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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I know it's not like Hamas to make shit up but that's clearly a German made Steyr .50.


Austrian actually and a load were sold to iran womder how hamas got them?

The gazans had a choice between the corrupt as fuck fatah
Or hamas who were actually getting shit done on the ground.

Unfortunatly hamas in the power are like a lot of extremists pushing their agenda rather than why people voted for them the (not being total corrupt arseholes and providing services)
Rather than death to israel people playing music and fighting to the last human shield:(
I know we've seen plenty of pictures of the devastation but this one gives some idea of the scale

Austrian actually and a load were sold to iran womder how hamas got them?

The gazans had a choice between the corrupt as fuck fatah
Or hamas who were actually getting shit done on the ground.

Unfortunatly hamas in the power are like a lot of extremists pushing their agenda rather than why people voted for them the (not being total corrupt arseholes and providing services)
Rather than death to israel people playing music and fighting to the last human shield:(

Iranians make their own clone of them ..as do the Chinese. A while back they rolled out a 14.5 model..effectively an ant aircraft round.


These guys are claiming to have home produced that one .
if you look closely at the yellow headbands though youll see those guys are Palestinian Islamic jihad and not Hamas ...who sport green ones. PIJ are still good mates with iran Hezbollah and Syria..not having baced the wrong horse lie Hamas.


Honestly doubt despite Palestinian ingenuity they knocked those things up n gaza. The grade of steel alone would be a nightmare to smuggle in . And if your going to smuggle in the ammo it makes sense to smuggle the kit in as well rather than a load of complicated faffing about. Home produced in Iran more like

Just listened to this episode of HARDtalk with Steve Sackur, interviewing Abed Rabbo of the PLO. What is the matter with this guy Sackur, anyways? some cringe-worthy questions being posed, all with rude interruptions, crude assertions, and snotty tones coupled with no mercy upon Palestinian humanity.

The first thing that comes to mind with this lot, when addressed about israel's war crime 1500 to 1 civilian slaughter rate, is whether Hamas should hearken to the tribunal themselves. Another priority is whether Palestinians should have the fear of men, and disarm to make the United States and company proud. Rabbo answered that they have gotten nothing in return for peaceful negotiations, pointing out that settlements stopped during the conflict, and look how soon they begin again after the cease-fire, even in the heart of east-Jerusalem.

The reverse psychology of it all seems to indicate that the Palestinians could become Jewish proselytes and ascribe by the name of Israel, yet, this would not satisfy the brand of leadership coming from these military-minded zealots in the Knesset. If Hamas were to disarm, and begin to pay tribute/lay offerings at the feet of israel, maybe they could buy off those misguided, covetous by all means, corrupters of the Holy Land: you know, up the ante and let them overspread their brand at an accelerated pace. For the ways and means of the occupants, forsaking the place is eminent, regardless.
@mcmounes Israel violated the cease fire agreement twice today, they opened fire on East Khuza'a and Rafah Coast.

Netanyahu says: will not send delegation to Cairo talks.

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not plan to send a delegation for negotiations in Cairo as stipulated by the ceasefire agreement that ended seven weeks of fighting in Gaza, Israeli media reported Monday.

Iranians make their own clone of them ..as do the Chinese. A while back they rolled out a 14.5 model..effectively an ant aircraft round.


These guys are claiming to have home produced that one .
if you look closely at the yellow headbands though youll see those guys are Palestinian Islamic jihad and not Hamas ...who sport green ones. PIJ are still good mates with iran Hezbollah and Syria..not having baced the wrong horse lie Hamas.


Honestly doubt despite Palestinian ingenuity they knocked those things up n gaza. The grade of steel alone would be a nightmare to smuggle in . And if your going to smuggle in the ammo it makes sense to smuggle the kit in as well rather than a load of complicated faffing about. Home produced in Iran more like
rolled on the thighs of iranian virgins
is there anything in gaza which has not been blown up at least once?

There won't be much left of the West Bank if they continue at this rate, the fucking cunts;

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Tuesday demolished a house and a water well in Hebron, locals said.

