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Gaza under attack yet again.

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The Times refused to run this advert, but the Guardian will. Amazing.


The Times refuses to carry ad accusing Hamas of 'child sacrifice'

The Times is under attack for refusing to run an advert about the conflict in Gaza. The paper is accused of being part of a British media "infamously skewed against Israel."

The ad is a statement, written jointly by Elie Wiesel, the Nobel prize-winning author, and Shmuley Boteach, an outspoken American-born Orthodox rabbi.

It calls on President Obama and other political leaders across the world "to condemn Hamas's use of children as human shields", which amounts to "child sacrifice".

The advert has been carried in five US newspapers, including the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, which is published by News Corporation, the owner of The Times. The Guardian has agreed to run the advert on Monday....

oops I see it's already been posted, oh well
"The Guardian may be left wing but they obviously believe in free speech and allowing their readers to hear the voice of a Nobel laureate about a very important issue."

But the Guardian's acceptance of an advert does not mean, of course, that it endorses the views and claims made within it.

"Well they should vote for hamas because that way they're fighting back and retaining a modicum of self respect whilst getting slaughtered".

Oh fuck off with this. The current situation's been explained to you by several posters, including myself. Your quote above bears absolutely no relation to what's actually occurring. Please stop shitting all over the thread with it.
Note: jews/Israel. And not a word of who is doing the child murder. In elie's formulation it must be not only Israel but just jews generally.


The Guardian this morning has a piece reporting a rise in anti-semitic activity. It's full of assertions that these nasty attacks (most on property) are against Jews, not Israel or Zionists. But who is making these assertions? Are they Zionists of the stripe that seeks to elide the difference between Jews and Israel?

And what of the reports of soldiers of the Israeli army killing people not because they are Hamas, but because they are Palestinian (or indeed because they are Moslem)?

Trouble is, if I write a letter under my own name I'm never going to the region again...
Rather than view this from a military sense, look at it with the question "Which course of action is most likely to result in meaningful negotiations taking place?" in mind.

Very true, also some look upon this short term whereas the struggle has been and will be for decades to come. Hamas' strategy is long term and quite probably includes the worst possible scenario of the total loss of Gaza and the Occupied Territories with the fight continuing from an even more extreme form of exile than than the present.

The final objective remains the same.

The Guardian this morning has a piece reporting a rise in anti-semitic activity. It's full of assertions that these nasty attacks (most on property) are against Jews, not Israel or Zionists. But who is making these assertions? Are they Zionists of the stripe that seeks to elide the difference between Jews and Israel?

And what of the reports of soldiers of the Israeli army killing people not because they are Hamas, but because they are Palestinian (or indeed because they are Moslem)?

Trouble is, if I write a letter under my own name I'm never going to the region again...

York Way? It's a horrible traffic blighted road you won't be missing much.
York Way? It's a horrible traffic blighted road you won't be missing much.

Now I'm having visions of the York Way security check... "Your reason for visiting the canal? Who are you staying with? Do you have any plans to go on to the Limehouse Cut?" And so on ad infinitum ad nauseam...
Now I'm having visions of the York Way security check... "Your reason for visiting the canal? Who are you staying with? Do you have any plans to go on to the Limehouse Cut?" And so on ad infinitum ad nauseam...

Don't mention the Eruv. Can you imagine the outrage if...

(no need to type the rest)
What liberal bullshit:

Please don’t tell me what I should think about Israel
To a liberal American Jew in Britain, the Gaza crisis reveals some very unsavoury attitudes among those on the left

The left bashing seems a little convenient although not always without reason. However, even if we look at the CST's rather dubious methodology, there's no mention of the far-right:

"Of the 304 antisemitic incidents reported to CST during the first six months of 2014, 69, or23 per cent, showed evidence of political
motivation. Of these, 52 incidents showed evidence of far right motivation; 15 showed evidence of anti-Zionist motivation; and two
showed evidence of Islamist motivation. All incidents needed to show evidence of antisemitism alongside any political motivation in order to be
recorded by CST as an antisemitic incident."

http://www.thecst.org.uk/docs/Incidents Report Jan - June 2014.pdf
The whole Tricycle Theatre decision being motivated by anti-Semitism only muddies the water and Hadley does the same. Ill-conceived certainly, but it's not like Galloway telling Israelis they are not welcome in Bradford.
Holocaust survivors and their familes, resistance members against Elie Wiesel.

We are alarmed by the extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society, which has reached a fever-pitch. In Israel, politicians and pundits in The Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post have called openly for genocide of Palestinians and right-wing Israelis are adopting Neo-Nazi insignia.

Furthermore, we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history in these pages to promote blatant falsehoods used to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of nearly 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water.
What liberal bullshit:

Please don’t tell me what I should think about Israel
To a liberal American Jew in Britain, the Gaza crisis reveals some very unsavoury attitudes among those on the left

Did I miss much? I zoned out when the article veered into some guff about a film festival I doubt many give a fuck about, I skim read the rest and it appeared to be all about said film festival being hypocritical.
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