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Gaza under attack yet again.

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This is how the Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity campaign justify their statement. I don't necessarily agree with it but would like to hear people's opinions.

A spokesman for the Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity campaign said: “The real issue here is that there needs to be a political solution to the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. “We would like the members of the Brighton Jewish community who do not agree with Israel’s policies to stand up – as 150 in Brooklyn did the other day, and many others have done - to show that there is not a divide between Jews and non-Jews.

Also, are the 150 in Brooklyn or the Survivors who signed a manifesto, somehow mistaken in what they have done?

There's a difference between Jews choosing to "stand up and be counted" by the likes of you, and being hectored into doing it as almost a physical demonstration of their lack of agreement with the policies of the state of Israel. The former is well and good, the latter is a reaction to bullying.
With the end of the ceasefire upon Gaza, Zionist tanks & troops are making their way back to the borders;

Israeli forces redeploy near Gaza border as ceasefire end looms;

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- As negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli delegations faltered on Wednesday during a 72-hour ceasefire, Israeli forces began redeploying near the Gaza border in advance of the midnight deadline.


"After spending the last few days visiting family & seeing the absolute destruction here, I just don't know how we can take any more."

"In 5 hours the temporary ceasefire will be over. Our demands are to live with dignity or else to die with honor; nothing in between."

Now 4 hours.

"Israeli forces have launched a massive detention campaign in al-Quds, West Bank. http://www.worldbulletin.net/headlines/142426/israel-detains-60-palestinians-in-east-jerusalem…"

"RIGHT NOW: a lot of drones in the sky's of Gaza and Israeli army is getting closer to the borders as the ceasefire comes to an end in 4 hours."

"UPDATE: Aljazeera: the Israeli army is moving towards Gaza boarders now preparing for the ceasefire to end..."

"Hania, hamas Official : No ceasefire before ending the siege over Gaza!!"

"T-shirts in #Ramallah that read "long live the resistance", "the resistance will be victorious" and… http://instagram.com/p/rpPMMFJRw7/"

My thoughts are with Gaza tonight.
Gaza's Ark;

By AFP | AFP – Tue, Aug 12, 2014

A coalition of activists said on Tuesday they would send a flotilla of ships to break Israel's siege of Gaza by the end of 2014, fours years after a similar campaign ended in a deadly raid by Israeli commandos.

"We plan to send the flotilla during 2014," the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, which includes activists from at least 10 countries, said in Istanbul.

The statement was made at a joint conference hosted by Turkish relief agency Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which sponsored the first flotilla of ships carrying aid to Gaza that was raided by Israeli commandos in 2010.

The group did not give a specific date or an estimate on how many vessels or people would participate.


I wish I was younger & my circumstances were different. I'd be on the fucker!
The Jewish Chronicle is - and has always been - a mouthpiece for the most statist- pro-business and reactionary sections of the Jewish community's ruling class. It is a periodical lacking the most basic requirements of good journalism (so pretty similar to most other commercial newspapers in the UK). I foolishly once wrote an article for it - and they re-wrote it to say the opposite of what I had said, without permission. When I asked for a correction to appear, as I understandably got some criticism for having my name associated with an assertion which was contrary to the facts, they refused. Eventually they agreed to print my letter on the letters page. The letter simply pointed out the changes from my original copy to the sentences as they appeared in the paper.... Victory?... No, they then edited these out of my letter....
I remember seeing Stephen Pollard on the BBC Breakfast sofa just before the Iraq invasion. Ken Loach was also on the sofa. The hosts, Bill Turnbull and Sian Williams, allowed Pollard to hector and talk over Loach. I'd never seen Pollard before but he struck me as very unpleasant. But the way Turnbull and Williams failed to do their jobs was also disgusting. It was clear that there could be no counter-narrative to the rush to war and the BBC were more than happy to comply with the government's demands.
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Oh boo fucking hoo. I'm sick of everything being anti semitic in relation to Israel. I'm more sick of hearing complaints of anti semitism every time Israel goes on the rampage. If I criticise anything to do with Israel I get accused of anti semitism by Israel's apologists. If I say nothing then Israel gets away with doing what it wants. The fact that I'm sick of being sick of everything being labelled anti semitism in relation to Israel does hasbara's work for them. If I actually was anti semitic hasbara would love it.

What's that thing where you overuse something it loses all impact and meaning? It's not crying wolf because that would suggest anti semitism doesn't exist. You know what I mean I'm sure and yep, some one somewhere is going 'Oh he doesn't think anti semitism is a serious enough issue. What an anti semite!' :rolleyes:
Just to be clear. When I say 'boo fucking hoo' I aim that at the Jewish Chronicle not people who've experienced actual anti semitism.

Have to say though that paper is fucking awful. Was just having a quick read around and came across this article. It talks about anti semitism being on the rise and then goes on to highlight hideous examples of it, such as Moen Ali wearing 'Free Palestine' wristbands whilst playing cricket, people displaying 'Stop Arming Israel' banners and 62% of the British public thinking Israel is committing war crimes. What a bunch of anti semites! If they had stuck to actual incidents of anti semitism, such as a cafe in a small Belgian town displaying a sign saying 'No Jews allowed' then they'd have a point, even though it's one small cafe in a small Belgian town no fucker's heard of.
I suspect that their definition of 'icy' may not be quite the same as us regular folks, but still...

Israeli official confirms US nixed arms sale; PM blamed for icy ties

A senior Israeli official confirmed to Israeli media that the US had suspended a shipment of Hellfire missiles to Israel amid worsening ties over fighting in Gaza.

The decision to hold off on the transfer was most likely on grounds of increased diplomatic tension, the official said, corroborating a Wall Street Journal report earlier in the day that claimed the White House and State Department had been angered by a transfer of arms to Israel and had ordered greater oversight into future sales.

