time amusing and yet utterly repellent. Amusing because he knew that everyone watching knew he was full of shit and repellent because of what he was defending. I also could really imagine smashing his face in with a frying pan. The woman they now have as ambassador actually expects you to believe the shit that comes out of her mouth and is shocked when you don't, even though we've all heard it before ad nauseum.
Just watched the C4 news interview with Israeli ambassador.

Her refusal to say whether she supported a two state solution prompted me look her up.

She is hardline right winger. Her appointment as ambassador was opposed by some sections of Jewish community here.

Looked her up on Wickapedia. She is as right wing as they come. No surprise she could not bring herself to say she supports a two state solution. She does not believe that Palestinians have right to any land.
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We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.”

Hotovely, an Orthodox Jew, laced her speech with biblical commentaries in which God promised the land of Israel to the Jews.

As Doctor Carrot posted she really believes this stuff. She is the new generation of right wingers.
Just watched the C4 news interview with Israeli ambassador.

Her refusal to say whether she supported a two state solution prompted me look her up.

She is hardline right winger. Her appointment as ambassador was opposed by some sections of Jewish community here.

Looked her up on Wickapedia. She is as right wing as they come. No surprise she could not bring herself to say she supports a two state solution. She does not believe that Palestinians have right to any land.
They are all right wingers. There is no one in mainstream Israeli politics that's even centrist anymore. They make people like Priti Patel look as if they advocate for worker's coops and an end to bosses.
Israel holds all the cards but hasn't a clue it can't genocide the Palestinians.
The rest of the Arab world just pays lip service to the cause.
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