Muhammad Nafith al-Herbawi, the owner of the land, said that Israeli forces demolished his house with all his belongings inside and also destroyed a well and a 100-meter long wall.

In a statement to Ma'an, Israel's coordinator of government activities in the territories, or COGAT, said that "security forces carried out the demolition of two buildings which were built without the necessary permits in the Hebron area."

Earlier, a Ma'an reporter said that Israeli forces demolished Palestinian homes and structures near Jabaa village east of Jerusalem.

Bulldozers demolished five houses, four steel structures, and a barn that belonged to Bedouin families.

Israel has demolished 359 Palestinian structures in the West Bank so far in 2014, according to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.

Some 27,000 Palestinian homes and structures have been demolished by Israel since it occupied the West Bank in 1967.

Survey suggests rising support for Hamas, with leader Ismail Haniya preferred as president to incumbent Mahmoud Abbas.

Hamas's support has surged after its war with Israel and would win Palestinian elections if they were held today, an opinion poll suggests.

The Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research's poll, released on Tuesday, suggested Hamas leader Ismail Haniya would win almost twice as many votes as Fatah's Mahmoud Abbas, in a two-way presidential election.

Scriptonite is interviewed on the Artist Taxi Driver youtube channel about her trip to Gaza. Some of the details she relates are utterly horrific.

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“Listen, we know what it’s like to kill civilians in war,” said the senior U.S. officer. “Hell, we even put it on the front pages. We call it collateral damage. We absolutely try to minimize it, because we know it turns people against you. Killing civilians is a sure prescription for defeat. But that’s not what the IDF did in Shujaiya on July 21. Human shields? C’mon, just own up to it.”:facepalm:

When the pentagon thinks you've been execessive you have a problem:(
Israel arrests two Palestinian fishermen in Gaza, breaching truce

Israeli navy forces have arrested two Palestinian fishermen near the Waha area off the coast of Beit Lahiya, according to the head of the fishermen syndicate in Gaza.

Al-Amat Online news website quoted Niazar Ayyash as saying that by arresting the two fishermen, Israel was committing the first breach of the truce agreement which was recently signed in Cairo between the Palestinian factions and Israel.

The truce ended a 51-day military assault against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Ayyash noted that an Israeli military boat intercepted a small fishing boat at a distance of less than two nautical miles off the Sudaniya coast at Beit Lahiya in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Israel has not officially commented on the issue.

"The Israeli boat opened fire on the fishermen and deliberately dragged them toward the Ashdod Port, where they arrested two of them," Ayyash added.

The two arrested fishermen are reported to be Mohammed Zayid and Moussa Al-Sultan.

“Listen, we know what it’s like to kill civilians in war,” said the senior U.S. officer. “Hell, we even put it on the front pages. We call it collateral damage. We absolutely try to minimize it, because we know it turns people against you. Killing civilians is a sure prescription for defeat. But that’s not what the IDF did in Shujaiya on July 21. Human shields? C’mon, just own up to it.”:facepalm:

When the pentagon thinks you've been execessive you have a problem:(

Assuming the Pentagon was talking about 155mm HE rounds, thats more than 300 metric tonnes of high explosive shells fired into a residential neighbourhood over a 24 hour period. It certainly puts the reports about the US supplying extra ammunition to the IDF in a new light.

As for the breaches of the ceasefire, the expansion of the settlements and the ongoing harrassment of civilians - its just Bibi trying to get a few rockets fired so he can start up again in a desperate attempt to avoid what will come from the ceasefire talks.
From Haaretz today:

Death of Israeli child reveals Netanyahu's hypocrisy
Netanyahu recently told two U.S. congressman that Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamist groups are defying all international norms. So said the man who has just finished killing some 2,100 people.

“Hypocrisy: The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case” (Oxford English Dictionary)

A few days ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with two members of the U.S. Congress. “We are closely following the events on the Golan Heights,” he told them, adding, “What we see is that the Nusra Front, Hamas, Hezbollah – backed by Iran, Al-Qaida, and these other terrorists groups – are basically defying all international norms.”

So said the man who had just finished killing some 2,100 people, most of them civilians, breaching every norm of international conduct.

