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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Tbf to the Israelites there’s only about 500 of them left, they’ve had a rough time, and have to deal with distrust from both Palestinians and Israelis (their live half in in Israel and half in Palestine)

But yes, it won’t just be Palestinians in Gaza who will suffer (even more) immensely in the coming weeks/month And they have far less international support then they once had (the Arab states mostly fear Iran, not Israel.
still slightly finding it uncomfortable to see the media hint at a war over this

regardless of how advance the non guided rockets attacks are being reported

think the result of a conflict atm would hardly classified as a war when one side won't be able to turn up
That's the best sort of war for the better armed side. The modern version of having the maxim gun while your opponent has spears and bows and arrows
I had a bit of a mad idea, idk if it'd do any good. I do a nature podcast and was thinking of trying to get in touch with an expert from bir zeit university or something when 'all this has calmed down' (hah) to talk about insects and wildlife in Palestine and maybe talk about how the Israeli occupation and policies are affecting their work or something like that. Probably a stupid idea tho and I don't know if it would help. :hmm:

Just feel so desperate not really being able to do anything. I don't really see how this calms down either :(
neither side want this to escalate to more actual F2F stuff- neither can win that leg . Senior Palestine officials indicating that they will stand down/ ease off as they have made their point, unless provoked.
As well as legitimate criticism of the state of Israel in regards to their war crimes against Palestine, I think it's important to assess how much of the media bias is founded in Islamaphobia and racism, rather than just banging on against Israel itself, in a way which can sometimes tip-over into you-know-what.

A few weeks ago, extremists were walking through Jerusalem shouting 'Death To Arabs'. There wasn't much outrage. because hating arabs and muslims is a standard enough Western right-wing position.

What is going on is ethnic cleansing. Netanyahu is also in the soup politically, swimming in corruption scandal. He wants the reaction and the distraction.

These are some of the important background dynamics, beyond the all-too-familiar media focus and bias on general 2 way violence.

It has to be said, of course, that Hamas are quite disgusting in general, regardless of a right to self-defence (sited by both sides, natch)

Also, as usual, observe what is not being said, who is not being platformed.

There are a great many cross community peace projects, but are the media really interested in their tireless efforts, or does blood and anger get more views for the advertisers?

Many Israelis / Jews in Israel and worldwide are utterly scathing of their government and supportive of Palestinian rights. Are they getting an airing, or does media homogenise Jewish / Israeli views in a fashion that is basically anti-semitic in itself?
‘The media’ doesn’t bang on about Israel. I’ve seen very little coverage of what’s happening to Palestinians inside Israel compared to eg minorities in USA or China

Donate to medical aid for Palestinians here

I'm up for it.

The thing that really, really sticks in my throat in these situations however is you know that there are British arms companies getting fat off of selling weapons to Israel while people like us are willing to put up some money to repair the damage.
‘The media’ doesn’t bang on about Israel. I’ve seen very little coverage of what’s happening to Palestinians inside Israel compared to eg minorities in USA or China
Tbf, I'd expect the media to take less interest in a small country with a population of less than 10 million people (still under 15 million if you include the PA) than in a huge country with a population in the hundreds of millions. I think compared to, say, the ongoing war in Tigray it gets a pretty massive amount of press coverage.
The thing that really, really sticks in my throat in these situations however is you know that there are British arms companies getting fat off of selling weapons to Israel while people like us are willing to put up some money to repair the damage.
Perhaps then you should find out about campaigns against these profiteers here
For anyone who's interested:
(has a handy interactive map)
This is really worth a listen btw
What Is Happening in Jerusalem Right Now?. Episode: What Is Happening in Jerusalem Right Now? Podcast Republic. Media: https://sphinx.acast.com/warcollege/whatishappeninginjerusalemrightnow-/media.mp3. <p>Literally recorded as missiles hit and news broke.</p><p><br></p><p>Guest: Noga Tarnopolsky, a re.... Sent from Podcast Republic.
Massively illuminating, thanks for posting it.
For those who haven't listened this places what's happening in political context - that context being that Netanyahu is clinging on to power via a loophole in the law - a caretaker incumbent prime minister effectively - and stirring up Israeli extremism as the last desperate card he can play as a way of maintaining power, and even so as to avoid personal prosecution.

It does beg the question, what will happen to Israel after Netanyahu, and might there even be a chance of things getting better - is this a last gasp for Israeli ultra-nationalists in terms of state support? - probably that's too much to wish for, and today not the day to think about it when so many innocent people are suffering.
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