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Gaza under attack yet again.

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This seems kind of positive:

I tried looking at the organisers' website for more but it's all in Hebrew (and maybe some Arabic) so not much use to me:

Just watched this. Young Palestinians talking how they are disillusionmed with their older political leaders and find their own ways to oppose Israeli state.

My partner few years back went to visit Palestinian schools. She said despite what they have gone through they value education of their young people.

Resisting a racist State is not just about the violence that media latch onto. It is about the hard grind of keeping one's dignity as a people despite the ethnic cleansing and violence of the Israeli State.

My partner said the ordinary Palestinians have lost so much and have so little but still manage to survive with dignity.

That in itself is a form of resistance.

They value the support and interest that people from other countries give them.
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Not gonna do much good as my MP is a very right wing tory but might be worth writing to yours.

Probably a bit crazy but I did email those Palestinian entomologists/conservationists in the end. I found a guy in Gaza who had been studying animals found there such as owls and he'd written some really interesting stuff about attitudes in Gaza towards wildlife, like this: https://www.researchgate.net/profil...ons-of-the-Universities-of-the-Gaza-Strip.pdf

I'm not expecting any sort of reply, especially not now, but I really hope he's ok as he sounds cool :(
various sources say settlers/right wing thugs are being brought into mixed areas eg Lod. Tamer Nafar (of DAM) has talked about being ordered to stay indoors as curfew, then witnessing lots of gun-weilding settlers being bussed in. Then ringing up the police about it and being told to fuck off by the police.

if this is going to be a conflict based on sectarian/ethnic lines than I can’t see any outcome that isn’t with the Jewish state further entrenching itself (both in terms of the occupation and the ‘Jewish character’ of Israel).

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various sources say settlers/right wing thugs are being brought into mixed areas eg Lod. Tamer Nafar (of DAM) has talked about being ordered to stay indoors as curfew, then witnessing lots of gun-weilding settlers being bussed in. Then ringing up the police about it and being told to fuck off by the police.

if this is going to be a conflict based on sectarian/ethnic lines than I can’t see any outcome that isn’t with the Jewish state further entrenching itself (both in terms of the occupation and the ‘Jewish character’ of Israel).

He's so patient with her stupid questions.
Bit more on whats going on in Lod here, 100% looks like extremists being bussed in with what amounts to police escorts.
He's so patient with her stupid questions.
Bit more on whats going on in Lod here, 100% looks like extremists being bussed in with what amounts to police escorts.

bit more on here:
How Israeli police are colluding with settlers against Palestinian citizens

also this:
Against the horror, Palestinians are still rising

both from 972mag.com (background article from the nation 2012)
Israel's New Left Goes Online
Not that I expect the current incumbents to pay any heed to this, nor would Labour to be fair, particularly under the current management:

E2a I've seen very few petitions like this where you can watch the numbers jump up in quite significant chunks. It will of course be dismissed out of hand in the 'debate'.
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This project is looking for Hebrew/Arabic speakers to translate Arabic and English texts from Gaza into Hebrew (mainly for an Israeli audience but I'm guessing something similar exists for English language stuff) אנחנו שמעבר לגדר my Hebrew is almost non existent but just in case anyone is up for that!
Wait, so English/Hebrew is fine, you don't need to have Arabic/Hebrew? I can't read enough Hebrew to be able to tell what that website says.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said, “Israel will continue to strike in Gaza as long as necessary and do its utmost to avoid civilian casualties.
Unlike Hamas, which deliberately intends to harm civilians while hiding behind civilians, we are doing everything, but everything, to avoid or limit as much as possible harming civilians and to directly strike terrorists instead.”

Give us 10 minutes’: How Israel bombed a Gaza media tower
Youmna al-Sayed had less than an hour to get to safety.
But with just one elevator working in al-Jalaa tower, an 11-storey building in Gaza City housing some 60 residential apartments and a number of offices, including those of Al Jazeera Media Network and The Associated Press, al-Sayed made a dash for the stairs.

“We left the elevator for the elderly and for the children to evacuate,” the Palestinian freelance journalist said. “And we were all running down the stairs and whoever could help children took them down,” she added.

I've just watched the video of those towers collapsing. :(

The BBC has some anodyne coverage doesn't it. Picture of a Palestinian protest in London 'What do the protesters want? They basically want the fighting to stop and the UK government to step in' :facepalm: yes that's right
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