“And I think the United Nations would do itself a great favor if, instead of the automatic Israel-bashing, they actually turned their attention and their investigative committees against these terrorists who trample every norm on which the UN was founded,” the prime minister also added.

So said the man whose air force only a few days before had wiped out whole residential neighborhoods, sometimes together with their inhabitants, trampling quite a few values and norms upon which the UN was founded.

After that conversation, Netanyahu went home. The next day he “expropriated” another 4,000 dunams (almost 1,000 acres) of occupied land to build more settlements, and transfer to them thousands more of his country’s citizens.

Thus, there was not one value, norm, international law or treaty – of all the values and norms and laws and treaties on which the United Nations was founded – that he did not break, crush, smash and pulverize.

One might therefore say – and even with a great deal of certainty – that from everything noted above, Benjamin Netanyahu very successfully meets all the requirements of the dictionary definition of a hypocrite.

But for those who still doubt the magnificence of the prime minister’s hypocrisy, here are some more examples.

On August 20, Mr. Netanyahu was recorded on film expressing his deep shock at the beheading of an American journalist by the knife of an Islamic State murderer. Truly, a wicked deed.

On August 19, just one day before that horrific execution, the prime minister approved the killing of an 8-month-old baby together with his mother, in the hope that the father would be with them and also be killed.

The assassination was carried out. Success was partial; baby and mother were crushed, the fate of the father is unknown. (Never mind. He will probably get married again, and we’ll have another chance.)

Strange. Just one day passed from one convenient execution to shock-to-the-very-core at another execution? And how is the honor of a baby less than that of a journalist?

Perhaps this only comes to teach us a lesson in the ways of hypocrisy. It turns out that, sometimes, when the needs of hypocrisy require, it is not the deed that is the decisive element but the tool. Did you use a knife to kill? You are the epitome of animal barbarity. Did you use a laser-guided missile? You are the epitome of moral advancement.

But Netanyahu reached the apex of his hypocritical abilities after the terrible death of 4-year-old Daniel Tragerman on August 22. His face somber, the prime minister declared the killing of Daniel a “double war crime.” True words. He also pledged that Hamas would pay a heavy price. Sharp words.

The catch is that in the 50 or so days prior to that bitter day, the Israeli army killed 10 children every day. At least. Every day. A total of more than 500 children killed. Or – as Netanyahu put it – 500 double war crimes. And who will pay for these?

And that, dear readers, is not just a piece of the finest hypocrisy. That is an impressive candidate to win the title for the height of temerity.

King Alexander Jannaeus, so the Talmud tells us, told his wife Salome the following (more or less): Fear not the Pharisees, nor the Saduccees, but only the hypocrites, who ape the Pharisees; because their deeds are the deeds of Netanyahu, but they expect a reward like Nelson Mandela.

Jannaeus convinced me. I certainly do fear.


An Orthodox Jewish man who spoke out against Israel’s bombing of Gaza has fled his home after it was vandalised twice and he was assaulted.

Downstairs windows at the property in Curzon Road, Higher Broughton, Salford, were smashed, eggs thrown at the property and graffiti daubed on the door and window sill.

The victim’s car was sprayed with red paint.

Police say they are treating the attacks as hate crimes.

The man is understood to have moved out of the terraced property after being targeted by a mob of up to 30 people.

The victim had expressed his views in the local community and also on King Street, in Manchester city centre, which has been the scene of protests by pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups.

The man’s home now has a To Let sign up and the downstairs windows are still boarded up, with eggshells on the doorstep.

One neighbour told the M.E.N: “It was a Wednesday night, just before midnight. We heard this almighty commotion in the street. Shocking bawling and swearing.

“There was fighting going on and someone was trying to keep the peace and keep people apart.

“We assume the man who lived in the house has been hounded out.

“But he is entitled to his opinion.”

They added: “The police came around and interviewed everybody the next day.

“They said there was a suggestion there might be a protest outside the man’s house and said we might want to move our car.

“But in the end there was no demonstration. The police had a video recording unit parked at the end of the street for several days afterwards.”

Another neighbour said: “I have lived here for many years and I have never known a situation where the Jewish community turned on each other.”
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