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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Yes mate, I think of little else, and my every waking moment is devoted to the tallying of Israeli casualties. I've got a spreadsheet and everything.

Hamas seems to have upped the ante with its own missiles, which are not the Heath Robinson-ish held together with sticky backed plastic jobs of yore. Which raises the question, how did they get hold of them?

Sorry, wasn't thinking of you - it was more a general swipe...

As belboid says, they have a significant self build capacity, though if a number of open source Int projects are to be believed, something like 20-30% of rockets fired aren't making it out of Gaza.

There was was an Iranian government passenger jet in Damascus yesterday - it's set hearts fluttering, but that looks a bit open even for Iran.

It's certainly an offensive that's been long in the planning - Hamas have fired more rockets in 48 hours than they did in 6 weeks in the last session. The weakness of Iron Dome is the magazine capacity, it would appear than on a number of occasions in the last few days they've been able to put more rockets up than Iron Dome can cope with, and that - along with the inherent difficulty of hitting a small thing that's moving really fast - is when the rockets are getting through.
Fuck me. I was flicking and stopped on ITV news just as this was being reported. The most one sided shit I have ever seen. Really terrible. Started by "evictions" with no explanation, Israeli casualties given precedence, Israeli response inevitable but only targeting Hamas leaders, Iranian rockets etc...
If you value Palestinian lives, pray that Iron Dome doesn't run out of missiles. Of course, if your only interest is in dead Israelis, with Palestinians being a convenient, and entirely disposable method to achieve that, then pray they run out...
Remind me again how this prayer thing works exactly.
Sorry, wasn't thinking of you - it was more a general swipe...

As belboid says, they have a significant self build capacity, though if a number of open source Int projects are to be believed, something like 20-30% of rockets fired aren't making it out of Gaza.

There was was an Iranian government passenger jet in Damascus yesterday - it's set hearts fluttering, but that looks a bit open even for Iran.

It's certainly an offensive that's been long in the planning - Hamas have fired more rockets in 48 hours than they did in 6 weeks in the last session. The weakness of Iron Dome is the magazine capacity, it would appear than on a number of occasions in the last few days they've been able to put more rockets up than Iron Dome can cope with, and that - along with the inherent difficulty of hitting a small thing that's moving really fast - is when the rockets are getting through.

As high as that? The rockets do seem way more advanced than 2014. Where are they getting them from? The siege was relaxed but it's still pretty hard to get anything in and out of Gaza.
As high as that? The rockets do seem way more advanced than 2014. Where are they getting them from? The siege was relaxed but it's still pretty hard to get anything in and out of Gaza.

The answer is 'Iran', but how the total is made up of ready built rockets, components, and manufacturing capacity is a matter for debate - undoubtedly it's all three, but in what proportion to each other...

I've read that the Egyptian government sent a delegation to the Sinai border, and returned empty handed - apparently neither side are interested in a ceasefire or talks about talks, as yet.

Another big rocket attack on Ashkelon this afternoon - 130 inbound, and a 6 year old Israeli kid was killed when his house was hit.
And the Palestinians were resisting the Israeli state and the settlers. In Jerusalem. But now Hamas are ‘the defenders of Jerusalem’.
That there’s no way of the Palestinians coming out well in an armed conflict with Israel. That’s not right, but Israel has both the means and the mindset to flatten Gaza.

The US doesn't have stocks of Tamir missiles because it doesn't use them. Iron Dome has some US components, but not any that you could throw in on a plane and launch into the sky. the US could deploy its own systems, but they aren't ones the Israelis use, so would need either US military, or contractor operators, which would be something of a risk.

When Israel does run out of Tamir missiles, I think we can safely say that what it won't do is cower under its desks, saying 'oh god we're sorry, please make it stop..'. it will instead go fully offensive, making its current efforts look like small, weak beers.

If you value Palestinian lives, pray that Iron Dome doesn't run out of missiles. Of course, if your only interest is in dead Israelis, with Palestinians being a convenient, and entirely disposable method to achieve that, then pray they run out...

nah, this
I’m not in anyway trying to take responsibility away from Israel, but the rockets landing in Israel aren’t being fired to defend Jerusalem, but for Hamas and Islamic jihad to out ‘resist’ each other (and have killed at least two Israeli Arabs in the last 48 hours).

we all know how Israel is going to respond and we know it’s going to awful. Apart from praying what would you suggest be done Jay?
I've got a Palestinian mate from Gaza who's a refugee somewhere in Europe (don't really want to say where) and he's usually very sensible with a balanced view on the conflict. But in the last week him and his wife have just gone completely full on 'Support the Palestinian resistance' and posting pictures of stuff bring hit by rockets like a power plant, a bus etc and all his friends in Gaza are reacting with little heart reactions. I don't judge him for it at all, shit if I was from Gaza I'd probably be the same way. It's just really fucking sad isn't it :(
e-mail from MAP

Plus a list of what they don't have. :(

The post I deleted above was from a disturbing video I saw on Reddit of Israelis dancing joyously with a fire in the Al-Aqsa compound in the background. This article gives the background, although they're hardly an impartial source themselves so I'm not altogether sure what was going on.

Apparently the video is fake
I think I've seen three different versions, all with Israelis dancing and all with the fire in the background.
The mosque wasn't burnt tho, the tree caught fire cos someone (idk who) threw a firework at it. I think there's worse things to argue about tho
Saw on twitter they were singing a song already before the tree caught fire apparently, and it had 'nothing to do' with the situation apparently, just 'Jerusalem day'

there is form for this sort grimness in Israel. I remember the people in southern Israel (ashkelon?) sitting up a hill and celebrating as the IAF bombed Gaza in 2011(?)
Sorry if this turned out to be a diversion - I saw it posted on reddit as Israelis dancing because of the fire in the mosque compound, and thought it was worth discussing in case other people had seen it too.
People on the internet. They say that the jewish people in the video are not celebrating the Mosque being burnt.
Which, of course, doesn't mean the video is 'fake.'

Imagine if there'd been a scene of muslims partying and cheering in Paris as Notre Dame burned down. Even if it had been Eid or some equivalent, they'd have been castigated as scum by a large majority.
Which, of course, doesn't mean the video is 'fake.'

Imagine if there'd been a scene of muslims partying and cheering in Paris as Notre Dame burned down. Even if it had been Eid or some equivalent, they'd have been castigated as scum by a large majority.

Yes, 'fake' isn't the right word. 'Misleading' if what people on the internet say is true.
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