The report claimed that US-Israeli tensions are at a record high, with US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said to hold a “particularly combative phone call on Wednesday” and officials on both sides resorting to name-calling.
Not read yet, just passing on, from LRB:

Nicholas Blincoe writes about the Palestinian Authority and its detractors

The distance between the Palestinian leadership and the Diaspora has never been greater. Palestinians living under occupation see all the faults of the Palestinian Authority in fine detail, yet continue to recognise the need for leadership; the Diaspora, in contrast, has headed off in a more freelance, anarchic direction. Articulate young commentators from North America and Europe speak easily of Palestinian ‘factions’, with Mahmoud Abbas, head of a state recognised by 134 nations, chairman of the PLO and president of the PA, no more important than anyone else. Karma Nabulsi, the scholar and one-time PLO officer, was among the first to predict this estrangement, which she dates to the Palestinian presidential elections of 1996. Yasser Arafat was elected by voters under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, turning him from the leader of a government-in-exile into the head of a government under occupation. Nabulsi saw this change as a betrayal of the central place of the refugees in the Palestinian struggle. Her essay 'Justice as the Way Forward' opens with a bitter question from a refugee in Lebanon: 'Don’t I have the right to choose my president?' The new government was often incompetent, occasionally corrupt, and helpless to influence or resist Israel – but for many in the Diaspora, its greatest crime was returning home at all.
Just to be clear. When I say 'boo fucking hoo' I aim that at the Jewish Chronicle not people who've experienced actual anti semitism.

Have to say though that paper is fucking awful. Was just having a quick read around and came across this article. It talks about anti semitism being on the rise and then goes on to highlight hideous examples of it, such as Moen Ali wearing 'Free Palestine' wristbands whilst playing cricket, people displaying 'Stop Arming Israel' banners and 62% of the British public thinking Israel is committing war crimes. What a bunch of anti semites! If they had stuck to actual incidents of anti semitism, such as a cafe in a small Belgian town displaying a sign saying 'No Jews allowed' then they'd have a point, even though it's one small cafe in a small Belgian town no fucker's heard of.
I've experienced antisemitism and I hate that fucking paper.
By the way I have experienced it at work and in other environments. Saying that wearing a free Palestine wristband is antisemitic takes the fucking piss in that case I have been wandering around with a star of David necklace and a free Palestine wristband so dunno wtf that makes me :D

I mean it takes the piss out of people experiencing actual antisemitism
General reading stuff (did i post this lardy?):

The recent intensification of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Hanan Harif (HUJ): The Revival of the Orient, Pan-Semitism and Pan-Asianism within Zionist Discourse. Raphael Cohen-Almagor (Hull): Reconciling Liberalism and Judaism? Human Rights in Israel. Eyal Lewin (Ariel): The Clash of Civil Religions: A Paradigm for Understanding Israeli Politics. Maoz Rosenthal (IDC): Keep Your Enemies Close and Your Friends Closer: Israeli Governments' Duration 1948-2013. Orna Ben-Naftali (COMAS) and Rafi Reznik Tel Aviv): The Astro-Nomos: On International Legal Paradigms and the Legal Status of the West Bank. Ziv Bohrer (Bar-Ilan): Lawyers in Warfare: Who Needs Them? Frances Kamm (Harvard):Taking Just War Seriously in Gaza. Is Israel fighting a just war in Gaza? Jeff McMahan on how grasping the ethics of the crisis requires us to properly understand the concept of proportionality. Is Israel’s military action in Gaza morally defensible? Peter Singer on ethics in Gaza. Michael Walzer on why Israel must defeat Hamas, but also must do more to limit civilian deaths. Reporters have finally found Hamas — what took so long? For all the hype, does Israel's Iron Dome even work? Paul Mason on why Gaza will prove to be a game-changing event. Yishai Schwartz on how the Gaza war will end. From the Stanford University Press blog, views on Gaza: Scholars reflect on the recent intensification of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Alex Cocotas on a portrait of an Israeli peace protest. Is Zionism a feeling, or an idea? Jonathan Chait on animportant intellectual cleavage among Zionists. Should American Jews refrain from criticizing Israel until this round of fighting is over? Emily Bazelon and Ruth Margalit debate. Tim Murphy on how the Gaza conflict has become New York’s great conversational taboo. Read this before you post about Gaza on Facebook.
By the way I have experienced it at work and in other environments. Saying that wearing a free Palestine wristband is antisemitic takes the fucking piss in that case I have been wandering around with a star of David necklace and a free Palestine wristband so dunno wtf that makes me :D

I mean it takes the piss out of people experiencing actual antisemitism

Antiprosemistinian! :mad:

Some Zionist "army reservist", apparently - http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/14/375309/israel-soldier-enjoyed-gaza-destruction/


Jewish Chronicle apologises to readers for carrying advert promoting DEC Gaza charity appeal

The Jewish Chronicle has apologised to readers for carrying an advert promoting the Disasters Emergency Committee Gaza appeal.

And the weekly UK newspaper has promised to provide extra space in the next edition for readers who object to the advert and provide a free advert for pro-Israel charities.
i didn't think that charities could carry out political (in this case zionist) work.
The editor's comments are very enlightening:

"Both I as editor and the JC are entirely supportive of Operation Protective Edge, as our coverage has demonstrated. Almost alone in the British media the JC has stressed Israel’s right to defend herself and sought to explain why Israel was faced with no choice but to take action in Gaza.

"There is, clearly, a humanitarian cost to that action. But I do not accept the figures touted around much of the media about the level of civilian casualties – many are, I am sure, terrorists."
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